Would you live in Eastern Europe if you had the chance?

Would you live in Eastern Europe if you had the chance?

Eastern Europe is on the uptrend while western is in free fall. We havent hit the point let but it's coming.

If I worked from home on a First World salary.

Not compromising my living standards for the sake of not having to look at a few blacks every day.

You can really only go up when you hit the bottom. If you think the east will be better than west anytime soon, you're wrong

>tfw that little island among degenerates

You will be next small Slovakia

Czech Republic seems nice

not really Eastern European

I live in a wealthy area of paris, 98% white, of course there is a lot of gay but i don't care, i have a good salary, i have a lot of things to do like going to good restaurants, bars, museums, theater, etc. There is a lot of facilities too. Sometimes i can see some eastern guy working here, frankly they walk and behave like nogs, they are half the time drunk and seem very primitive. So no, i wouldn't live in a grey based country full of people like that with a shitty salary and nothing to do.

Also northern Ireland has no same sex or civil partnerships. One last bastion in the western end. Apart from the religious terrorism of Christian on Christian bombs

Would move to Poland or Czech Republic if I knew the language desu, could just work part time and live cheap with saved up money

Probably, I don't give a shit about money so long as I meet the basic necessities.
I would care much more being surrounded by good-looking, sane, non-self-hating all white people all the time.


Boomer or cosmopolite fag spotted


Même pas.


The language barrier is huge though.

Cyrillic alphabet in the south, Latin alphabet in the north is good for me but then they don't use vowels. Once knew a Polish guy whose last name was something like Pyrzschhmic or something.

I don't have to, they've all moved here.

The West will be back. It has survived the Fall of Rome, the Dark Ages, the plague, WW1 & WW2. Once it comes to its sense, every thing will be set to rights. Even if we don't live to see it, if it so happens that it takes a century or two.

Banquier d'affaire?
Cadre sup dans une grande entreprise?

Je ne vois pas comment on peut être content d'habiter à Paris, moins j'y fous les pieds, mieux je me porte. Même dans les beaux quartiers, ils ont mis des nègres

This map doesn't point out the difference in countries where a ssm/civil union is recognised, but not offered by that state (Greece, Cyprus, etc.)

Do you unironically believe that?


It survived all of those things when it was all white.
We're dealing with something now with a lower quality of people to fight back.

Spain, Portugal and Malta were LITERALLY occupied by Muslims for centuries, m8.

Swings and roundabouts.

Yes, because I'm not a demoralized little degenerate pussy.


So? weak whites are gonna be gone and the rest will not act like bunch of defeatist faggot's.

Exactly. People remember history selectively. It's happened before, and we kicked em out. Even if it took us a while.

Eastern Europe is shit and no one but americans that have never been there pretends otherwise. And dont give me the hurr durr saving the white race shtick they are the whore house of europe

>Comparing the lowest scum of the society of these countries to A LITERAL RICH NEIGHBOURHOOD IN PARIS. >I'm so superior to the Easterners. You surely inherited your wealth, didn't you?

kek that shit won't be 98% for long

>It's another "alt-right retard blames all Western world problems on faggots" episode
off yourself my man

I can work from home, so yeah
Not sure why I haven't moved yet

Faggots have always been around and will always be around, but you don't think their normalization has contributed at least somewhat to our current predicament?

yes, please Slovakbros let me live in your country
I promise I wont tell the other burgers what it is or where to find it

normalization of faggotry is a sign of a failing civilization

you cucks aren't allowed to say retard

Ben ça dépend des quartiers, biensûr tout le nord de paris est pourri, je ne nie pas, on va dire que 60% de la ville est ravagée. Mais par exemple, je ne vais quasiment jamais dans ce genre de coin, je reste dans mon quartier ou dans les quartiers voisins et je ne vais jamais dans les zones touristiques où il y a tous les roumains et les negros. Je ne prends pas le rer ni le métro, juste le bus parfois. Dans le 5e où j'habite il y a des bâtiments du Moyen-Âge, et beaucoup de vestiges romains donc rien que de t'y promener reste sympa. Il y a des hlm par exemple il y en a un autour du jardin des plantes mais dedans il n'y a que des blancs, sans doute des gens pistonnés ou que sais-je.
Aussi les écoles sont de bon niveau autour d'ici, il y a beaucoup d'infrastructures comme des piscines, etc.c'est pour ça que j'ai choisi ce quartier, pour mes enfants.
Et le dimanche les églises font sonner leurs cloches. Tout n'est pas si pourri dans cette ville.

Why would you want to move here? are you suicidal?

Yeah, but in a civilized country. Like Ukraine.

No, they will be bullied into progressive agenda by 2020, because they have no sovereignty or independent economy.

It is my favorite place on the earth after Italia.

If I do not marry an Italian woman, I consider marrying a Russian one.

Slovakia is a literal shit hole. I've been to their capital city and I kid you not, it smells like shit there. Everywhere you go. First time in my life when I've seen something like that. Whole city smelling like a pile of crap. Go to Czech Republic.

yes, they are relatively shit in terms of living standard compared to the west. But if you you aren't autistic, i'd assume you would have already goen to school, gottena decent degree that will be able to get you a pretty nice job that will let you live very comfortably in eastern europe. That is, if we're talking about hungary, czech, poland etc. And ignore, bosnia, romania, bulgaria, etc

The one true problem is the Islamic and nigger menace. I don't mind faggots as long as they are aware of this danger. Not all gays are race cucked.

No never, here the niggers are easily visible by the color of their skin.

>be american
>get genitally mutilated
>get shot
I don't believe you

no such thing

Well then go see for yourself

Ah ok le 5e... C'est le seul quartier où je me sens bien à Paris.

Mais bon vu le paquet de fric que ça coûte d'y habiter... Faut faire l'esclave

does civil partnerships means that they can adopt children? This is what people here mostly care about when it comes to fag marriage,

do you think it's because of the gypsies? they're genetic cousins of the street-shitters after all

>Not sure why I haven't moved yet
Because Erna

Pick one poole
Where the fuck have you been when it smells like shit everywhere?
You are gonna have hard time here, but American"s are pretty liked here, I just don't understand why would you want to move here.

I'm not advocating a door to door purge of gays, but societal acceptance of homosexuality is linked to acceptance of Islam and niggers no?

the same people screaming for fags to teach 5 year olds how anal sex works are usually the same people screaming black lives matter (lol) and #NotAllMuslims.

I moved her from Australia to escape from the insanity of the western world.

Married with a kid and one on the way, sold my house back home and im doing fine.

>northern ireland

I've been to fucking Bratislava. A taxi driver wanted to rob me on the bus station. Whole city stinking like shit. My wife wanted to study medicine there but when she came for an interview, everybody was drunk at 9 fucking A.M. In a fucking medical school. She said one professor wasn't even wearing any shoes. She said fuck it and we left the god damned city.

that's possible. I've seen gypsies shitting in public fountains in Oslo.

Slovenia is the key. Pretty based and not as poor as East Europe.

I might actually have a chance in a place like that


Well that sound's more believable


So you can be head of mouse, instead of tail of lion in another place.


Actually on my recent trip to Poland (south eastern) things are looking much better. Compared to how it was just 6 years ago, huge improvement

Yeah I can be head of mouse in Prague. The most beautiful Easter European city I've seen.

Not Eastern European poolak.

Parts of it would probably be ok. The weather would be mild compared to Canada, outside of deep in Russia, but the language barrier would be the toughest thing in all honesty. Only certain areas would be tolerable as well, The Baltics, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia are the only places I would consider living at this point. Things are getting worse here but not enough to contemplate moving across the globe.

UE gibs doing miracles

Slovenia is in deep recession since the crisis, same with Czech Republic be cause they rely too much on exports. Poland is already as rich as them and develops faster with a better home market.

I would try to move to Hungary, but I don't know if I could even though my grandparents lived in Austria Hungary

just a reminder that Slavs are not white + it's like sooo bad here, so just don't come here, okay?
also we're full

You like all those millitary personel on your streets? You like 120 killed in Paris? Terrorist attack good resteurants, museums and bars - or are you slave conteined in your home afraid of going out?

>grandparents lived in Austria Hungary
How fucking old are you dude and where exactly did they live
Janko, I bet you really want american's here and their gibs, don't lie to me

Yeah sure, i just move across the gulf. My Ugric brothers are sure to welcome me.

Living on an average FW salary here is like being upper-middle class in Nippon.

Finland has become so cucked. Shame.

>Giving a shit about some Pooland diaspora who's can only afford to travel to third world country

Yeah i don't mind military in the streets, i don't mind police too. I don't feel threatened in my area but i don't feel safe if i'm in the north of paris, so i just go there by necessity.

Neither is Poland.

b-but muh heritage, please let me back in, america is so fucked bros

There is a civil union you retard

No? Running away when things start getting somewhat bad is literal nigger mentality

Why do retards like to comment?

Isn't Sup Forums libertarian? Why do you want the state to control whom people can marry? So what if a couple of fags want to get married? Fuckin leave em to it


Yes! Jo jestem chłopym z Mazowsza!

I do.

Northern Ireland

>Isn't Sup Forums libertarian?

>Slovenia is in deep recession since the crisis

Italy is going to fall long before we will. I just hope the african menace will be contained within Italy as well.


It needs to stop.

I have the opportunity and I wouldn't.

compared to Venezuela tier inflation we were in 90s its better far better the only problem i would say its demographics eastern europe has the same as the west has

no adoption is separate even if they can marry or at least i think

>The weather would be mild compared to Canada, outside of deep in Russia

Wrong. Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver are warm in comparison to Eastern Europe.

>Would you live in Eastern Europe if you had the chance?
No one wants to live there. Even Central Europe is economically shit, compared to the West.