This is why we need feminism
This is why we need feminism
The cosmic horror she's talking about is the fact that she got cucked out of her precious attention within a week and never managed to regain it.
I like your movies, Nabwana.
Ghana produces much better shitty movies than Joseph Kony over here.
who is she talking about
I'm not sure if this board or this broad like to exaggerate their effect on the world more.
She is an integral part to the contribution of white supremacy. If she just didn't dump he bf, she could have saved 6 gorillion blacks from being lynched. For shame.
>I dumped a dude
She can't go 30 seconds without lying
Okay Nughamwa, who the fuck is she talking about?
Quick rundown?
The guy that dumped her for cheating with five guys and abusing him. He posted a rant about it on his twitter, or something and she was a laughingstock for about a week (she was kind of generally despised for some shit she pulled a few years beforehand) until various gaming news sites came out in defense of her (one of the guys she boinked was an editor, which is what people eventually zeroed in on).
>a new era of white supremacy
These retards think we live in a time of white supremacy let they are allowed to deride and villify white men nonstop ?
Literally who is this and what is she talking about?
>she made a shitty game
>slept with reviewers to get good reviews
>her boyfriend called her out
>gamergate happened
>gamergate redpilled a lot of people on how shit journalism is
>this eventually helped trump win the elections
This, and I say this as a white male.
Women now have equal opportunities, and do you know what? They're starting to out smart boys in school, look it up.
Meanwhile, the pathetic conservative HATES this as it diddles his fragile masculinity. Men are just jealous of women, and it just shows how they get all worried over her sexual experience. It intimidates men.
Meanwhile I live a laid back life
>Be me
>Canadian white male
>my doctor is Indian
>my nurse is Jamaican
>my boss is Spanish
>my car is German
>by favourite anime is Japanese
>my president is a typical dumb white American and republican male
>my shop clerk is Turkish
>my favourite food is Thai
>my favourite genre of music is Korean (kpop)
>my favourite coffee at Starbucks is Mexican
>my favourite beer is Cambodian
>my favourite politics is Russian (Marxism Leninism)
>my favourite tobacco is Cuban
>my favourite male pornhub star is Nigerian
>my favourite female pornhub star is Norwegian
>my avocado is Congolese
>my toast (bread) is French
>my favourite economic union is Belgian (EU)
>my wife is Colombian
>her son is half Muslim
>our adopted kids are Chinese
>my favourite language Danish
>my favourite clothing is Italian
>my favourite nation is Sweden
I have a diverse life with connections
And there's (You). You, being a backward and monoculture retard who faps over Mosley, Hitler, Mussolini, Drimpf, Cesar, Powell, and Farage, because you want these daddies to deport all non white people and opress your women. You're fucking sick, and you don't know what you're missing out on. You believe in backwards fascist conservatism, and you hate Muslims, women and LGBTQHTINS+ because they're happy, in the current year, and you live with backwards conservative and right wing ideals.
I'd hate to be a conservative fascist like you.
Yeah, she tried to gaslight him so she could keep him as a "boyfriend" while she screwed several other guys on the side. If only she hadn't been so greedy.
If calling out a cheating whore is white sumpremacy then we are all Grand Wizards
>a fucking leaf
Lol faggot
oh, didn't realize that was her
I have no fucking clue
>I’m not racist because I like foreign food
>I’m not fascist because I like goods made by slaves in Asia
What lefties actually believe
Oh, that fat dyke Zoe Quinn? lol is that ugly hambeast still trying to get attention for being a complete failure at life?
I've seen her naked. She's ugly, but a woman.
How the fuck can you have a half muslim son?
I just wanted to play video games. Now I'm here.
Bait ofc.
>Favorite """"""""""""music"""""""""""""""" is kpop
>Favorite political view is marxism
has the biggest clam spike i've ever seen
Your favourite taste of dick is Somalian.
>my favourite male pornhub star is Nigerian
>my avocado is Congolese
>my toast (bread) is French
My new favourite pasta is UN.
low quality bait. Almost took it until I read
>her son
This. 95% of Quinn's blogging was about stroking some weird abuse fetish and being furious that she was the only one trying to keep it from being about something bigger than one shovelware dev.
>half muslim
Because some delusional whore thinks everything is about her?
What she needs is a perspective-realigning smack, not feminism.
>wife's son
This is bait come on man
Typical western ego, only enjoys and accepts other cultures because of what they can provide for his lifestyle....
Also thinks his indulgence in other cultures gives him moral superiority that puts him on a pedestal above everyone.
Classic over privileged first world douche bag.
white people still exist = white supremacy
so desperate to convince himself this isn't just social conditioning and brainwashing bullshit he comes to Sup Forums every day of his life to make him feel like his horrible life choices and weakness are validated.
you aren't a white male, you are a piece of shit.
>my helicopter is from africa
>my phone was made in Jamaica
>my car was build in the KFC bathroom
>my clothes were created in a welfare line
>my doctor is a stick behind a shed
>my boss is garbage spread all over a field
>my Favorite dildo is fecal matter
>my favorite coffee is also made in KFC bathroom
>My favorite music is the screaming of local children as they are raped by refugees and I ignore it.
you sad racists have no idea how backwards you are, you don't even know how to LIVE. I have to keep coming here EVERY DAY several times to teach you all to live in the present day.
Thanks Zoe Quinn for turning that little affair into the modern day Archduke Ferdinand.
i still cant believe all of western media trashed all their readers/gaming devs trashed their customers than admitting that a beaten down cunt obviously fucked some dudes for positive press
Crazy, ain't it?
However, too many sacred cows...
So u know howdo waggle ur willy. and you now it causes willy pleasure. but did u know what if you stick your finger up your bum and wiggle it around u get bumbum pleasure instead?? combine it with the willy waggle for dubble trubble 0_o whOaAOAOAOaoAOoooo!!!!!!!!!!nows thats what i callsome relief eh esse..mmmhmmm.......stick me finger up my bum......pull it out....hehehehehit smells lilke ey kid,...smell me thinga eheheh smell me smellie fingers kid heheheheheh!!!!!!!!!.....
if u want advanced bumpleasure shove TWO or maybe THREE fingers up ur bum!!!! keep wagglin until ur entire body starts convulsin w/ PLEASURE!!!!!!!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 MYBUMANDMYWILLY THEYFEELLIKE ITS AN EARTHQUAKE IN ME BUM A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAAaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dress up in me sisters school unform. finga me bum and take pictures and post it on the internet!!!!!!!! i always ask me mummy and daddies permission to use the net first 0_o just because mummie and daddie dont wanna see u waggle doesnt mean u can be a freeloader breakin the house rules 8)
well until then.pippip cheerio me wankas!!!im off to finga me mates bums and put the picturegrabs on a website called ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! until then waggle it away maties!!!!!!
They will never admit feminism is wrong because it's part of their agenda.
>Quinn is interested in human enhancement, and has implanted an NTag216 chip in the back of her hand that can be programmed to perform various functions.
Any anons know what kind of 'functions' this NTag216 chip can perform?
they ought to just rename her zyklon quinn for all the good she ended up doing
It's Zoe Quinn, I believe. Someone who contributed to "gamergate" but the ball was already rolling well before she got invovled.
That's the real cosmic horror for her and she doesn't even realize or admit it. Imagine screwing up so badly that the butterfly effect that it causes ends up with Trump getting elected POTUS.
I liked that
It can do some interesting things but there is 0 point implanting it in your hand
>This is about me.
Roasties are really something else.
Nice psyop, noob.
The most you can do with something like this in your hand is an identity chip for access control or being connected to an account.
Will do
>Any anons know what kind of 'functions' this NTag216 chip can perform?
Make you visible from space.
solid bait 7/10 made me reply
I don't get it.
White supremacy is the idea that placing white ideology and morality in other cultures is wrong. (Even cultures embedded within white western society itself).
White supremacy' is in short racism against whites. It is the inversion of the white mans burden. It is the invasion and destruction of their societies. It is subversion. White supremacy is the destruction of whiteness by the utilization of their own virtuous nature.
>White supremacy is white genocide.
She already was before the implant.
Imagine being such a self-absorbed cunt that you think you're solely responsible for the rise of right wing politics.
Not terrorism, or black gang culture, or political collusion and media manipulation. Just you. You're saggy loose vagina is the reason that right wing politics is on the rise.
that is a total misuse of the concept of 'cosmic horror'. i'm madder about that than literally anything else she has ever done
not bad, but you know what i'm saying.
why should i listen to you critique americans? fuck off.
>lulz lovecraft cthlulu is totally my baby did i read any of his other stories? um maybe a couple but check out this chibi cthlulu shirt i have i'm so nerdy i love to read!
nerd girls should be gassed
It's pretty funny if you think about it.
>This slut fucked 5 guys to move up in the fucking gaming industry of all things.
>Sup Forums sparked a whole movement to prevent nepotism and favoritism in the industry.
>Sup Forums joined in and hijacked it into an anti-SJW movement which then created a boom of anti-SJW online personalities.
>It redpilled a lot of people mainly the younger generation of how journalistic websites communicate with each other to simultaneously paint a narrative
>It made Sup Forums gain a lot of new people for better or worse in quality it still made Sup Forums more powerful
These events sowed the seeds of a Trump presidency.
>how can I make everything about me?
Typical female. Also she just wants attention to push her book. Dont fall for the bait.
She's fatter than JonTron
>this many "notice me senpai"s in a single post
lmfao, she's not wrong.
Payback's a bitch, ain't it?
Told ya so.
You left out the drugging and raping of a dude who was then attacked by beta game reviewers
Last time I checked Usher was black.
Holy fuck, that is the most try hard casual Ive ever seen. Look at all that entry level shit.
is this Zoey quin? that's how she sees herself?
>This, and I say this as a white male.
God its like 2007 Hot Topic turned into a person
>Ugandan gamergater
when will the timeline get off this wild ride
here, check this: Zoe/Chelsea's mom gave her a shit review, then backpedalled and lied about it. The revisionist lying bitch apple doesn't fall far from the revisionist lying bitch tree
>Be me
>I'm a nigger
>I have more rights than you
>Your own race will execute you if I say you offended me
>Don't pay taxes because you and your ilk do it on my behalf
>Get welfare out the ass and live like a kangz just like my ancestors did
>Can fuck any white woman I want and degrade them
>I get tight white pussy and they get to virtue signal how tolerant they are
I may still a nigger but you're a cuck.
>Women now have equal opportunities, and do you know what? They're starting to out smart boys in school, look it up
Fucked up thing is people believe this shit. After womens lib our entire culture has been destroyed with both men and women losing their places. That Jordan Peterson interview released recently covers parts of this.
Most men are failing because their learning needs are being ignored while female learning style is easy as fuck to manage. Yet when these girls go to uni and do well, throwing all their effort into finding a job, ignoring themselves to get ahead, probably fucking a few guys here and there. They realise that they're hitting 30 soon and have gotten doughy have developed unreasonable expectations and fucked over so many men in the process because "muh equality".
White people are starting to get shitted off especially poor ones in my country because they're forced to deal with multiculturalism. While their first experiences with "Racism" are them being called racist just for being white.
You left out her repeated threats of suicide to coerce him to stay with her, a tactic recognized as legit emotional domestic abuse by every group that works against it.
It's all on display in the chatlogs.
Why do lefties love kpop?
When a house is filled with gas, it is not the spark from the wiring that is the cause of the explosion, its the fucking gas leak.
This stupid bitch still doesn't comprehend how insignificant she is.
Jew kikery in our media was always a ticking timebomb with an unregulated internet.
They let their guard down with their worthless kids running gaming media. If we don't finish them off this time, (((history))) will repeat.
Some literal who girl thinking she's important
She was prolly thinking of a cosmic joke, but this is more frightening
>She was prolly thinking of a cosmic joke, but this is more frightening
I posted that one cthulu quote a few days ago, and now CIA is posting this as a personal psyop against me.
They aren't very imaginative.
Implying white supremacy ever ended
Hi Zoe. What’s up? Looking to try and kick some hornets nest because your book flopped? The weekly bait from this hag is so obvious
Zoe Quinn
Hi zoe
this is why we need white pride, conservatism, Christianity, rule of law, police, etc.
Why are her headphones connected to nothing?