BREAKING: United States lost 33,000 jobs in September, the first time jobs have been lost since 2010.
BREAKING: United States lost 33,000 jobs in September, the first time jobs have been lost since 2010
please leave
Man! I'd sure be worried if we didn't have two catastrophic hurricanes roll through or something!
Oh FFS, we had several fucking NATURAL DISASTERS!
Fuck off, retard!
Don't worry, minimum salary of 15$/h will solve it.
Hurricanes boost the economy.
Hurricanes boost the economy.
Hurricanes boost the economy.
not short-term retard
nice going drumpf
Short term retard. A million cars need replacing in Texas alone, clearing and rebuilding started immediately. Businesses are overwhelmed with demand.
>this thread again
> It's just the Cia is packing it's bags and moving overseas
Not in *the* month of the disaster, you dumb fucking fuck pirate flag piece of shit. They're still recovering.
You're fucking dumb dude.
Wtf I hate natural disasters now
>Hurricanes boost the economy.
>Hurricanes are diversity and diversity is strength!
Why can't we just nuke these retards and their prison colony?
Yeah he shouldn't have caused those hurricanes.
against a gain of 80k
take your fake news elsewhere memeflag
> They're still recovering.
What does that mean, you slow imbecile? Jobs, jobs, jobs. Building industry is completely overwhelmed and struggling to find people. Replacing damaged or flooded cars, refurnishing like crazy that businesses can't cope, buying literally everything from clothes to electronics at 10000x faster pace than normal.
Hurricanes boost the economy.
Hurricanes boost the economy.
Is that you Obama leaf?
I sincerely hope you’re not this dumb and are just pretending to be retarded
Please jump off a cliff roo fucker
No, it means that people can't afford to hire others and can't afford to replace anything yet because they're still desperately trying to figure out a way to pay for their damaged homes. There's not an unlimited money supply here.
Repeat it until you believe it.
It was her turn it was her turn it was her turn itwas her turn itwasher turn itwasherturnitwasherturn.
over the long term when factoring in construction and related support jobs, and the affection region recovers employment lost from the storm. Short-term the employment drops.
Houston and south Florida don't suddenly turn into Somalia.
Not everyone is a burger flipper like you that can't borrow anymore. And even most of those also get aid and insurance money.
You're a moron.
>get aid
There's your problem right there. They will *get* aid. They haven't *gotten* aid.
Replacing all your shit is a lot more expensive than you're giving it credit for, dude. Whatever, I'm out.
>hurricanes destroy hundreds of local businesses
>lol stupid drumpfkins hurricanes boost economies drumpf btfo
I know common sense in lost on liberals but come on
or wjatever the fat man said yesterday
That's the kind of cia that got you into this mess
>all in the month of September, while hurricanes are still hitting.
I hope you are being intentionally retarded
It's expensive for the affected people, that's why it's called a disaster.
What those expenses create though is a ton of jobs.
> flee rats flee
> find another ship to sink
Fuck you Drumphf, not my president. The codes, the ice cream etc.
Broken window fallacy
ah, I see we have a le broken window enthusiast ehre
>Dow down 11
literally nothing
How does it feel to be fired upon by your own government america?
Wow, it's almost like we haven't had a major natural disaster hit our country in a while.
Did Drumpf create the hurricanes to boost the economy? Who told him to do it?
>hurricanes hurt our economy not our president
>our president doesn't make hurricanes
>climate change predicts increase in frequency of extreme weather by shifting the average of normal distributions
>trump denies climate change is even real
A lot of those jobs had to have been Puerto Rican.
>puerto ricans
>having jobs
Hurricanes boost the economy.
Hurricanes boost the economy.
The fact that the country lost jobs is a reflection on Drumpf's presidency.
It seems by "I will be the greatest jobs president god ever created" Drumpf meant he would destroy jobs Obama created
Hurricanes boost the economy
They scramble to make excuses for an impotent, obese, insecure clown.
so since all the jobs created since trump took office were obama's doing, is this also obama's fault, or did obama's influence stop at the end of august?
They do not.
Broken window fallacy.
Furthermore, since PR doesn't have electricity for at least 6 months, at least half the island is out of work.
You can't employ the whole island with the task of getting the grid working.
So what do you get? Over 1,000,000 unemployed Puerto Ricans, many inbound for migration to the US looking for work.
The influence of the previous president is widely regarded as lasting for around 8 months. So yes, the end of august is correct.
thanks for clearing this up for me
Hi cunt, read , , .
That will be all.
>what are 3 major hurricanes retard
>muh broken window fallacy xD
You are wrong. Get the fuck out of here, child.
Trump is so Chad he even makes eye contact with the sun while the rest of us betas look down.
>Hurricanes boost the economy
Thanks Obama
>there are """""people""""" on this site who unironically don't understand the broken window fallacy
And people say we haven't gotten worse
Good job not addressing any of my points and then using an ad hominem attack.
That surely proves you right!
Hurricanes boost the economy because they stimulate demand.
Basic economics.
Now GTFO of here
natural disasters. Employment numbers will skyrocket when reconstruction begins.
Restoring Puerto Rico is also gonna boost job growth. They're gonna need fucktons of materials to remake a damn and build a brand new power grid. Docks are probably extremely busy.
Mexican here.
Our Economy is busted every time
Lol stimulate demand so people use all their spare cash from their high paying jobs, which don't exist.
>still pushing broken window fallacy this long after getting btfo
>Oh FFS, we had several fucking NATURAL DISASTERS!
>damaged or flooded cars, refurnishing like crazy that businesses can't cope, buying literally everything from clothes to electronics at 10000x faster pace than normal.
yeah man it's free money just buy all of your stuff again lol
insurance claims are instant too
>hehe u got btfo because i said so xDDDddd
Not instantly
Now that's a special kind of autism
but u guys don't seem to get it, YET!
Go back and reread my example with PR and the power grid.
Hurricanes work similarly to automation. Automation destroys old jobs and creates new job, sometimes n_old < n_new, sometimes it's the opposite.
In the case of PR, demand to get the electic grid back up skyrocketed, but killed all the jobs that required electricity. Plus you can't employ an island with the sole task of fixing electricity.
In otherwords, n_old > n_new after the hurricane, and the hurricane creates unemployment.
>United States lost 33,000 jobs in September, the first time jobs have been lost since 2010.
So, we've been gaining jobs for the past 8 months, since Trump took office?
>The hurricanes' impact was most evident in payrolls for bars and restaurants, which lost 105,000 jobs after adding an average 24,000 a month over the past year as the storms kept both employees and customers from venturing out.
by liberal logic this almost makes sense.
>government cash infusion pays for itself 100x over
Well this Sunday we just had 58 positions open up
And gained 133,000