Stop watching porn

Pope denounces porn and corruption of kids’ minds, bodies

>VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis on Friday denounced the proliferation of adult and child pornography on the internet and demanded better protections for children online — even as the Vatican confronts its own cross-border child porn investigation involving a top papal envoy.

>Francis met with participants of a Catholic Church-backed international conference on fighting child pornography and protecting children in the digital age. He fully backed their proposals to toughen sanctions against those who abuse and exploit children online and improve technological filters to prevent young people from accessing porn online.

>Francis said the Catholic Church knew well the “grave error” of trying to conceal the problem of sexual abuse — a reference to the church’s long history of having priests who rape and molest children and bishops who cover up for them. Several well-known cases have involved priests having child porn, or photographing their victims.

>Francis said an international, cross-disciplinary approach was needed to protect children from the dark net and the “corruption of their minds and violence against their bodies.”

>Using terms that are certainly new to papal lexicon, Francis denounced “extreme pornography” on the web that adults, and increasingly children consume, and the increasing use of “sexting” and “sextortion” among the estimated 800 million minors who navigate the internet.

>“We would be seriously deluding ourselves were we to think that a society where an abnormal consumption of internet sex is rampant among adults could be capable of effectively protecting minors,” he said.'-minds,-bodies

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When is he going to denounce niggers taking over?
2 Peter 2:12
But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;


hahah. That shit has been dead for a century. Eastern Orthodoxy is the only way.

No, biblical literalism is the only way. The orthodox as far as I'm aware reject the creation story

Coming from an organisation that admitted its employees were diddling kids, thats a bit rich

Orthodox has been cucked since 1453.
Fuck outta here,


Pope muhammad can fuck off

>prancing francis

Talk is cheap, what about actually doing something about it?

There are unfathomable numbers of rapist priests that are free and able to live out their lives under the protection of the church after they've committed unspeakable acts of sexual violence against innocent children.

I know this to be fact because my stepmother works as a nurse for a capuchin priests retirement home. She has told me countless tragic stories. She also explained how church protects these sick motherfuckers and how the church transfers them to different places so that they are can't be convicted and sent to jail, and how they change their identities and such.

Capital punishment is much too easy of an escape for these sick fucks. They deserve the worst hell on earth imaginable for as long as possible. If I didn't have a reason to live and family to take care of, I would gladly serve as many of them this justice and retribution myself.

>says to respect fags and trannies
>disavows porn
But degenerate porn is a part of their culture!

If anybody is concerned with childrens bodies, it's Francis.

Are anime girls sinful?

He's fucking one to talk. Hypocrite... like the majority in religion.

He should make an example of these monsters, put them to the gallows

>(((the pope)))
stop listening to that muslim toe sucker baka OP


>it's okay to be faggot
>it's okay to be atheist
>porn is not ok
catholicism is such a goddamn joke.


not for a Jedi

I bet you they had to research this in a room alone with tissues and lotion nearby.

They don't use lotion, he's argentine so he has smegma that he uses as lube

Stop being a slave to your passions.

ugh, enough with this manichean dualism
orwell and huxley can both be right

Stop larping. This verse has nothing to do with black people, it is a warning against seducers and false teachers. Many of these verses could apply to the Huns or Germanic Barbarians, etc. Pick up some good commentaries, such as Matthew Henry or St. Augustine.

2 Peter 2:17
These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.
>beasts who darkness is reserved forever

>biblical literalism
reject all common sense and science

You can reject sense and science if you want to be a liberal, atheist, Bolshevik

The problem with Christianity today is that they teach you how to be a Christian, but make no mention of how to be a good person.

no rational person could honestly take the whole bible literally, I mean come on now

Yes, it just takes common sense

>>Francis said an international, cross-disciplinary approach was needed to protect children from the dark net and the “corruption of their minds and violence against their bodies.”
t. pope who runs one of the largest corruption community on the planet

The pope likes his altar boys to be pure and innocent before he defiles them. Doesn't want to molest a bunch of porn addicted 8 year olds.

All Christianity has been cucked since first century.

Did his joo owners approve that message? I predict new pope soon.

it was huxley at first, but now it's orwell time again

in his books orwell describes perfectly what a society ruled by jews looks like

It's been cucked since the council of nicea when roman pagan customs were introduced. The bible is truth though

This about 2,017 times over, my friend.

>Child fucker says not to fap.


Meanwhile priests continue diddling little boys on a daily basis and the vatican covers it up

>When is he going to denounce niggers taking over?
Not any time soon by the looks of things.

>Pope Francis on Friday denounced the proliferation of adult and child pornography on the internet and demanded better protections for children online

>Pope [...] demanded better protections for children

Is this satire?