Would you support an European army?
Why/Why not?
Would you support an European army?
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this tbqh
We don't need another army to bomb 3rd world shitholes and flood what is left of Europe with more refugees.
>giving unelected, self-interested psychopaths with a long track record of abusing power, more power
>wise courses of action
No. EU is led by retards. Fix structural problems, before we give the EU more power.
Also wouldn't support anything under the authority of the EU desu.
>he wants our boys to die fighting for Germany's strategic goals
how about you krauts go fuck yourselves?
We have the same strategic goals, brother
Only if it was fash to restore law and order and to clear the border
But the army most likely will be there just to EUSSR us all and I don't really want that.
will that EU army liberate EU territory that's currently being occupied by the turks?
you better keep the euroshekels flowing south, or else we defect to China
Do you unironically believe chinese care more about you than Germans?
>Supporting an army, that has the objective to put down any resistance and uprising against the federal EU
>Supporting an army that will eventually take away your country's independence
EU army is already in construction.
i'm against it because it will be used against the native population to force them to take more niggers and muslim pigs,also to destroy everyone that wants to leave.
Would you be ok with it if EU army isn't allowed to be used inside EU?
they care about the same, not at all
honestly I'd rather have China as a distant hegemon to being Germany's direct slave
No, because I don't want men from my country be sent to fight other countries' wars if not as mercenaries/volunteers
There is a European tradition: Once in a hundred years, get together and gets BTFO by Russia.
Time to remove faggots
So that I get to be protected by german and french money&blood
No. I want Finland to stay as an independent country.
We would be fighting for the common interest of the single market
We care about you because you are fellow Europeans. Meanwhile, Chinese don't even care about their own people
>greece being literally a whore to anyone promising money is a good thing
Fuck off globalist, if it was not for the fucking Swedes Finland would be in the east not in your west fucking goldstein
I think the best would be a fascist confederation and a creation of a legal mechanism to unificate all the armies of the confederation if one big menace (like in the past would be Islam, the soviet union or the ottoman empire, and in this time China for example)
facism is not exactly popular in modern day europe
>fellow Europeans
you're the most arrogant cunts on the planet and the scourge of Europe, fuck off
>tfw still buttmad about that lost colonial empire
But now Russia is finally an european colony. So if there will be a war it will be a war against USA for our Euro masters.
because i am not loyal to the european flag. Neither is the EU loyal to me.
t. diaspora
Who's going to finance it? We are already in NATO. If the interests of it collide with those of NATO then I'm strongly against it.
yeah, here in geneva you guys are worse than niggers, even according to the police
>Who's going to finance it?
Member states.
>Member states.
Why? They are already in NATO. What is it offering that NATO doesn't?
>Member states.
aka Germany and Germany alone all the while being verbally abused by every other parasites and their mum.
Plus, if you don't realize that the "right-wing" political groups are controlled opposition... I'm sorry for you.
Nato is merely a defensive alliance, not an unified military
if it was led by adolf hitler? sure.
merkel? not so much no
Are you faggots planing a offensive against someone?
If there was a new country, which involved the UK, Germany, France, Netherlands and Belgium then i'd join.
It would literally be an economic and military powerhouse.
Firm NO.
European Army is not the army for sovereign country. Joining European army is giving away the major part of sovereignty.
Although all Europeans are a familynof nations they each have their own national goals that differ from each other not to mention I do not support the EU which is non European.
No, it is used against dissenters.
Well, we have to keep our neighbourhood stable, the refugees-crisis has shown us the drawback of having failed states next to EU border
>defensive alliance
What is wrong with defensive alliance?
A European army simply solidifies the control base that the EU has over the states within it.
Nations military budgets will be used instead to fund the larger EU armed forces, rather than individual nations with individual armed forces.
Its the same measure that a single currency places in terms of control.
They are used to force nations into reliance and compliance.
Estonia never was and never will be a sovereign country
Europe has nato, no need to get a patriotic braibwashing machine.
Why not?
>Romanian Generals commanding French troops and Italian Navy
Holy KEK no thanks
>the British Army who have sworn an oath to protect Her Maj taking orders from Poles and Croatians
no thanks
The EU will be a super power by 2050.
Screencap this.
If not now, wouldn't United States of Europe happen 100-200 years from now anywas?
The generals will obviously be from the most powerful countries in the EU (France and Germany).
I am strongly pro-NATO. EU army is plain wrong.
>we have to keep our neighbourhood stable
Already done by NATO. For the refugees you do not need a unified military.
No, and anyone who would join it if it were to be created deserves to get a bullet in the back of his skull.
Not with the EUSSR.
because Estonia is unable to defend itself against its neighbours, particularly Russia
It doesn't help in non-defensive opretaions
That's not true is it. We all know how tiny little shitholes start autistically screeching if they aren't given disproportionate power
see: Wallonia
Libya isn't exactly stable
Belgium is like the Israel of Europe.
>non-defensive opretaions
Who are you planing to attack exactly?
Okay, I guess we'll take our troops in Estonia back
Just like history, Germany is attempting to take over Europe.
As they have been cucked so many times, this time they will try without using physical violence.
Libya is in Africa.
For example, if an islamists uprising happens in North Africa, I would like to send EU army on peace keeping mission.
Or if European ships are threatend by pirates, EU navy should take care of that threat
Seems that we need our nuclear weapons then. Kek.
Btw, last time we lost independence it was because Molotov-Ribbenrop pact. Note-Ribbentrop was german.
Our bigger problem is currently Germany fucking with our sovereignty.
Europe does not need free movement, Europe does not neee unelected officials, Europe does not need the EU for peace and cooperation that is done by a free sovreign hosts of European nation free from the authoritarian molding of Europe by a few, permanent European alliance of non aggression peace and prosperity I support.
You lost your independance because you weren't able to defend it. And it's not like Germany is a fully soveregin country, we have to rely on USA.
If we want to have our faith in our own hands, we have to stick together
>It doesn't help in non-defensive opretaions
See, this is a problem - you want to go offensive with this army. Somebody must cage you.
No, not unless the states coordinated outside the EU, and worked directly together.
Fuck the EU, and fuck that pic.
>You lost your independence because you weren't able to defend it.
Nope, we lost our independence because revanschist Germany started to ruin Europe.
Islamist uprising already happend in Libya and you faggots were supplying them with weapons.
Don't blame us for that, it was France and USA
Germany didn't ruin Estonia, you were annexed by Soviets
>our faith in our own hands
Who will call the shots?
In this permanent European alliance of peace and cooperation I see Russia in it.
Islam is the one true path anyway.
I fucking love the EU, so why not.
Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
[In addition to stipulations of non-aggression, the treaty included a secret protocol that divided territories of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, and Romania, into German and Soviet "spheres of influence", anticipating "territorial and political rearrangements" of these countries.]
You are to blame, Germany. You.
>Don't even pay the fair share of NATO
>Try to lure other EU countries to build a new joint force
>Most of them are not paying the fair share to NATO as well
Good luck, EU army.
It will be nuked.
Couldn't be more wrong. Are you saying that God is so weak it is limited to Islam only?
Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?
>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.
A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.
Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like
1. Europe has no common culture to defend
2. An army with Germany in it? No thanks ese.
3. Sovereignty goes a long way, something you as a German wouldn't understand.
4. DILLIGAF about Spain, France, Italy, Germany?
5. Legislation in some EU countries is already FUBAR, you think I'd want an army to uphold these fascist laws?
6. Who will do your part, Hans? Your new mudlime populace?
7. KYS
Not if it is under the command of any EU body.
We're definitely not going to arm the out of control, undemocratic and tyrannical cancer, are we
The next wars in Europe will be religious and racial civil wars. And I'm not sure which side the EU will be on.
Nah, we're good with our own
8 years ago an EU army was the most insane "fearmongering propaganda lies" anti-EU people were accused of.
Each country will have influence, proportional to their contributions
Germany and Estonia were not allied. Germany was under no obligation to ensure Estonias independance
>giving globalists a literal army
Surely nothing will go wrong.
They will be the new US servants of Jews with the same patriotism brainwashing the same faces the same words.
Like say 78 years ago? Face it Hans, germany is the root of all fucking problems in Europe. Mass murders, wars, rape. Frau Merkel is at it again and you voted for her. We can never have nice things in Europe as long as Germany exists. it's been that way for centuries.