(((mods))) moved our last /SIG/ thread
We won't be stopped, SIG belongs on Pol
How are you improving yourself?
Our official /SIG/ discord with 250 people: kku3jcr
Discord: kku3jcr
(((mods))) moved our last /SIG/ thread
We won't be stopped, SIG belongs on Pol
How are you improving yourself?
Our official /SIG/ discord with 250 people: kku3jcr
Discord: kku3jcr
Other urls found in this thread:
>not ascribing to the ubermensch nihilism of nietzsche instead
my delts are probably bigger than yours, faggot
SIG is back!!!!
>be degenerate
>smokes pot and drinks all day with some drugs in between
>meet hot girl that gives me the time of day.
iv wasted so much time but im done with that, for 6 days iv been forcing myself to deal with the discomfort of mild alcohol withdrawal, wake up at 7am, push myself hard, crunches, pushups, free weights and taking the dog for runs. its only been 6 days but i feel fucking jacked and im not stopping. ask yourself how many hrs of your life have you spent wasted doing nothing? stop degenerating
Last /SIG/ thread You can see kike (((mods))) activity for yourself
What dog, mate? Good to see you are on the right path. The alcohol withdrawals will get easier
(((mods))) are not enough to stop Self Improvement... bump
Fuck these jewgoole captchas
Fuck mook
Fuck this while place
Good to see threads like this here, this is the right direction.
How do you guys stick with lifting weights?
I stick with it for a few days then I quite for a few more.
Also stopped day time drinking and going to stop smoking cigarettes.
>Learn and built an AR-15 from scratch
>Started a body building diet and program. Went from benching 110lbs to 175lbs.
>Am now more financially stable with an ever increasing 401K
>Drink nothing but water except for my cheat day when I have 1 soda and an alcoholic beverage
>girlfriend takes notice of my gains and masculinity increase. Now have sex everyday.
/sig/ has changed my life. And still more to come
Gas the mods! Gas the mods! Gas the mods! Gas the mods! Gas the mods! Gas the mods! Gas the mods! Gas the mods! Gas the mods! Gas the mods! Gas the mods! Gas the mods!
dont even think about it as body mass definition or buildingthink only about the testosterone boosts you will get
its way easier for me to lift than to go on long cardio workouts, mainly because cardio HIT drains me and the lifting makes me extremely elert afterwards
situps and crunches can fuck up your back. do hanging leg raises
For me meditation help a lot and for other people too from what I saw in some reddit thread
Best server for self improvement, thanks goys
If you are smoking weed more than once a month, you are lying to your self about how it affects you. Better yet just stop smoking weed.
/SIG/ I'm drinking before noon. Not a normal thing but wtf.
I dont care about muscles I just want to be strong.
Remember to do your daily arm workouts, anons!
And be sure to eat a healthy serving of protein after so your muscles can properly recover!
Pic related is my post workout meal, 2 cans of Starkist tuna with 2 whole wheat sandwich thins, and some Mio water.
Im relatively resourceful and intelligent but I haven't worked in some time. Turning 23 this year and still in school but almost done finally
so not a total neet, I have a girlfriend and I'm not fat but definitely not in shape so I should probably start doing something. Light cardio at least. Other thing is I smoke weed too often, almost daily. It's hard to stop I feel like my day becomes so slow when I'm sober and I get irritated so easily
This, with weed, it's best to go cold turkey.
I know this is cheesy as hell but I have a loving wife whom I want to protect, that thought alone plus some heavy metal really keeps me in the groove.
>quit smoking weed and tobacco last November -almost a year now
>Don't drink
>Healthy diet
>Got a nice reading list that really activates the almonds
Still depressed, what fucking gives?
you need a woman and purposeful work.
You got a gf or someone you're crushing on? When I went through a depressing episode my wife helped me through it 100%.
Reported, this is /fit/
stop eating tuna faggot, eat sardines. No mercury
Doing Economics at uni, met an exchange student in Janurary, she went back home in July tho.
Can you put them on a sandwich?
idk what amazon is trying to tell me here
How to get over gym anxiety?
I work out at home.
Realize that everyone else there likely has the same problem, or are too focused on their own sets to care what someone out of the corner of their eye is doing.
book of five rings is nice desu
read it and try to get an edition that has the art of war in it too
Just have to go for a few weeks and you get used to it, make sure you spend 1-2 hours there a session. Its called habituation.
isn't book of five rings fiction?
do phraktured.net
buy dumbbell, put comfortable weights on and try to increase reps every other day
when it becomes easier, try adding more weight and maybe get something like a skipping rope
for me the insecurity came from not knowing how my body actually felt when working out properly.
the mobility helped out initially and you don't need to buy anything
Nobody gives a fuck about you as long as you don't act like an idiot. That applies to places other than the gym too.
heil /SIG/
How long should you wait before hitting the gym after eating?
I'm taking baby steps. My new diet is working great & have lost at least 13 lbs in the last 3 weeks. Also deleted my Kikebook finally, never going back.
Took major steps in becoming self-employed, seems too be working out great so far & I hope to be making close to 6 figures within a year. Dating a cute little EE camwhore which I know sounds degenerate to you all but actually she is quite modest & conservative & neither of us are christcucks anyway so doesn't matter. Plan to wife her up in the next few years.
I dunno, that's about all for now. The hardest thing about SI is changing my brain from "immediate results or loss of interest" to "real results from patient daily dedication".
While I'm not an ethnostatist or WN at all, these SIG threads are helping me just by reading & seeing you guys improve. SIG threads are community approved because they actually instill a sense of community & manhood among many of us & for that reason SIG is invaluable to me & it does deserve to be on pol because self improvement is a political act.
Shout outs to the OP for their dedication here.
force yourself , don't be coward, its not big deal after all
it depend of what you eat
Whatever you do is still going to help the white race user, whether you want to or not.
Just don't complain when the rice demands its price.
I just had my dinner, so quite an amount of food.
stop calling you girl a whore
and keep the good job
This is a good post for those trying to quit pornography and masturbation.
I would say about 1 to 2 hours after
Gay, we all going to die anyways what does it matter.
Nihilists begone
This seem to be a good thing
Anyhow i'm afraid about the lack of autism are you sure it belongs to Sup Forums
Death, death is coming for you, every minute, every hour, every day its coming.
>Went from benching 110lbs to 175lbs.
My dyslexic ass read
>Went from 110lbs to 175lbs [by] benching.
And imagined you with 65lbs of pec.
Thats all I'm not contributing.
I'm okay with it user, I know. I can step outside into a car crash and that will be the end of me. I'm a bit bummed that this is a possibility but it's not like there's much to do about it. On the contrary. Every day spent doing nothing of value is wasted, if life is so short and unpredictable.
The fact that death is coming makes it all so much more valuable.
This You don't need to talk to or make eye contact with anyone, if you don't want to, and it will be considered normal.
Life comes faster and will always be there, why try and stop evolution, both of the self and of the species?
Daily reminder to read classic literature.
Additionally, I encourage you all to quit using mass-produced entertainment, including Hollywood movies, shitty tv shows, and even video games. The Jew has his slimy kike tendrils deeply entrenched in these forms of media. By consuming the Jew's entertainment product, you are directly supporting the corruption of our culture.
As history repeats itself, so too have the solutions to our current problems been thoroughly documented by the great men of our past; the answers you seek are already written.
>Additionally, I encourage you all to quit using mass-produced entertainment, including Hollywood movies, shitty tv shows, and even video games.
You forgot the most damning thing of them all, pornography.
Indeed, you're right.
Can I ask why you guys idolize Hitler so much if you're not a Leftist?
Probably because he was the only one who ever did something against the jews.
And why do we hate Jews? Because they actually achieve? You realize that's the same exact mentality blacks have towards whites, right?
I don't care about the jews but I know most people on this board think they are our evil, scheming overlords.
You do not need to read the Nazi/Jew related book on that list, if you don't find it of interest. I won't try to convince you of their importance, that will be up to you to decide. And to be fair, there are a lot of valid criticisms of Hitler and his ideology to the point that he probably should be shunned if you believe it. But, what is most important, is that you find classic works that appeal to you, and try to understand the message that the authors were trying to tell us from decades ago. Hundreds of years, or even a millennia may pass, the wisdom and warnings still rings true to this day.
Christianity is bluepilled and degenerate, stop worshipping kike gods before it's too late
Suuuure it is. What do you advocate?
Inspirational figure.
But that's how minorities feel about whites. And as whites, we look at them and think "just get a job and you'll succeed." And they shake their heads and scream racism.
The real danger to the world is socialism. I can't get behind another mass execution of hundreds of millions of people, which is what all socialists eventually end up doing, including Hitler.
There are thousands more inspirational than he was. I'm not saying he didn't do good things, just wondering why specifically Hitler. Seems like babby's first hero. Edgelord-tier.
What do you do all day? The same shit you did before, just not high?
Quite literally anything that is not Abrahamic. Including various forms of paganism, pantheism, deism and even agnosticism.
Let's be real, the only good parts of that kike cult Christianity is what they copy pasted from European and middle eastern paganism anyway
i'm a moron - where is /sig/ where's the dischord? what other imageboard should i be on?
He went from nothing to gaining the mass support of a nation.
Public speaking abilities, rhetorical technique are unrivaled.
>Failed ideologies and non-religions
Yeah, no. Won't work. Sorry.
>Let's be real, the only good parts of that kike cult Christianity is what they copy pasted from European and middle eastern paganism anyway
Imagine being this ignorant of religion in a country with free (to the person), higher education.
What about John D. Rockefeller who went from being dirt poor and raised by a single mother to being the wealthiest person to ever exist in human history before or since? Have you read about him?
Burger detected.
I know everything there is to know about Christianity and I have a major in history, go ahead and embarass yourself by defending a kike cult all you want
Is Marutei Tsurunen mentioned?
> Tsurunen served as a representative of the Democrats in the House of Lords of Japan in 2002-2013 as her first Western-born member.
It's a hell of a hell of a thing when you think about how dubious Japanese are foreigners. Sure Finland is a kind of exception, the older population knows and values Mannerheim and the Finns.
Apparently, he is a conservative politician and so do you like it
>Burger detected
You detected wrong.
>I have a major in history,
Feminist herstory, perhaps.
But either way, you clearly don't understand society, human nature, or religion very well.
> I know everything there is to know about Christianity
Unless you are currently a christian, no you don't.
Not all knowledge is born out of pure ratio.
I've been doing strong lift 5X5 for a year. It was one of the best things that happened to me until about a month ago. I have a lot of tendon inflammation in my shoulders and am debating stopping entirely for 2 months (the length a deep tissue masseuse recommended) or lowering weight and powering through. I want to try bulking this winter, and the two month rest might be the best way to go.
Fucking bummer though. Feeling discouraged.
practice Memento Mori, realize Metanoia, live in timeless eternity
"Are we content? I am the god who created this farce." - Nietzsche Turin 1889
Stop completely and rest. You'll continue hurting your tendon if you don't let the inflammation calm down. My father had to have his tendons cut and reattached due to continuous untreated tendinites throughout his life and one failed, so he lost a lot of mobility on top of being in pain all the time. Don't mess with rest and healing.
I hear you. At the same time, despite all their obvious flawed ideology, the Nazis were the only ones to militarily resist the manufactured dissolution of their entire way of life. Hitler is just a symbol of what we wanna be like, not what we wanna be.
As far as your anti-war stance, I understand the sentiment but in the real world that shit doesn't wash. Struggle, combat, death, defeat, triumph are all characteristics of human psychology. There is no such thing as a peaceful utopia. As a species, we are defined by trauma. The wisest among us direct that energy toward being better today than what we were yesterday. It's evolution. Those who can't mentally or physically come to terms with that are unfit to procreate & their bloodlines will perish.
Maybe that doesn't mean anything to an over-socialized, anti-family millenial NEET - but it still means something to us who embrace our humanity - the ugly as well as the beautiful.
As far as Hitler goes, he was smart & persuasive & anti-commie & that's why people idolize him. But you're right when you say babby's first hero. The truth is inside of every man & the people who engage in any kind of hero-worship or cult of personality stuff just haven't figured it out yet. I admire Hitler but he was a murderous Leftist with a drug addiction & too many weird pseudo-beliefs for me to ever take seriously beyond Mein Kampf. Also he killed Americans so fuck 'em.
Gnostic Christianity is the Right Stuff
>Advertising a discord
Guess how I know you're all cringey faggots?
>that antifa flag
Every fucking time this pic
Jungian Christianity + Stoic Philosophy = The Overgod of lifestyles.
I'm going to get depressed and shitty if I do no physical activity for two months. If I stop squats, bench, and shoulder presses, can I do other shit to avoid the inflamed tendons in my shoulders?
>sterile secular Christianity
>basically atheism larping as Christianity
Kill yourself.
Went the full week without weekday drinking (including Sunday night) and I've never felt better. Work was a breeze without being sluggish and sweating. Might seem like nothing to some of you, but I'm basically a functioning alcoholic (been for the past 2 years) and this is a huge improvement.
Secular? I'm not sure i'd go that far.
There is certainly something divine about a base-level of empirical 'instincts' (the archetypes) in so far as they exist in all of us and, by the very nature of their existence project and manifest themselves through god-creation and holy visions.
Explain to me how it's sterile please.
>/SIG/ belongs on Sup Forums
What does self improvement have to do with politics? Honestly the best thing most people here could do to improve their daily life is to stay away from here.
Awesome dude, there's nothing nicer than seeing a new world from under the heavy sheets of your past vices and pathologies.
And in time, you might fully train the feral part of you that craved those things and civilise it to a level you can enjoy alcohol occasionally without it getting to you.
Fuck off with your Jordan Peterson Harvard shilling bullshit.
He is a cia asset trying to create a sterile form of Christianity compatible with plutocratic jewry. Jung himself (his idol) helped the cia develop better lsd torture programs.
The failures and pathologies of the individual creep into pathologising the society.
It's simply the nature of a species so empathetic as ourselves.
By improving ourselves, we're directly affecting the political landscape on the cellular level.
Remember that your goal is college or university. Trades are shit work and anyone directing you to them is trying to trap you.
>Remember that your goal is college or university.
Fuck off . Makes have been proven to not be able to compete since women were given equal opportunity. Now , women are doing better in exams and also getting better education in college. Did you know that millennial women earn more than millennial males? Males are falling behind, and this is natural selection, this is a good thing. Women are the original leaders. Soon we are going to be in a gender equal matriarchy and this is a good thing.
Sig is just causing artificial toxic masculinity to increase while creating more violence
Have you heard of Ivanka Trump? She'll be liberated on 2020 when she beats her dumb father in the election and becomes the president of the America. Yes, she will sanction males from taking jobs, but this will be better for the future.
Men are just needed for a few dumb muscles left before automation takes their place. Not to mention automation will take males place "in bed" ;)
Your SIG craps is just masculinity and its fragile. Masculinity US nothing but muscle and acting like an ape. Ivanka and C.Clinton will fucking sanction your asses set anyway. You aren't needed. We could use tech to just shrink your asses to just be our sex toy's though ^~^
I'd really like to know what "sterile" christianity means though.
If i agree with you on the importance of the messages in the bible, the interpretation of God as a father figure and Jesus as a son; a (near)perfect idol for us to pursue being like on a more relateable level than the universe-level power of God himself. What does it matter how i came about this conclusion?
What i'm saying is, what precisely is your issue?
I think part of self improvement would be getting yourself off the botnet. Discord is really terrible as far as privacy goes.
Need Help.
Found out that I can't go to uni this year cause not enough shekles.
Don't really care about not going, just need a way to make my resume look good and not be sitting on my ass for a year.
Now I'm stuck in Poo in da loo land; I'm a foreigner and don't speak Pajeet.
Any tips on how not to become a NEET while I have to reapply to different unis for a second time.
>Becoming a christcuck and fascist scum
You're hilarious