How do we purge American culture out of Europe?

How do we purge American culture out of Europe?

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You can't with the Jews around.

Kill yourself first. That will help.

go back to wearing animal fur high as fuck on mushrooms prancing around some rocks in a field?

Kys euro cuck. Maybe Islam will make you EUROPEANs more of a man

Make us stop being so good at making it

>American culture

that's oxymoron

What is this?

typical germanigger behaviour

>Black Friday spreading to other countries
We do not deserve forgiveness for this sin.

Some american culture is good. Like the ''working culture'' but most is shit cancer and degenerate.

>working culture

>"Working Culture"

You mean Calvinist Protestantism?

Kill Jews. Do it.

>black friday
people skip work to buy stupid shit
small kids knock on your door all october demanding candy
christmas calenders have 25 days instead of 24
>valentines day
instagram hoes post the ring their ghetto trash man gave them all over social media

working culture? you mean not getting any paid days off? lol

>Mfw we infested Europistan with our Judeo-capitalism


>'working culture'
good goy

>>Black Friday
I think that was just the ps4 launch

Import more "refugees."


That nigga with the big ears in the lower left looks like those enemies from Bioshock Infinite. Really the whole picture gives off a vibe similar to the game.


No thanks CIA


It's working for the Catalanes.

It's started in the UK now.
Nihilistic consumerism.

You know I'm taking you with me.

No it's in the UK.
Look it up.

You don't .. you take the best of it and reject the worst. No culture can stagnate.. it has to evolve. For all its faults you can't deny the power of American Culture and its ideals.

>(((American))) culture

Good luck purging your cancer if you can't even name it and aren't even allowed to own a fucking potato peeler.

Dude 1 time I stood in line for the doors to open with like 30 other people and I felt terrible during and after
Felt like opening the door for cattle to feed
Never again

I dont know but its one of the worst things. I cant stand it. Anytime i hear some scandinavian talking english like an american i want to throw up. Even here in the uk we have begun substituting our own colloquialisms with american terms. Really annoys me. Globalism i guess

Dude how about one time you pay your fucking debts

Bring in more muslims

I don't remember getting any loans :/

When you figure it out let us know.


this is the only legitimate answer

At least its not islam, and our cultures are compatible. Stop being a baby and realize who is on your side, and maybe get over this Americahate meme, youve got your own retards in bongland who want socialism like Corbin, as far as Im concerned the U.K has a greater majority of its own cancer to deal with.