Be honest Sup Forums, do you really want a war?

Be honest Sup Forums, do you really want a war?

Yeah and If there isn't one after all this "calm before the storm" talk I'm starting one myself

I want a war, and then I want Trump to force all the liberals to get drafted to make up for all the good men that died in WW2


good one op

Yes, we need to purge the weak, and war is the best method.

Most Sup Forumsacks wouldn’t even pass the basic physical requirements to get in so what do they care

The cardinal fish says: Cod is dead.

Hell yes! After the apocalypse we might actually have a chance at being free.

They’d still prolly take them

purge 50 % of them and 40 % of the women

2D waifus aren't rl. I will never be "free"...

People who want war has never been in a warzone

Sup Forumsacks would be used as human shield

Yes. I have medical conditions that keep me from serving and I live in a very rural part of America so I'm maximum comfy

I agree. A good culling is sorely needed

this. push them into cattle cars and ship them to NK

Having majored in History? No.

So I get a gun and grenades? Where is the nearest mosque again sergeant? What do you mean rejected for military service? Awwwww.

haha try again

So do we get to kill dune coons or gooks this time?


I'm hoping iran pulls some shit so we can do both

Yeah, a war would be fun and I'll draft Dodge anyway