Students protest exams, depend to take home the test, and then accuse the professor of being privileged and a white supremacist. Also yells at other students.
Why are the universities allowing this behavior?
Students protest exams, depend to take home the test, and then accuse the professor of being privileged and a white supremacist. Also yells at other students.
Why are the universities allowing this behavior?
demand to take home the test*
Pff u mad cuz u not educated like them. They can tell you all about how easy white males have it, and put that 200,000 to use! . Go back to the farm u nazi fascist!
Plz pay for their education tho, cuz it should be free.
why does the students voice sound so gay
Reaping the whirlwind
When was Berzerkely not a pinko nest? The 50s?
Fuck em, this is the shit they created now they lay in it
Why does all this stuff come from Berkley?
Gays are brainwashed into having that voice.
when will whites realize that reason and logic and debate doesn't matter? it's just about them vs you. they just hate you.
whine about "muh tribalism" and tell people how you're above it all you want, but it's not going to stop THEM from hating YOU based on the color of your skin.
bump so more people can see this.
It's marxist central
Because they were infiltrated by Soviets way back in the thirties, and ((they)) have no interest in digging them out.
>this fat
12 hours she probably spend on eating, 6 hours in social media.
Tell me burger how. I never saw this fat student.
She's "food insecure" you fucking bigot
Apparently that means you don't know when your next meal will come, so you go to the dining hall and eat 30 lbs per seating
Saul Alinsky did a lot of his community organizing in California's central coast and wrote his books there.
I think most white people are going to wait as long as they can unfortunately. I think they find them easy to ignore because they are like spoiled entitled teenagers that don't know what they are doing.
berkanon here
its simple really, the counter culture movement that started in the 60s essentially led to runaway degeneracy in alll facets of the culture here. its really fucking terrible if I didn't own a home and get 4k/month for 1/3 of the floors id totally leave. but spreading roofing nails around the roads near campus throughout the month is fun too tho
this is fucking stupid on 5 or 6 levels
Berkeley is Hopeless.
And to think it was the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
They no longer have the power. The power belongs to the students.
You used to tell an uppity dumb student to shut up and listen, now they will shout YOU down and have you harassed and fired.
We are in big, big trouble today. We are on the verge of a major calamity. Society is broken and there doesn't seem to be any mechanism to repair it.
You used to wait and things would eventually settle, but White people may not survive the coming turmoil at all.
Her arguments are invalidated by her blatant appropriation of the culture of the strong female African American (angry black woman).
She needs to
People like this should be gassed. As a college student that has to deal with shit on a weekly basis, I can tell you these people want nothing but trouble and don't deserve the air they breathe.
This is the destruction of liberal colleges.
Allow them to continue.
Free speech was bullshit. They only believe in 'Free-speech' when it was advantageous to them.
Now they have the power and free speech is no longer an asset... there is ZERO principle among these people. It's purely a grab for power.
user, i...
Exactly. They bitch and complain about freedom of speech but as soon as they hear something they don't like they chimp out and start yelling. Fuck these people. Thank god they are slowly ruining liberal arts unis though.
This is fucking unacceptable
This piece of shit people shouldn't make it to the University in the first place
I've been watching it 2 times now and it's fucking hilarious.
Imagine a white person telling a latino or black student to shut the fuck up and you already take so much space.
For the love of everything, America.
Whats so hard about saying sit the fuck down and take your test or leave my fucking classroom?
What does she say at 9:09 before he burst with '' DON'T TELL ME THAT''?
>The power belongs to the students. You used to tell an uppity dumb student to shut up and listen, now they will shout YOU down and have you harassed and fired.
Yep. I saw this handwriting on the wall YEARS ago and got out of higher education. When little darlings didn't get the grade they wanted, they cried to mommy and daddy, who would attack the deans or even the university president. I actually had to allow students who had flunked a required class walk in the commencement ceremony, even though they weren't graduating, because of their tender feelings. I had to get out of that shit. And I am so glad I did. Today it wouldn't be a phone call from the university president with a palpable eyeball in his/her voice. Today the darlings would be shaming me on social networking, spreading slander, and going after my job when I would say, "You did not meet degree requirements and are not eligible to walk in commencement."
t. former university degree auditor
Oh, how I wished for that fat grill in the black shirt to notice the camera. I would have done anything to have seen her reaction. Her head would have bobbed right off her neck!
"is this a filibuster?"
>What's especially sad here is a classmate is going to see this video, do the math on what desk this was being filmed from, and send a mob with torches and pitchforks after this student.
Michelle reads doctor suess
>so brace! WTG encouraging child literacy!
Melania read doctor suess
>Fucking racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It seriously fucks with me. Like I get it, signaling to find partners. But we invented grinder. You can GPS each other. Stop with the forced accent.
lmao these stupid spics didn't study and are using sjw idpol nonsense to dodge taking their exam.
Thank God the engineering is still God tier
I like it, more of these "teachers" need to get burned hard for allowing this college to turn into this. When you let these pieces of shit run you they will run you to death and still spit on your tombstone, there is no appeasing them save to give into their every demand and die on their beck and call.
How shit and ruled are you to buckle and cave under mean words.
That's a chance the recording is old and the shitskins don't have photographic memory.
typical murican "education" system.
muricans even believe that watching youtube documentaries make them an expert on a certain field. fucking pathetic bozos
This meme actually makes the sheeboon look better than she does in real life
You can tell the girl in the middle is trying to cover up her big belly with her hands.
Maybe someone should tell her that she has a big bubble butt that jiggles with every step she takes
Realistically the more this happens the better.
These traditional leftist nut case institutes will destroy their prestige.
Berkeley is supposedly an elite institution and the best and brightest will not view it the same. Nor will employers... and think of how diluted their potential professor pool will become.
This is what happens when the patients run the asylum.
Dreamers everyone and their free college.
non SJW majors are elite still
They are pretty terrible at arguing their case.
I think American colleges need more security to stop this shit from happening.
The students involved in something like his would be escorted off campus by security if they pulled this in my classroom.
pls respond
Idk lol we need to nuke this school soon
i just got out of cal and never saw shit like this. what's the context for this? what department is this? i don't recognize the professor.
What do you think that smells like?
Imagine how embarrassing it must be to go to Berkeley?
What a fucking joke.
What was your major user?
Preferable to being canadian
An unfortunate blackpill is that even a lot of the "good" non-whites have a terrible inferiority complex and are ruthlessly tribalistic.
Take South Koreans, for example. Their economy is built on exports to the US, and their country has been defended by the United States for decades now. But the way they treat our troops here and the way they are always trying to disparage our government and people is truly disgusting.
>in b4 irrelevant comments about Jews and niggers
That's beside the point, South Korea is basically a jumped-up Saudi Arabia, and yet they treat the idea of giving America even a tiny bit of credit as some kind of disgusting self-abasement. It's just wrong, and rooted in their inferiority complex and baseless resentment.
It's fine. Just make sure they kiss your dick before you protect them from rocket man.
Maybe you should take a hint, get out of their country and stop meddling in their business.
Is this really situation in US universities? I thought ours were multiculti cucked by liberal positivism. My red pill was when I went to study to Russia and Czech Republic. Quality of teaching is much more higher and demanding. Without liberal brainwashing.
Please don't send them back.
Ah, but there's the rub. They don't want us out... they want to keep us here, but at the same time consider it a sort of national "shame."
The thinking is, "America wants to have bases here for geopolitical reasons, so we might as well insult and degrade them to preserve as much of our national dignity as possible."
This is a deplorable point of view to take, of course. The noble thing to do if you really think the US presence here is a national shame would be to cut ties and then deal with North Korea independently.
But of course, they don't have the confidence or will to do that.
>baseless resentment
You're retarded. America and Russia playing tug-of-war over Korea for the last half a century has been more destructive for Korea than Japan ever was. There is plenty to be resented for.
This is what liberals like this MArxist professor will never understand... when these spics look at you, they see a white person and they hate you. Your light skin is a constant reminder of their failure as a primitive race.
what makes you think its an inferiority complex
pretty sure they just genuinely think whites are trash
NOT EVEN. hahahahaha
Shitskins running your fucking campus. Antifa shutting down free speech. Your tax dollars funding it all.
Inside commiefornia.
The most Hilary voters in all the WORLD
Holy fuck how tragic.
because they get 70,000 dollars each year from these fucks
>4:44 guy walking in
>the fuck is all this?
Do you think South Korea would be in the OECD without the US forces here, and without the United States having provided South Korea with preferential, largely non-reciprocal access to US markets for decades?
>pretty sure they just genuinely think whites are trash
If they genuinely believe so, then the consistent thing to do would be to break the alliance and deal with the consequences like potentially being attacked and invaded by North Korea, no?
how can she slap?
>study mechanical engineering at Berkeley (3rd in world)
>get BS
>get MS
>6 years out grossing $135k
Get rekt leaf... How's the engineering market up there?
You're an international bully. Of course they don't want to cut ties with you and join the whatever new """"axis of evil"""" of countries that oppose you. They know that you aren't ""protecting"" them out of good will but simply need them for your geopolitical goals and projecting influence and they don't have to be happy about that.
I thought the same
Well, if they aren't happy, they know what the alternative is.
>If they genuinely believe so, then the consistent thing to do would be to break the alliance and deal with the consequences like potentially being attacked and invaded by North Korea, no?
im sure the normal people would be all for that
the SK elites on the other hand would rather keep the status quo and likely get tons of perks and advantages from the western world that the proles get no benefit from
you mean how us handled basically every other western nations? that "preferential, largely non-reciprocal access" was true for all nato, anzac, jap, sk. grow up faggot
not if theyre getting their degrees from progrssive institutions
>hangs up his entire well-being on how much money he makes
>talks shit about kikes
Is that based off a real photograph or just something pol made up?
Colleges need to start expelling these nigger faggots
also need to understand the decades of communist infiltration in the sk education system. now, you being english teacher, prolly are around liberal faggots, thus the selection bias
see replies
>grossing $135k
My wife makes that and she didn't finish high school
My GF is South Korean AF and does not suffer from these symptoms. If anything I get the impression that she is submissive in many ways because she sees me as superior.
The point is that on the whole, South Korea has benefited greatly from its relationship with the United States. As far as I can tell, there is no real basis for South Koreans to have the sort of resentment towards our country that they do.
Accusations of "arrogance" and "heavy-handedness" seem rather baseless. They have their own government. They make their own laws. Our forces have a rather light presence in their country, and it's a small price to pay for stable markets and a developed economy (and if they don't want them there, they know what to do).
It seems to me that resentment towards the United States rather reflects a sort of bitterness over the fact that South Korea is unable to become a truly sovereign country in every respect (even though South Korea is hardly alone in its position of being partially reliant on another country for its defence, there is a tendency to see this as some sort of unique humiliation when it isn't).
What school do you study in, if I may ask? I've studied in two different universities, other for bachelor and the other in masters studies and I've never seen anything remotely like this.
Art schools are a whole different thing though
I'm a hiring manager, I spent extra time scrutinizing someone I hired from Berkeley, that school is a red flag.
>be american
>pay an arm and a leg to afford university
>intentionally sabotage and undermine your own education
>get booted without a degree in political feelings and $50,000 debt
>pay it off working at mcdonalds for the next decade
see sk popular culture, barring conservative christians and some in southeast, they are brainwashed af, just like burgers in clinton~obongo era.
>get high school diploma
>study IT Security on my own
>buy a few books
>get a few certifications
>get ITSEC job for state govt
>grossing $134k annually (without OT)
How's that debt working out for you, cuck?
that's kinda my feelings on it, unless you got some scholarship and decided to piss away 4 years being, what, an activist at a college campus? Why not just go straight to some organization?
Tests be racist and sheeeeit you cracka muthafuckas!
talk about how 150 white british anglos successfully defended a mission station against 4000 primal niggers
alex soros