
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
PREV APPEARANCES (fuck poo in the loos too)

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump: "This is the calm before the storm" 10/5/17
>Pres Trump hosts Military Leaders meeting @WH 10/5/17
>VP Pence hosts Natl Space Council 1st Meet 10/5/17
>VP Pence/2nd Lady Karen/Lil Marco meet FL senpaitachi 10/5/17
>WH Video: Pres Trump in LV 10/5/17
>WH Video: FLotUS Melania in PR 10/5/17
>DoD Video: POTUS in PR & relief efforts 10/5/17
>DoD Press Brief (Spokesperson White/MC Lt Gen McKenzie DofJS) 10/5/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 10/5/17
>StateDep Foreign Press Brief (Drs Julian Raby/Thomas Wide) on special projects 10/5/17
>DoD Update on PR relief 10/5/17
>LV Victim rises for Trump 10/4/17
>Pres Trump w/civilian heroes and 1st responders 10/4/17
>Pres Trump speech after meeting Drs and patients in LV 10/4/17

>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>American Hero

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Not One Inch

I just want to make sure I understand this correctly: libtards will say "Thanks, Obama" every time there is a positive thing in the stock market, but when there's a loss due to multiple hurricanes, it's all Trump's fault? I fucking hate these people.


>mfw the comfy before the storm


what are the odds of a mexican riding that storm into America and completely avoiding ICE

>Perhaps we could work something out
Hope so m8, cheers.

The storm is coming.

>I fucking hate these people.
You've come to the right thread friend.

>3/6 tours in peak plague season already sold out
>literally chasing down the vectors for infection to pet them irl
Refugees from Madagascar

84 people from Madagascar have fled in 2016 and applied for asylum in other countries. The choice of possible host countries with France and Australia very limited. Overall, 100 percent of the asylum applications have been rejected. The most successful have been the refugees in France.

Press C to Cough on France

I would say Trump is more of a Caligula.

Key points:

Famed for small body parts (Caligula means "Little Boots": we can try Caestula for "Little Mittens").

Born into a position of wealth and power that he was clearly unfit for.

Sexual pervert and boasted of sleeping with other men's wife ("I’ll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married.").

Notably cruel to subordinates (The Hill - Trump once summoned Priebus to kill a fly in Oval Office: report).

Made horse a senator priest and threatened to make it Consul (bit like De Vos as secretary of education).

Feuded with Senate.

Enormously corrupt.

Fits of rage, not clear whether caused by medical condition or personality.

>libtards will say "Thanks, Obama" every time there is a positive thing in the stock market

Kind of funny that they obviously don't know how the markets work

Hey guys -- Centrist here. As you might imagine I'm a sensible and educated person (IQ off the charts) who deals only in facts, logic, and REALITY. I'm simply too intelligent to identify with either side of the political spectrum. After countless hours of research, I've empirically determined the following to be the correct political stances:

- Climate change is real, entirely caused by humans, and will bring about the apocalypse if we don't redistribute wealth to 3rd world countries.
- Police should become an arm of the federal government.
- Healthcare should be taken over by the federal government-- all insurance companies put out of business.
- Gay marriage and workplace gender equality enforced by the state.
- America was built on the back of racism, so we owe reparations to blacks, arabs and mexicans.
- Genetic differences don't exist, however whites are genetically racist and therefore inferior to other races.
- Immigration should be completely unlimited and nonwhite, and all should be given welfare and basic income.
- I'm opposed to all wars, but honestly we need to save those Syrian kids and put an end to Russian aggression.
- Systematic christian terrorism is more prevalent than lone-wolf rampages committed by groups of misunderstood individuals who coincidentally affiliate themselves with Islam.
- I went over each presidential candidate with a razor comb... and needless to say Evan McMullin was the only one deserving of my precious vote. However he wasn't on the ballot so I voted Hillary.
- Also I'm fiscally conservative.

LOL having trouble defining me, brainlets? As you can see, my politics are an intricately crafted work of art. The best part of course, is that all my views are correct because -unlike you- I'm unbounded from political groupthink. Sometimes it takes a brave thinker like myself to just stand up and say that both sides are wrong-- the answer lies somewhere in the middle.

someone should pull an infowars and give a reward for calling out joe for lori on camera



the storm cometh

>But it's his fiscal year :^)

>Hey guys -- Centrist here.
And out with you

Reminder that awoofaker was exposed in the previous thread.



>Not One Inch
True, she'll get like 8 or 9.

>mfw Paris becomes one massive quarantine zone

>you should tell a murderer that you know he killed someone
Why are you trying to get anons killed?

So my shit state did something sneaky.
>Governor Brown signs Sanctuary State Law - LEO's not required to work with ICE, they can't be forced to, etc.
>Another law goes into effect on the same date (Jan 1 2018) that has the DMV automatically register people to vote when they get or renew their license, retroactively
>CA gives licenses to illegals
>CA also claims that they will be automatically sending mail-in ballots to all registered voters one month before elections, whether you asked for them or not


>he keeps prodding aspiebaker
dude, you want him to chimp out?

Serial sexual offender here. I'm 72 and have autism and all my kids are degenerates. Is there a chance for me to run for POTUS in 2020?

Thank you very much


Question: How blue pilled are world leaders?

If there is no 'Illuminati' type conspiracy, is it possible the "New World Order" consists of just blue pilled idiots?

>did Dubya really think the Iraqis were capable of a free and stable democracy like South Korea?
>does Merkel really think Syrians can become 'German'?
>do Democrats really think illegal Latinos 'culturally enrich' the U.S.?
>does Trudeau really believe if you kill your enemies, they win?

...and so on. Maybe Trump really is a race-realist red pilled "revolutionary" of our time.

When are we going to stop treating niggers like little children. Why dont democrats get btfo when they condescend niggers and treat them like there retarted. I like this angle for argument. What you think?

No, Bill. You can only be president twice.

they expect one of us in the wreckage, brother

Responded to you last thread, kek.

>Stop lying. You probably chuckle to yourself maniacally as you pretend to sperg out about communism in an attempt to paint yourself as right wing and infiltrate our movement.
I frequently talk about how killing communists and jailing is really the only way to preserve a society. The gif is historical and very funny. The comedic implication is that I'd rather one were killed for minor things as Stalin was like.

By your insipid logic, this entire board is a fan of Muhammad because they post derisive pictures of him.

Trump will fix this.

youre not being very ambitious at all, imagine the black plague wiping out 30% of europe again?

Like always, it's three people sperging at each other. You faggots realize that this site is for 18+, right?

Evapolack said, unaware of the incredible hypocrisy he was committing when saying such.


I believe chimping out is more of your shtick...

Wouldn't it be great if at the next Trump rally, everyone in the crowd kneels when he comes on stage?

>CA also claims that they will be automatically sending mail-in ballots to all registered voters one month before elections, whether you asked for them or not
god damn thats institutional vote fraud, a month is enough time to cook those votes to whatever they want them to be

let's not forget our old lady pedes as well. this website is for mature people only


Yersinia pestis; gross fat cunt with a giant jew nose and green hair.
>arrogant feminist cuntfirmed

who ready for the /sip/storm?

Fucking nice

The only way to save Europe is to kill a lot of people with plague!

>Said Evautist

>inb4 "154 posts by this ID"


A-awoo... buuuurp


S I P and S H O O T

Centrist but the biggest anti-white communist ever?

>come back to trumpgen after months break from Sup Forums
>evapollack is still having an autistic freakout in literally the first thread I’m back


When did sip meme start and whats the meaning? Thick head user here.

you must be pretty new here if you think most users actually are of age

We could probably go higher if the EU forces people to take in infected rapefugees into their homes.

They solidified their power base in one swift move. It's incredibly disconcerting that they just announce this, with no attempt at subterfuge.

>stop being dumb
>pic related is your immediate reaction

Sup Forums

it's monster people advertising here. just like wendy's

just don't buy their trash

This, we need some good ol' plague in Germany, Belgium and France

theres a reason he was so popular with the '90's "MTV generation". He was a sax-playing pothead who could only think in terms of MUH DIK

I'm here every day of my life.. ;_;

I really hope that happens, and poland border patrol clamps down as well. a little purge never hurt anybody

>ending Iran deal just because it was part of Obama's legacy

Trump is a moron, the last thing you americunts need is another intervention in the ME


me too burger

>he actually thinks its people who work for monster

same difference

/sg/ plz go home

He was a good president though. Even old man Bush was. 9/11 and the dot-com stock crash were the end of the last American golden age.

Propaganda comes in two forms:
>distract the uninfluential masses
>control the influential upper class

Power brokers are not interested in becoming elected officials. Their game plan is to get people favorable to them into power and obstruct people unfavorable to them as much as possible.

The vast majority of college professors, teachers, journalists and yes, politicians, are bluepilled.

why would they advertise their Hebrew Antichrist poison on Sup Forums?


>starving populace
>epidemic season inbound
>EU doors wide open
Merry Christmas America!


because autistic weebs are an untapped market. must have worked out well enough on /fit/, now Sup Forums is mainstream, too


Any else notice pic-related rice burner is getting a LOT of publicity?

Pretty cringe when he attack Trump on North Korea. Comes off as racial loyalty.

fuck you american cocksucer, I hope you die in another war for israel while wifey at home is getting pounded by jamal and pedro

>Responded to you last thread, kek.
Notice the tone of this response, the obvious uneasiness as he struggles to formulate a coherent response, instead resorting to laying down truisms in an attempt to not arouse further suspicion.
>I frequently talk about how killing communists and jailing is really the only way to preserve a society.
Yes, but it's obvious you aren't sincere in that and only do in an attempt to create an image of yourself to deceive us.
>The gif is historical and very funny.
I fail to see the humor in posting a smug gif of Stalin in a response as if to insinuate that you are intellectually superior and associate it with a communist subhuman.
>The comedic implication is that I'd rather one were killed for minor things as Stalin was like.
Utter nonsense, you had simply used that gif as i explained above.

Except that it wasn't derisive and was used as a smug reaction image the way he uses anime reactions in an attempt to fit in.

I'll give you one (you) and that's all. What is your fascination with /sg/? Is it simply to attempt to rile the two generals against each other? Overall, neither /ptg/ or /sg/ give a shit about one another and do not think about each other until you or the Muslim from Sweden bring them up in both generals.

I'm guessing the meme loving middle schoolers who listen to alex jones are also yu-gi-oh fans, and so, muh basket of deplorables, all middle schoolers who like children's card games are now part of the alt right


Sounds like paranoia.

I tried the shit. Makes me fucking jittery.

btw, if you put on a name and a trip, even an ironic one, he will sperg out. I'm serious, try it, great fun

I mean, if they want to help us secure a new generation of fags who will help vote against them, I'm not going to stop them...

>reply by fragmentation
this is the most reddit thing i've ever seen

the kennedys were a bunch of fucking losers who got nothing accomplished. at least john had some common sense the rest of the family was basically illiterate

>/sg/ mutt wishes death to america

and in other words, it's friday

you have your own containment thread, please go back

Please take your drama and jump out of fucking window

t.reddit expert, maybe you should go back there

And Sweden.
We just need to get it out. It will be difficult since there's treatment for it. We will need it to progress into septicemic.

I mean.... if someone is here, isn't he already "infiltrated" ?
It is pretty much open source.