Paddock had a secret digital profile that was uncovered in last 24 hours??
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why would some random Twitter nobody be "leaked" any such information?
bump cause board is full of slide threads tonight
When will we find out for sure faggots?
Fuck this clickbait.
If you can't post an image with him in front of an ISIS flag, fully-recognizable face, with one of the weapons used in the shooting (preferably from the room itself) fuck off.
Have a bump
It's 5:30 pm
The Gateway Pundit is comically bad. It’s run by a anti-racist boomer who falls for literally every rumor on Twitter.
It’s cringe-worthy that anyone puts any weight into what he says. I’m not saying that the mainstream narrative is correct. I’m simply saying that this one specific guy should have zero credibility given his track record.
I hope this is true. Would really make for great bants.
Seriously though I've seen some wood piles with niggers in them but this isn't even a wood pile anymore it's a big pile of niggers with a few sticks thrown in. Something very odd happened here.
It was already confirmed on the Michael Savage radio show that Paddock was a Trump supporter by his neighbor.
Sorry Sup Forums. You're the killers.
This is very deep.
America has a different founding myth.
Going to need something better than that, particularly since he allegedly didn't even know his neighbors.
>white male
>must be trump supporter
. . .as we slide ever closer to McCarthyism.
Hey, a self hating Turmp supporter!
Have a Fuck (((You)))
no shit
> America has a different founding myth.
I know but this shit I posted is cultivated there too. Heavily.
registered hilldowg
How do I make such a profile?
Here's my insane theory:
This was orchestrated by late night (((comedy))) show hosts with the help of Mossad to elect Jimmy Kimmel as the next president.
>All late night shows constantly attacking Trump far more than any other president.
>Kimmel being Chuck Schumer puppet and assboy.
>Four Seasons owned by Eastern Israelis, I mean Saudis.
>Israeli "tourists" in town
>Legal gun mods being blamed
>Attacking a country music festival (conservatives)
>Scare people into begging for more draconian security measures.
He never mentioned ISIS. It could be Antifa. Wtf is gatewayfuckit's problem?
will Trump surpass Barry by the end of his 8 years?
When you go back to T_D, kiddo
If he was a patsy or deep state agent for a deep state operation (which is the prevailing theory), they obviously would have prepared a fake motive to cover up the true motive. The delay makes it seem more believeable, like they "discovered" it. Pic related.
Is that a photo of Steve (or someone in Steve's room) taken from the Delano Hotel?
FIB's after the fact surely
>the true motive
>implying there is only one
globalists want to make money on metal detectors while furthering the police state and also banning guns to prevent a revolution
Also, the story about him originally wanting a room overlooking a "liberal" concert is just too convenient for this narrative (fits too well with it being religious rather than political).
That's what I meant. I didn't mean to imply it was a simplistic motive, but the motive is basically singular: increase their control (making some money is a side benefit).
>a nobody making a claim on twitter
It has to be true!
When the fuck is the next press conference?
Prove that he actually did it.
Yeah, Sup Forums collectively has a sub 90 IQ, the las vegas debacle has made that very clear
off you fuck
Hopefully he was a member of antifa
Captcha: Hotel Cypress
try harder
Radio call in guys are the shit posters of the pre internet era, can't really be trusted
how about you stop responding to the stupidest fucking bait on Sup Forums niggertard
man what's the source of thos photo? cause this could litterally be me from my hotel room window yesterday.... just wish these photos would include source.
could work
It's the same guy who leaked the Manafort wiretap info before it hit the mainstream media
If he was ISIS he would want everyone to see that vid. That vid would not be hidden.
>Trump campaign official
LMAO, this timeline
magic necklace on victim. How is it staying on her? All victims are cgi
Save this pic
Save this, and checked.
Paddock isis video when?
I know James Brower personally. He's a fucking liar. Love the guy, but he's not telling the truth here.
>5:30 pm
It's 11:55 am nigger
Julian Assange is absolutely full of shit and his "theory" is pants-on-head retarded.
and nothing will happen.
srsl stop listening to retards with HAPPENING claims if they don't have any proof
Very misleading. Paddock talking to his neighbor who is wearing Trump hat and Paddock says he's a Trump fan. That hardly means he's a diehard or even telling the truth. He might have said it sarcastically or been a psychopath who just says shit to blend in with people.
No it's 5:02pm
Know that all ISIS "announcements" and videos are "found" by Rita Katz
Memorize her gd name Sup Forums
Katz runs a privately funded consultancy on terrorism, including white nationalists, called
>SITE Intelligence
Katz is an Israeli-American. Her father was a millionaire in Iraq, where she grew up. Her father was executed for being a Mossad agent by the Iraqi regime, before Saddam took power. Her father has two statues dedicated to him in Israel, where her mother lives.
Katz, for youngfags, is the same person who "found" video and audio of bin Laden taking credit for 9/11. She wrote a book anonymously called Terrorist Hunter, wherein she lied about infiltrating Al Quaeda meetings, while pregnant, in Chicago.
The ISIS beheading videos came from Katz. High probability she is Mossad. She has a vendetta against the Middle East due to her father. This woman is dangerous. She claims to have greater access to ISIS channels than CIA. Her role is to give the CIA plausible deniability.
Look up her insane interviews on CNN. Her Twitter streams are filled daily with ISIS magazines, flyers, and all kinda of bullshit.
When ISIS "claims" an attack, it's highly suspect. Paddock may be set up as ISIS. This was likely the original plan but the attack went sideways. Just like 9/11, Zionists will take advantage of any attack to further Middle East expansion. Country music fans were likely targeted not because they own guns, but to reignite the neocon agenda among white Christian conservatives. Stop pushing ISIS bullshit. These are sandniggers funded by intelligence agencies. They don't have gd magazines and Photoshop skills. Wag the Dog for ZOG.
Days of baphimet in the white house is over. Your cult leader is signing books in costco. Trump is our last hope. Sedition is punishable by death.
Collision between Isis and leftist
Paddock traveled the world, according to his brother. His GF went to Dubai. Yet no one asks if Paddock ever visited Israel.
Dem digits don't lie
4d chess.
Now Trump can come out and show it was a black op
He has lost his mind, if he ever had one. No joke.
>collision between antifa and ISIS
Who funds Antifa and BLM: Soros and globalists
Who's behind ISIS? Neocons, CIA, and Zionist Israelis
One hand washes the other. Hegelian Dialectic. Create two problems, offer a "solution" that was the plan all along. Increase Middle East expansion and power for Israel using neocon support. Dismantle the white Christian conservative block in the United States. Construe whites as racists in America while redirecting their anger to Muslim countries for Israeli gain. Offer to train US police forces in Israel. NYPD has trained there for a decade. Top brass receives comped trips to Israel. Slowly expand intelligence reach into police forces. Ban 2A gunpower for citizens, bulk up for security state. Expand surveillance using Suckerberg etc, while Chertoff and Adelson bank on new scanning programs in all public gathering venues.
jbro 1776. Now that's credible
Quit shilling James B Scooping.
>"#ISIS doubling down again on its claim for #LasVegas attack, claiming Paddock “converted to Islam 6 months ago" & tallying casualties" - Rita Katz, SITE Intel, her most recent tweet
Didn't donald just say "calm before the storm" today???
America's founding truth of liberty, justice and rule of law can and will prevail.
Did he make his millions dealing in illegal ARMS (and explosives)?
Why do leakers hype up their leaks nowadays?
Just fucking leak it.
two scoops.
Calm before the storm
t. conspiracy nut
Bump. I've only heard this and wrote it off as rumor.
The guys a former Trump staffer, and has been privy to a lot of leaks. He knew when bannon, miller and preibus would be ousted weeks before they were.
Is this where it's suddenly revealed to be a 'white supremacist nazi jew-shill voter'?
Had, you mean.
We were essentially refounded post-war as well. Only because the original founding is still in living memory, albeit close to its end now, have things not have progressed as horribly as they could have.
Sup Forums account?
"If you only knew how bad things really are."
you're a nation of immigrants goy, don't actually read anything your founding fathers wrote and take it seriously
BREAKING: Multiple sources claim he was part of isis cell in US. They are not saying anything because they can't compromise the other shooters on the run. They will confirm this in 48 hours or less