>gun control isn't a slippery slope they said
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I love the fact that a shooting in another country with weapons australians can't even own means we need to tighten our gun laws.
This is the right-wing political party too.
I fucking hate this country some times.
Why not hate it all the time? Don't you dare half-ass this, Mister.
Gun control is just one of the many signs authoritarianism is slowly creeping up step by step in the uk. You can't make a nazi pug joke without the police knocking on your door and slapping on the cuffs and they even have an entire internet surveillance team at scotland yard to track down people saying "offensive" things. A guy was even told to take down a sign on his storefront that said don't fund terrorism because it supposedly was offensive to Muslims. It's truly fucking despicable what's going on there
see ameritards? this is what happens when you "compromise" your rights away
Thats so pathetic, someone farts on the other side of the world and you guys tremble.
Germany is much the same and getting worse as months go by. Merkel wants facebook to monitor what people say about the migrant flood. If you post anything against mass immigration they'll charge you in court with "incitement to racial violence". All the while Merkel keeps the flow coming with no end goal in sight except for the demographic collapse of native germans.
Europe needs to fight dammit. Not just "write your local representative" but actually push back. Start with large right wing protests and go from there. If EU goons want to play rough then take the hits, you'll get sympathy like the Catalonians did.
Please Europe, fight back.
They can't. They don't have any weapons and all their alpha males left for the USA the past 400 years. They are cucked beyond belief and are turning into Africa. Fuck em.
Let's not pretend America isn't looking at the same fate here.
Huh. Looks like the never let a crisis go to waste mentality is common to liberal totalitarians of all stripes and nationalities. You'd almost think there was a common agenda at work.
We know.
True, we're just like 20, 40 years maybe behind.
wait where are our alphas going, I want to join them
pro gun needs candidates and politicians that support the left wing positions on things like welfare, taxes, etc.
It is hard to support gun rights. when all the gun right supporters are either liberatarians, Australian liberals, or conservatards.
better an imperfect friend than an enemy.
America has black people to fight back. Believe it or not, when the muslims start encroaching on their christian neighborhoods, they won't have any problem telling them to fuck off.
The grave. they kill themselves off or are bred/trained out of existence by society. The expressed purpose of public school is to integrate children into the governments idea of society.
Australian laws are fucking comedy gold
Items that are or might be subject to control
Bladed weapons tomahawks; throwing axes; throwing blades; throwing knives; spikes; kirpan; sword sticks; sword canes; daggers; bagh nakh; balisong; billao; belawa; cinquedea; corvo; dirk; fairbairn-sykes knife; jambiya; kalis; katara; khanjar; khanjali; kris; pata; punyal; rondel dagger; sgian dubh; sica; ballistic knives; knives that discharge a projectile; flick knives; stiletto knives; automatic/assisted opening knives, umbrella swords; star knives; shuriken; sheath knives; push knives; push dagger; fist knife; t-handle knife; katara or suwaiya; trench knife; karambit; kerambit; butterfly swords; push spikes.
Firearms & related goods paintball guns; bb guns; soft air firearms; rifles; handguns; shotguns; muzzle loading firearms; replicas; imitation firearms; (could include toys); pistols; ammunition; parts; accessories; components.
star knives; shuriken; spiked kubotan; kusari fundo; ninja stars; chinese stars; nunchaku; three-sectional staff; triple staff; three-art staff; sansetsukon; sanjiegun; chain whip; knuckledusters.
crossbows; pistol crossbows; blowpipes; blowguns; blow darts; darts; shark darts.
pepper spray; mace; capsaicin; defender spray; riot control items.
laser pointers; laser pens; laser torches; large scale lasers such as the Arctic, Lunar, Krypton and Inferno.
Fucking opportunists.
Turnbull can't do squat. Gun laws are a state issue.
Why the fuck did Australians vote these shitheads into public office in the first place? Then keep on voting in more like them?
>Implying niggers wouldn't ally with the enemy of their enemy to kill yt
but /k/ doesn't realize America is heading in your direction
We didn't have a choice. We have to vote or get fines and there is literally only one or two politicians in government that actually support gun ownership and those politicians have literally no power.
It's not like Australians need gun anyways? Why are you so butthurt?
Socialist dictatorships everywhere.
I live in Australia and I still have a gun, fucking autists in other countries think we are literally gunless and that there must be no shootings or some shit.
This is a country where you couldn't make your own candle and soap, why should this be a news again?
Those UK laws were composed months before the Vegas shooting.
linking the two is utterly inaccurate.
(and the UK laws are being roundly mocked, as there has been exactly zero .50cal weapons down on record as having been used in crime in the UK in the last 100 years. )
Because surprisingly, Australians don't like guns.
You should totally go on a shooting rampage.....o wait
I thought the vocal minority on /k/ represented all of Australia?
This just in: different countries have different cultures, and democracy being a thing means that different countries will elect different sorts of politicians who do and believe in different things! Who would have thunk that different countries are different
>half the world away, some lunatic shoots a bunch of people with illegally-owned firearms that are not available for the civilian market
>let's ban knives
how the fuck is that going to help?
I honestly don't know wether to laugh, or cry at how completely out of touch with reality these people are.
>terrorists using automatic weapons
>ban automatic weapons, terrorists start using rifles
>ban rifles, terrorists start using pistols
>ban pistols, terrorists start using bows and arrows
>ban bows and arrows, terrorists start driving cars into people
that alone would be a pointless excercise, except is ACTUALLY looks like this:
>terrorists use machine guns, ban machine guns
>terrorists use machine guns, ban rifles
>terrorists use machine guns, ban pistols
>terrorists still se machine-fucking-guns, ban bows and arrows
What the actual FUCK, libtards? An outlaw won't be stopped by changing the law, it's part of the fucking definition. He can be stopped by men, and women ENFORCING the law - that's what the evil man with a gun/good man with a gun thing is all about.
It's been headed in the opposite direction for the past 20 years. Things have only improved for American gun ownership in recent history and firearm ownership is the best its been for decades. Fuck off fear mongerer.
>America can't get cancer because it already has AIDS
>that's what the evil man with a gun/good man with a gun thing is all about.
How did that work out for those concert goers again? I'm picking up a theme where a majority of mass shooters off themselves
it's almost like gun law has little to do with how often mass shootings occur and how they are executed
american gun people are retarded for taking the b8 of "IF GUNS WERE BANNED THIS NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED" and swinging to the equally retarded "THIS IS WHY EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE GUNS, SO THEY CAN RETURN FIRE" instead of the more reasonable "What if we didn't have crazy people willing to shoot stuff up in the first place, and had some kind of mental health system or maybe even just a pleasant enough place to live that niggas don't shoot the place up out of spite every ten minutes?"
>evil man with a gun/good man with a gun thing
Yeah people should have to live in constant fear of getting gunned down at literally any moment in the day, whether they're in public or in their own home, and there should be raging gun battles in the street going on constantly because the world is strictly made up of Good Guys and Bad Boyz
Keep crying bitchboi
> didn't have crazy people
> mental health system
> pleasant enough place to live
These are all preventative measures. They cost money for no direct, easily perceived effect, and you must do them in time of calm when no one gives a shit. Banning something leads to easy photo ops and you can do it right when emotions are highest.
You figure out how to convert our population into long game players who can invest in the former for greater rewards later, and I'll vote you into office.
lmfao so you cant even defend yourself with spears and sticks
Europe isn't the united kingdom of cucks.
Yes he can especially after PA.
Not anymore at least.
>it's almost like gun law has little to do with how often mass shootings occur and how they are executed
Remind me again the last time one occurred in Japan or Australia?
Dying government wants to seem like its doing something. Both of these were announced at the recent party conference and it doesn't help that both the Prime minister and the Home secretary have hardons for a nanny state with both expressing the need to ban encryption
>You figure out how to convert our population into long game players
ejumacashun that promotes discussion of systems and a correct end being the only useful thing to answer rather than rote memorization of tables and insistence on using only particular methods to solve problems. and not making history courses be graded on opinion, just a list of "this is what happened between forever ago and now" with assignments that are graded only on facts, not holding the correct opinion
not full on "end justifies means" but scrap this common core shit that marks you wrong for not using number lines and includes L I T E R A L propaganda in history and social studies courses, and just go back to normal-ass lists of dates
the difference is that japan is a very honor based society full of terribly insecure people who would rather either become shut-ins or kill themselves, and australia is happy and has little reason for people to go on mass shootings
america doesn't have shootings because theres guns in it, america has shootings because america is a god forsaken shithole where it is practically illegal to be happy unless you "Win" by being born into a rich family (and even then you're on camera and under the knife of damocles constantly)
I mean desu socialism is basically in that vein, but youre right electorates are always retarded
Praise jesus someone else on k who realizes that treating the symptom rather than the cause is fucking retarded, too bad hardly anyone in america will admit that it is a shithole
Multiple mass murders with other means since the ban idiot, mainly with fire.
How many mass murders in Switzerland?
Over how many years though?
6-7 around 10 years.
This is exactly why you should compromise your rights away. These people never end.
And how many? And how many died per incident?
What's the count at for those fire murders? 58 In under 10 minutes?
Europe will be majority sub Saharan African in two generations. You'll get your gun rights back then because all law will fail.
Do your own fucking research.
All of the arson attacks killed 10+
It was 57 over two hours retard. The Nice driver killed 86 in five minutes.
Hmmm 10+ But not 20+ over a decade? Hmm sounds like the laws are working... why are you so angry? All I asked was a question?
11 minutes. :)
How many mass shootings did you guys have before the blanket ban? So we can get a better picture of the laws effects.
It wasn't 20+ over a decade aside from Port Arthur which was an anamoly. It was around 6 dead on average before PA.
Nah. The whole incident was around an hour long.
Americans are retarded and I hope their gun rights get taken away just so they cry harder. I don't think yankee culture is fixable. May as well just enjoy the tears. :^)
>i-its okay for my country to have regular shootings by the criminally insane b-because there's literal terror groups elsewhere in the world!!
ok yankos
>no right to free speech, hate speech laws out the ass
>downright draconian gun laws
>need a license for fucking air rifles
>need a fucking license for paintball guns
>need a license for crossbows
>airsoft is banned
>LASER pointers over 1mw are banned (effectively banning the vast majority)
>fucking YO YO WATERBALLS are banned
>novelty toy-like lighters are banned
>smokeless tobacco is banned
>toys containing beads are banned
>need a helmet to ride a fucking bicycle
>plain packaging on cigarettes
>absurdly high taxation on alcohol and cigarettes
>e-cigarettes are banned
>many violent games and movies banned or censored even after the R18 was introduced
I dunno i dont live there
11 minutes of the shooting. Killing the guards is not part of this argument. In 11 minutes he managed to kill 55+ people. Prove me wrong :)
Eurocucks be jelly
It should be legal to carry knives and potentially kill with them in self defence
it's amazing how triggered yankees get over other countries' weapon laws.
It's fun watching /k/tards cry over a piece of plastic.
Don't worry m8 by the time guns are banned here you'll have banned plastic spoons. Enjoy your 1984 nanny state.
>it was 11 minutes
You are retarded. I lasted over an hour. If he kept killing other people even if they were guards it means the incident hasn't ended yet.
Your nanny state shithole has had way more massacres than Canada which has Somalian-tier gun laws compared to you nanny state retards.
>"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." -CS Lewis
Ausfailia is one of the biggest NANNY STATES IN THE WORLD.
>"h-heh at least w-we don't get shot" typed the increasingly nervous and embarassed australian man on his 1 kb/s internet as he remained locked up in a padded room forced to wear a helmet, with his body bubble wrapped under constant harm supervision by his government let he cut himself on a piece of paper
I haven't seen you post this in like a year or two, where the hell have you been? You used to post this like once a day.
In fact when you break it down truck attacks kill more per minute than mass shootings.
It's on Sup Forums all the time m8. Use the archive
>Australians can't even have ooga booga tier weapons
have you considered that not everyone who disagrees with you on guns is australian?
also have you considered that maybe australians like their country as it is
>Sup Forums
Should've figured, but I don't post there, it's too retarded even for me.
So please tell me what cucked country you're from.
Have you considered that people here like their freedom and don't want your massive nanny state?
>can't debunk a single thing that proves his country is an overwhelming toddler state
>cries about Sup Forums instead
absolute kek
We are approaching FULL AMERICAN TRIGGERED here people, the gish gallops have started and they are now insisting that everyone but them are australians
all over a piece of plastic about to get banned in they own cunt l m a o
You're adorable.
>still can't answer the question
>everybody but me is upset!
Orwellian state.
You never addressed my argument bitchboi
He killed 55+ people in 11 minutes. Also I live in NC you gun-nut get fucked. :)
Goddamn, can you be any more assblasted bruh
It's easy to poke shit when you're not the one on the receiving end of 1984
If I killed a home invader in defence of my home and family I would go to jail for manslaughter or worse. Criminals have more rights than innocents. I just want to live as a man.
What argument? The whole incident lasted around an hour. He could have easily gotten a truck, smashed through the shitty fence and gotten even more kills zig zagging through like in France.
mate, you have the right to defend yourself but no one has the right to use excessive force.
I fucking hate cowardly worms like you. If you invade a man's property in the dead of night, if you assault him, cross his property, you place your life in the hands of violent conflict. By what divine mechanism do you determine "excessive force"? You're not a man if you allow your property and livelihood to be stepped apon and taken from you without consequence, you're less than a dog.
Confirmed for scum.
This is retarded, you can make a knife easily.
as far as I'm aware the only time .50 cals have been used in crime in the british isles was at the hands of the IRA who obviously don't care about the law and likely smuggled their rifle into the country
i take "certain other rapid firing rifles" to mean lever release and MARS style rifles that have cropped up recently to get around the centerfire semi auto ban, which also have never been involved in crime
rifles make up 1% or around 40-70 incidents of crime each year, and there are already next to no serious injuries or fatalities from gun crime here
what a meme
typical australian cuck.
Not even true in bongland lad. Might take a trip over to Oz and bully Aussies in their own homes and watch them cower
>Implying that most retards could just "make a knife"
Look at the general population, I'd be surprised if most of them could make their bed.
Nannystate Anglos. Canada is the last bastion left
I really need to get around to getting my gun licence
>Last bastion
>If they kill you, you win