White pride isn't racist

I'm fucking sick of this shit. When I saw this last night in bed, my beautiful white wife and I spent an hour talking about how all we hear is how racist "all white people are". Its fucking shit how we have Aboriginal Pride, or Black Pride or what ever fucking race pride and its all great, to suggest otherwise is noting but "AWOOOGAAA TYPICAL FUCKING WHITEY FUCKEN RACIST" and if I say a thing about being white it's "AWOOOGAAA WHITE SUPREMACISTS RACIST" if I try to learn about another culture "AWOOOGAAA CULTURAL APPROPRIATION RAAAAAAACISSST" if I don't it's "AWOOOGAAA WHITE SUPREMACISTS RAAACISST".
There is nothing racist about this fucking poster and you fucking know it. Swap out Men of the West with Men of Color, or Aboriginal Men then no one would say fucking shit. But a white guy says it? RAAAAAAAACCCCCIIISSSST!
And fuck all you other white people who mouth breath your way through "Actually there is nothing to be proud of to be white"
I teach my kids to be proud of who they are, I give them the white view point cause all they learn in school is "Muh land first and the white man took it"

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Hold back the night, brother.


Just use facts to support any arguments you might have. Using all caps is a turn off.


It's too blunt.

Here's what I don't understand as a non-white individual living in a thirdworld country. Why is it that being glad or proud of whatever race you are is highly accepted and encouraged, but when you white people do it everyone gets mad? Are you guys not allowed to practice Nationalism or some shit or is it because you guys are from a first world country? I just don't see the point of this and it somehow baffles me.

Diversity only means kill whitey

Nothing else

Most successful countries are successful because they were created by whites for whites

Fucking MSM fans the fires of hate against White Males,makes us THE BAD Guy. I'm sick of being told that I'm bad just because I was born a White Male. "Oh dear it's wrong to be prejudice against POC, you're a white male and that makes you evil".. So you are pre judging me based in color and gender.. But I thought that was wrong? "Only against minorities, it's ok to do it to whites. Check your privilege" WHERE'S MY FUCKING WHITE PRIVILEGE CHEQUE???

Well maybe it's because when we group up our white pride maps got redrawn and over 60 million people were killed.


All other races wish they could be white

So they get super mad when you tell them how great it is being white

I'm sure if you took these people aside and asked privately if they wanted to be white they would say yes

Esentially white people are spooky demons to anyone not white in America

Men of Color
Don't embrace hate
Love your people
Love your culture
Love your heritage
Embrace Black Identity
Still too blunt cuck?

If the fuckers who were pushing for equality claim this is racist, then it's time to remind them that "Equality is a social construct"!!

i had those talk with my gf too. i was impressed and proud she had those types of opinion considering how i never talk about this. It also made me believe that its possible whites might wake up before its too late at least in some countries

While your point is good, I'LL USE ALL THE CAPS I WANT FAGGOT

Lol that kinda looks like Pence with a wig on.

Just remember, if and when shit hits the fan you'll probably have the skills and physique to survive the long winters self sufficiently.
If not, it's time for camping practice.

It's just one more reason I love my wife so much, she is a smart, beautiful, rational thinking white woman.. That's dangerous to (((them)))

Im a leaf.. Cold dont mean shit to me

Because in the internet age if whites actually got their shit together the banking cartel is done.

You need to use a leftist sounding pride poster about black pride, latino pride, lgbt pride, asian pride etc but add white pride in there somewhere near 3/4 of the way down the list so people start reading through in agreement with it before they get to white pride. You can't put white pride at the very end though or else it's apparent that it's the purpose of the poster.

Normalize white pride by grouping it with the rest.

And that's it right there. TPTB need to hold us back, so they invented this bullshit to divide us all, make everyone hate whites, shit make everyone hate everyone so they can just cruise along doing what they want

>be in office
>5 people in room including myself
>2 black women
>1 black guy
>1 middle eastern guy
>They start talking about how as a "black woman in America" they have faced all this marginalization/racism and problems
>when asked what problems they experienced they couldn't come up with one
>middle eastern kid says he's only friends with blacks and understands the struggle of black people
>I'm sitting there like wtf as I'm the only handsome white person
>going on and on about how "people treat me differently when I am with black people.
>goes on about "how he is confused that people would treat you different when you are loud/wear ghetto clothing"






My city would go fucking insane if a poster like this went up. The Aboriginal people here would chimp out, the libtards would moan and cry about it to try and get muh ally good white person points. I'm actually tempted to put some up in our urban reserve here.. That neighbourhood was named as the worst and most dangerous in all of Canada.. Guess who 99% of the people living there are

God that pisses me off.. At work it can be Black Employee Club, or Celebrating the Woman of... But I say one word about being white and YOU'RE FIIIIIIIRRRRREDDD

>loving yourself means hating others
lefties are deranged

When your perspective is correct, but not the majority, you need to be persuasive.
Once people think about your point honestly, most will come to see things your way.
But if you trigger a disgust or anger response, they won't actually listen to you, and may in fact become more entrenched in their hallucinations.

You are not alone. As bleak as it looks our numbers slowly grow everyday. Opening your eyes to their lies is a one way street. White people that believe those lies, like I once did, pull their heads out of the sand everyday and see what is being done to them. It doesn't go the other way, people don't wake up one morning and cast their proud heritage away because Jimmy Kimmel or the Huffington Post told them to. People that believe this nonsense can still be saved. It's up to you my brother, and all of us, to uphold the values of your people and western culture and be a beacon of hope for your children and pillar of your community. By being the best people we can be not compromising a single inch of our character we can take back our workd. We can win but the fight it long and there is much to be done. God bless you.

Ten years ago I wasn't even slightly racist. Hell, I even voted for Obama in '08. But years' worth of being subjected to anti-white propaganda has taken its toll, and now my ideology has completely shifted. We must stand together or be destroyed- fuck POC, and fuck self-hating whites who gleefully advocate for their own demise

No Homo but I love you my White Brother

You are not alone.

I challenge anyone to name ANY present American law that expressly discriminates against black people, OR name a position in society/government that is denied to black people. Name ONE major American institution that expressly discriminates against black people.

Most black people fantasies about being victims of racism, so they can remove personal responsibility for why their lives are so fucked up!


Nice delusion you got there. If i woke up tomorrow and looked in the mirror and i was white i would freak the fuck out. Same with black or asian, i don't want to look like something else.

I'm not white but i don't hate whites at all. Don't think all non whites are dumb libtards

And you know what? That's perfectly ok. Now imagine a White guy saying he would freak out if he woke up black or Asian.. The SJWs would pull their blue hair out

Can you please tone down your hate speach? Your whiteness juat blinds you to it.

As a latino, i see literally nothing wrong with this poster. If you replaced the word white with black or hispanic there wouldnt be a problem

black here.

is it really taboo for white people to say they like being white? I mean I can understand it being trashy or simple minded (just like when black people do it), but no black guy is getting fired by his boss for saying he's pro-black.

So name one.. name the explicitly racist American institution... name the position denied to black people... do it...

You can not because it does not exist!



we germans are experts in gas and ovens

They especially hate you if you're attractive

Not anymore you're not.

We're all sick of it. Reject white guilt

>Is it really taboo for white people to say they like being white?

Have you been living under a rock, nigger?

>voting for a nigger
I can understand how people don't know the truth about kikes but how anyone can be stupid enough to be okay with niggers is beyond me. Unless you spent your entire childhood and adolescence in the middle of nowhere whitesville, Maine and never went to a city then I guess so but other than that what the fuck

>Making us the bad guy

Fuck it. If (((they))) want us gone so badly (((they))) need to realize it means the death of all they wish to control.

We will rule this planet or see it burnt to ashes around us.

Use the same wording but replace "white" with "black" and there will be no outrage.

Usually in such cases the cuck never had any experience with niggers - lived in an all white area like you mentioned, or went to an all white private school. Me personally, I wasn't racist until I went to a public high school that was half black. Four years of dealing with niggers will make anyone a diehard racist.

We know how this story ends

I love you too. Let the love you have for your people, your culture, and for humanity guide your hand. Do not allow those that seek to destroy you poison your heart with hate. Love yourself. Love your neighbor. Love your enemy. Be strong. Be virtuous. Be the light that shines in the darkness that the darkness can not comprehend.

>Promotes white supremacy
Almost like that was exactly what the Founding Fathers intended the nation to be in the first place. They didn't even like other Europeans they just wanted Anglos. Could you imagine if this entire country, all 300 million of us, were Anglo? The eternal Kraut wouldn't even be able to compete

Abos in canada wtf?

I complemented someone about their German heritage at work once when they brought in some traditional German food.
She said "No no, it's not good for Germans to be proud of their heritage". I was floored by it. She had this notion in her mind that she is't allowed to be proud of her ancestors because of the stigma on all Germans today.
Keep in mind this is in an all white office in the Midwest. The influence of the white nationalist self hate knows no bounds.

Muh hitler really has taken a toll on krauts like they have no other history practically

I mean its not that being white is bad. I mean that i literally don't want to look like anything else than myself

The fucking Natives, they've gone from being called Indians, to Natives, to Aboriginal, to Fist Nation it goes on and on.. All of them are drains on society

this began with the defamation of the germans and will end with the vindication of the nazi

Never happened.

"White pride" has a bad history in the west. Pride for marginalized groups like black or gay people has much more to do with not being ashamed of their skin color or sexual orientation than it has to do with being "proud" in the traditional sense.
Most reasonable people wouldn't have a problem with you saying that you are not ashamed of being white. Most reasonable people would have a problem with you claiming white pride. It's stupid semantics and double standards, but that's the way it goes.

I find this hilarious actually..it's equivalent to a person changing his name after it being sullied

Especially since they've sullied their name themselves but of course it's always the white man's fault that they are drunk drug using uneducated criminal welfare abusers

Is Marutei Tsurunen mentioned?

> Tsurunen served as a representative of the Democrats in the House of Lords of Japan in 2002-2013 as her first Western-born member.

It's a hell of a hell of a thing when you think about how dubious Japanese are foreigners. Sure Finland is a kind of exception, the older population knows and values Mannerheim and the Finns.

Apparently, he is a conservative politician and so do you like it

I mean really nowhere on that sign does it say support white nationalism, all it says is to embrace your heritage. Saw this at 4 am and was irritated that a single poster clearly put up as a joke is making headlines.

The only other country I'd live in or visit right now is Japan.. Then again those Norks are kinda fuckey so maybe not

>just realized how white pride always had been mistaken with "other race must disappear"


Our natives had had it hard. Unlike niggers who have been free my whole life, natives were legit treated like animals in my life time. I give them one more generation and if they still suck by then, it's their fault. I know plenty of hard working respectable natives. But a large majority of them are a drain on the system.

so fucking stupid or a false flag buy cunts.

Maybe it's just different here in Regina.. There are no good ones here

That's why my only friends are self hating chicanos who wish they were white. One of them even calls himself white despite having the most stereotypical wetback name (no, not Paco, but close)


The flag is backwards, the Union is supposed to be on the top left hand side. Whoever made that poster clearly is a larping faggot and probably underage. If u want to promote cultural heritage and identity at least get the damn flag right.

at some point you have to realize that racism isn't a bad thing and embrace it. tribalism is human nature, that's why we self segregate.

>that first point
Seriously, I agree with the rest, but the 300 Spartans were the savages here and the Persians the noble colonisator that wanted to bring them civilization.
Even among the rather backward other Greek city-states, Sparta was regarded as the North-Korea of their time.
Europe would have advanced by centuries if the Persians had been successful.

Whites who live around blacks are forced to learn some painful lessons very early in life.

White kid is so vulnerable to the much older black kids and no one seems to want to protect her.

Imagine her having to face this every single day. Maybe worse things as she gets older, unless something changes.


Be proud of your heritage all you want. But you don't get to be proud of shit other groups accomplished. If you're Anglo, you don't get to be proud of Germany or Rome. Pretty simple shit.

"White pride" isn't a thing. It's just taking credit for what other groups did because you are desperate to ignore your own failures.

>It's just taking credit for what other groups did because you are desperate to ignore your own failures.
Projecting much, nigger?

>If you're Anglo, you don't get to be proud of Germany or Rome.

Sure you do. Do you not pay attention to history, ffs?

African Homo Erectus diverged from people hundreds of thousands of years ago.

There is a reason that African Blacks never invented the wheel.

Not in the slightest, I know my family's history. Simple one, but I'm proud of it.

What's yours? Something to do with fucking camels in some Arab hell hole?

Lol here comes the tards who don't know basic history. Don't use terms you don't understand.

Because the end goal of white nationalism = genocide of non-whites

My ancestors came here from Italy in the late 1400s and since then have intermarried with Danes back and forth until the 1800s. Many of them were shoemakers, smiths and lawmakers in southern Sweden (Scania).

Humble origins, but I am proud of them.


You should be

The artist of that pic forgot to remove the jar from the last panel


African Niggers never even invented glass?


Take the plastic out of the peanut butter, the paper from the bottle and the english words from it too.

>black people proud of being black = good and cheered on

>white people proud of being white = bad and seen as horrible

stop this injustice or start calling all jews white.


Kind fucks your point up

How many wars have actually been fought over just slavery?
I'm talking all over the world.

>more like 0


That's some comfy propaganda. We're taking back the flag and founding fathers.

Every city would look like New York, but be clean and peaceful like the suburbs! Would probably have a colony on Mars by now.

Niggers didn't even invent peanut butter. A nigger in the 1800s patented it, that's all. Aztecs or whatever figured out how to make paste from peanuts thousands of years ago.

>"how he is confused that people would treat you different when you are loud/wear ghetto clothing
Yeah, no fucking shit

>and the english words from it too.

Did niggers ever develop a written language before the white man came to save and improve them?

There is rarely anything that isn't "too blunt" for people who cry rape when a man simply asks a woman out. These people have lost their minds long ago.
And don't make the mistake to think all people think like this. Just look at what Trump said and how he triggered the left, and yet he kept his massive support when everyone everywhere (in leftist-infested media and entertainment, that is) said "now he's done, this is the end of his campaign".
We are living in a leftist echo chamber, where conservative voices are silenced. That doesn't mean people don't THINK that way.

Any reasonable person (and yes, they still exist) will realize there is nothing wrong about this poster.

You can be proud of being Irish. You can be proud of being English. You can be proud of being German. Being proud of being white isn’t nationalism cause there isn’t a white nation.

Africa did not have a official written language until the 1930s when English men held their hand to get it done, by the end they have a total of 300 words in their dictionary.