What do you guys think of more gun control? Should American citizens be armed with less firepower than the average cop?
Cops on duty are restricted to handguns, shotguns and revolvers while citizens can own any firearm that can shoot armor piercing full battle rifle rounds upwards to .50 BMGs.
Do you think more gun control will increase life expectancy of police officers? (currently at 66 years old 10 years lower than the national average)
Any cops or LEOs on Sup Forums?
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Some cops have fully automatic M4s in their cruisers.
ignore the retards talking in the background
wtf? i love and respect authoritarian opinions now
Cops have AR15s in their cars
They carry standard size (20 round) magazines
They wear body armor and have backup
Dont talk about takingg away civilian rights when cops are already way above that
30 rounds is standard for a rifle
Many glocks can hold 15-20 rounds easily or 33 extended
You can fire a semi auto as fast as an auto
>Probably Illegally
Pic related
Only some cops are allowed to brings ARs in their patrol vehicles. Most are still limited to 9mm shooters and buckshots.
Also their body armor is LVL2, only protects them from handgun and revolver rounds not 5.56 and above, the reason why so many cops died during Dallas.
>Cop explains everything calmly without yelling STOP RESISTING and killing them
White privilege as fuck
Would sorry officer here's my license, how else can i help you?/10
>So many
It was 5 you retard
They sign up to carry weapons and get shot at, not waste tax dollars and have too much firepower.
If the enemy has a rifle, they can call for SWAT
>5 isnt many
how many cops have to die before your dumbfuck sister fucking mass murdering ass say yes to gun control
I'm in LE. I wouldn't give up my firearms, and I wouldn't expect any other law abiding citizen to give up theirs either. If I were given a directive to do so, I'd refuse, and so would most in my profession. Good luck trying to get underpaid and overworked people to not only take away people's ability to defend themselves, but to take away a very valuable part of someone's property.
I remember this video
Absolutely brutal
Rusty Vietnam era infantry training plus an M1 carbine vs current LEO training and handgun
He honestly should have killed that guy 10 times before it got to the point where he was the one that actually got killed. That's why they teach cops not to hesitate to use deadly force
>Youre trying to get me to legally give up my rights
Nigga he aint making you give up shit, hes just asking for information and you are free to deny him that info
There's always an answer to superior firepower, whether it's tactics, numbers or superior firepower of your own. We used 9mm, switched to si g 40's, 12 gauge and m16a2. The issue is, you don't want to escalate a situation, walking up to John Smith in the street carrying an arsenal is going to send the wrong message. Some situations you'll be forced to react to, like being attacked, but the majority of anons are just going about their business. While on the job I was restricted in weaponry and tools, I can own the same stuff everyone else can, I just couldn't bring it to work. Also, I don't believe gun rights should ever be infringed upon if you're a law abiding citizen.
>t. former federal Leo
>How many cops should die to stop mass shooters?
As many as are willing to put themselves before the people they have power over
If they arent willing to die for the people they have power over, then they dont deserve power memeflag faggot
>Cop lives are more important than citizens
Slippery slope there leaf
Why dont we give them all drones circling their cars hooked up to their cruiser GPS?
LEs are the ones that not only have but legally able to protect the people during shootouts or mass shootings. If any citizens interfere they could've been mistaken as the enemy or cause collateral damage.
Fuck yeah, I hope you're armed to the teeth
What? It isn't uncommon for cops in my area to carry AR15/M16 weapons in their vehicles.
Heck. A local department has an M113 APC.
Im a cop. Used to be super pro 2a. Working as a cop slowly changes that. Alot of retards have guns.
Id like a retard test before people are allowed to have guns, but other than that should be able to have what ever guns you want.
On duty im limited to POS vietnam era M16 with an M4 stock on it. 2 mags total. 12ga 870s and 40 cal pistols. Thin level 2 vests.
Wish i could have a personal AR with trijicon 1-4x and level 4 plate carrier with extra mags and med kit for shtf calls. Chief is a retard and wont allow good equipment.
20 round magazines aren't that uncommon.
They were the most used in Vietnam.
They fit in coat pokcets better than the 30 rounders.
cops actually die trying to protect your sorry ass
>all of them meme
LE here. To us it really doesn't matter. We are trained to react to most situations.If we are in a situation that we are unable to handle with that level of training or force we call someone else in to handle it.
Also most cops don't get killed in the line of duty. Most die from unhealthy lifestyles or suicide. Having more or less gun control would not matter.
Can confirm.
My neighbor is a cop and he let me shoot his AR
Have you ever worn body armour?
Wearing heavy armour is uncomfortable.
Most cops are going to want armour that can stop common pistol rounds and knives.
Such as a Level IIA or Level II vest.
>Virtually all respondents (95 percent) say that a federal ban on manufacture and sale of ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds would not reduce violent crime.
> The majority of respondents — 71 percent — say a federal ban on the manufacture and sale of some semi-automatics would have no effect on reducing violent crime. However, more than 20 percent say any ban would actually have a negative effect on reducing violent crime. Just over 7 percent took the opposite stance, saying they believe a ban would have a moderate to significant effect.
> More than 28 percent of officers say having more permissive concealed carry policies for civilians would help most in preventing large scale shootings in public, followed by more aggressive institutionalization for mentally ill persons (about 19 percent) and more armed guards/paid security personnel (about 15 percent).
> The overwhelming majority (almost 90 percent) of officers believe that casualties would be decreased if armed citizens were present at the onset of an active-shooter incident.
They cant. Both liberals and trump supporters oppose the militarization of the police.
I support military stlye everyday dress uniforms for the police.
The old 'Nam Vet totally out maneuvers the LEO and hip fires the shit out of him.
>Wish i could have a personal AR with trijicon 1-4x and level 4 plate carrier with extra mags and med kit for shtf calls
That's borderline militarization. I guess you have a good reason for that since anyone except the cops can get Barret m82s.