UK to sentence people 15 years to jail for viewing terrorist videos online
orwellian state
so jail most of america in 9/11
By "terrorist videos" they mean white nationalism, I assume.
>no britsharia response
Even though our goverment is supposed to be right-wing, they're pretty much leftists, so yes
15 years no parole. Lock him up boys.
The absolute state of the UK.
Difference between UK and Americuntland is we actually lock up terrorists. Burgerfucks let them shoot up concerts.
> United cukdom
No yours just bomb concerts, run over people or throw acid.
Dont you just love how "could" and "up to" turns into
>ha bongland gonna get 15 years for dis shit
Whenever the dumbass yanks get hold of it.
I view extremist material, know what im gonna get? Zero years
But you just cant stop you fucktards going hurrdydurrp i guess
also 'far right' materail (ex. Sup Forums)
When are we having the Bong send off thread?
>Upload webm supporting terrorism to my Sup Forums post
>Change the first few frames to whatever triggers britbongs most
>Hundreds of britbongs in jail while I am sitting here laughing
A shame about the pedophile rings, britcuck
>Muslim invaders can literally teach "kill the infidel" in mosques
>no arrests made
>pudgy teen Bongistani watches Murdoch Murdoch episode
>sent to prison to be shanked to death by Jamal
But those videos contribute to rekt threads on /gif/.
1984 state
>I view extremist material
>admission of guilt
>in bongland
explain yourself
>Change the first few frames to whatever triggers britbongs most
toothpaste tv ad
punish people who stumble across them but not the people making them so you can claim to be combatting terrorism but really you're so weak and ineffective the best you can do is bully law abiding citizens to make it look like you're useful.
Fuck the united kingdom, they're losers.
"""right-wing""" in Europe is universally center-left. Actual right-wing parties are constantly being slandered as nazi by jewish and authoritarian propaganda organizations.
I watched Libya fall on you tube
I watched Egypt fall on you tube
I watched Syria fight off western financed terrorist, even driving western trucks.
Maybe they want to scare us so where not informed
Look at it this way. If my dick was as long as the exceptions list i'd be tripping over it all day long
>1984 was an instruction manual
get a life bin that video
>the Orwellian Caliphate
Dont forget we have to arrest every single 14 year old for being in posession of bomb making material
Oh and most of the cops and lawyers for being in contact with child sex material.
And all the chefs for possessing knives...
>fuck it, were jus gonna have to lock everybody up
>(and finally england was a peaceful country)
The thought police
UK has been cucked beyond any repair
Hopefully supreme general trump decides to invade Europe
This is your brain on the nanny state.
It makes you complacent and content with it eventually. Just let the givernment ban everything to keep me safe.
A very dangerous type of thinking which is why the US, Switzerland and the Czech Republic should not give up their guns no matter what.
Some German intelligence retard went on tv yesterday and said that he would like to get a hold of people's IP addresses when they watch videos of ISIS beheadings and such. We're getting there too
And by white nationalism they mean regular nationalism, I assume.
Your teeth are alot worse than ours.
Nah, we let ours drive trucks.