Stop paying for things
Stop paying for things
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Help me fill my Eric Paddock folder
He sounds like such a weazly fucking snake for real.
Any of the hotels, HE walks in, he says "give me a room", they gave him a room, COMPED.
How did he get the guns in, you wave a 100 dollar bill and they say "of course will take those up", there's no magic there.
sensible kek
I fucking love this place.
what is going on i dont get the meme somebody spoonfeed me
basically pic related
What the fuck is that patio table placement, so wait he has to walk on bark to sit on and enjoy his table.
>he was a fun guy
>Pumping rounds into people at a concert was like going to Publix for you
>He had a quirky sense of humor
las vegas shooter's brother is extremely bizarre
why is Sup Forums so triggered by this guy? whats with the comped memes?
100,000 is NOTHING
I think there is a small opening on the left
>i don't start my shift at taco bell til later. guess i'll go on /pol
Watch the 29 min interview on YouTube. He's a meme machine.
so its just poor fags upset that the shooter was wealthy?
t. works at Taco Bell
Was this the shoe thief known as woogie?
>He could have done anything he wanted to do
>whenever he wanted to do it
>if he wanted to mow down 500 people at a concert with machine guns
>he simply did it
>I mean, its just stuff he would do
That's where he eats his sushi and thinks about his hatred of Taco Bell.
This is why he shot those people 10$ for a bagel and cream cheese and NO FUCKING COMP this sent him over the edge
I think, you're retarded
flying to japan for sushi when you feel like it is normal. it gives you benefits like the ability to retire. how do you not fucking know this by now?
what the fuck is wrong with him and what is he talking about
Lost hard
you'd understand if you could afford $1000 SUSHI
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this guy. What did he say? Why is what he said a bad thing? Memes can go fuck themselves and I don't want to watch him cry so just tell me whats going on
go watch the video, there are mannerisms that need to be seen to understand