How come everyone forgets that a black guy shoots another black guy every 10 minutes or so and hundreds of people die...

How come everyone forgets that a black guy shoots another black guy every 10 minutes or so and hundreds of people die in Islamic attacks every month?

The reason a white guy losing his mind is news worthy is because it's rare, and because he tends to do a good job of it

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because guess who controls the media

>entire race guilty
Nobody says this except collectivists. They don't seem capable of conceptualizing that individualist don't subscribe to collective/group guilt for the acts of individuals.
>entire religion guilty
Possibly because that religion PROMOTES, CONDONES, and provides ample moral justification for those kinds of acts. But keep in mind this has to do with the DOCTRINE of the religion, it is not an argument implicating everyone that espouses that religion. Because again, that would be collective guilt.

>How (...)?


Because it's our own country. America is still majority christian and white

Well gee if every time before a shooting, stabbing, or crashing a uhaul through a crowd you hear "ALLAH AKBAR," then maybe there's a correlation.

Not for long

I like the term Jewish media

more like:
white shooter - blame gun
black shooter - blame white race
islamic shooter - nothing here to see, move on

Because a white person would have to be mentally disturbed to commit the soulless atrocities inferior races casually laugh at.

The white organism is so superior to you worthless worms you can't even wrap your mind around the clear difference and nuance of each situation, further proving you're simply an overgrown insect.

This. The jew cries out in pain as she strikes you

80 odd people died in a terrorist attack in Iraq last week. Not news

This dyke is such a meme that she actually forced fucking (((Politifact))) to acknowledge black violence

Muslim shooter - happens daily
Black shooter - happens daily
White shooter - happens once or twice a year

Because she is an insane low IQ retard. Don't even acknowledge anything she says, it's not relevant.

Muslim shooter = politically/religiously motivated by a book that endorses violence against infidels
>black shooter = someone wore the wrong color shoe laces on the wrong block
>white shooter = usually a democrat

Context matters, that intelectually dishonest cunt should have a look at the numbers and read the fucking quran. Traitors shall suffer the most.

Funny thing is, (((they))) push this narrative whenever there is a shooting:
>Muslim shooter = all whites are to blame, need more gun control
>Black shooter = Shooting? What shooting? Never forget Dylan Roof. Need more gun control.
>White shooter = all whites are to blame, need more gun control

>WHITE : reeeeeee?

Isn’t that a good thing?