y-you lied to me Sup Forums?
Y-you lied to me Sup Forums?
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It's wrong and there are multiple 'studies' pointing towards the opposite (well kind of, it would make the kid smarter vs. one race but dumber vs. the other). Mixed race children are the average in general of their parents' average racial IQs.
>redpilled morons refuse to learn about science
>freak out when you first learn about hybrid vigor, a demonstrable phenomenon that disproves nearly all racemixing redpills
>White Aryan male with 115 IQ breeds Nigger female with 70 IQ
Wow! The child is 90 iq, diversity makes people smarter!!
>(((study))) finds
If you mix white woman with manlet arab, the kid would be smarter and taller than it's father.
Holy shit, i love racemixing now
some say the board is getting worse, i disagree.
>Hybrid vigor
>existing in humans
Look at this scientist. What's your Youtube skeptic handle?
>hybrid vigor
James R. Flynn has pointed out that even if everyone mated with a sibling in 1900, subsequent increases in heterosis would not be a sufficient explanation of the observed IQ gains.
Link: global.oup.com
Check your university library/studies index for a copy.
so what if I (white 137) breed with my asian gf (145) I continue the master race, senpai?
>sample size
>5 kids
Thats highly unlikely and illogical. Mixing genes from distant genetic groups does not automatically equate an offspring with better genetic mix.
kek, fuck all the Chinamen you want, faggot
>hybrid vigor
you just pull anything out of your asses to try to justify your cuck fetish
I have a black father with an IQ of 140 and no clue about my mother but she probably around 100.
I'm at 135 myself but I think I can get higher with more education and wisdom.
However when it comes to height I am 2 inches shorter then my father at 6'1'' so I guess I lost on height for more IQ.
Reminder that IQ debates is for cucks.
Your kid would be so intelligent that he'll beat the worst shooting ever by 10x the amount
it just means more diverse offspring
what they dont tell you is that while they do get some taller and smarter guys, they also get a lot ugly, short, sickly and dumb mongrels
Not memeing here - do it. Don't let a fucking anime enthusiast website tell you how to live your life. Love who you love.
Unless it's curbing self destructive degenerate behaviors, that's just common sense.
Hybrid vigor doesn't work that way lol
T. Real fucking biologist
138 iq white here with 150+iq(she wont tell me exactly because "muh racism")1/4cuban,jew, half italian wife. our little girl is already showing signs of being gifted. iq matters user, not race
This is what it actually leads to
If she has 145 iq, godspeed
You stupid goyim mixing with other races makes mankind stronger and more diverse. Your children will be healthy and strong if you breed with other races, especially blacks.
Let's build a better future. Say with me the future is brown
False. Tall & smart parents produce tall & smart children.
Damn, since when is this place filled with such goodwill...
>135 IQ
>I can get it higher with more education
Holy shit you're a fucking nigger for sure.
now tits or gtfo
Like they're going to publish a study concluding race mixing is bad.
It's the same thing as with women. They're equal to men except when a study comes out concluding women are better than men at, well, everything.
OH it's adorable goy. So diverse, so beautiful, so strong.
Who wants these boring ass babies like Pic related. They have genetic defects and look ugly
>europe least diverse continent on earth
>tallest people on earth
reelee mex u thank
Purely anecdotal, but here is my Ancestry breakdown. My mom is white and my dad is a Mexican national. I am taller than a good majority of spics (5'11") and I have a 126 IQ, Stanford-Binet tested.
> Anecdote on an anonymous message board proves something
> Exception/outlier proves the rule
135 IQ and yet arguing like a sub-90 retard
>100 iq white chick
>mixes with 80 iq black guy
>produce 90 iq baby
>10 point increase
>tall white guy
>mixes with short asian chick
>produce average hapa
>15cm height increase
>wtf i love race-mixing nao
Post-truth is so easy.
biased sample
smarter people have more means to travel
smarter people are on average more healthy
If people travel a lot, chances are they will find partners outside of the country, since they are smart and have means to travel they are likely higher in socio-economic status than the average human in either country, and since people tend to mary around their own socioeconomic status (men down and woman up, which averages), this produces people that would be higher in socioecnomic status as a base-case (which again goes back to people actually having better genes (for some part)).
tl;dr: sample bias, fucking idiots
Hybrid vigour does not apply to humans and only applies to extremely inbred group subspecies. You don't have any idea what you're talking about or what hybrid vigour even is.
>she probably
>debates is
Have you noticed that they are all American mongrels? For them to argue in favour of racial separtaion would be to argue against their own interests.
> Hybrid vigour does not apply to humans
I should clarify this, hybrid vigour does not apply to humanity or the human species as a whole or as a general rule, although it could possibly apply to extremely inbred human groups.
But most peoples' understanding of hybrid vigour is a retarded meme anyway and is based on the breeding of different horribly inbred dog breeds, which in that specific case will obviously improve things just because of things like a better immune system.
Coming from an inbred... And I'm sorry but I side with them.
Race is a social constru-
Hybrid vigor exists in huma-
That explains why we're the tallest and smartest country in the world.
do mixed gender couples tend to be wealthy or poor?
>Have you noticed that they are all American mongrels?
it must be hard for you, being our little bitch sidekick and all
t. living in the ONLY superpower
You don't have to mix race just stop fucking your cousin.
>140 IQ
Nice bad time story.
>Stacy Gold
You'll be raising a self-hating hapa but the kid will be smart at least. You better hope you have a daughter.
>I'll just be demeaning because I fear the smart bi-racial who dumb down his thoughts for idiots.
>Love who you love.
This is the dumbest argument ever.
It's not just intelligence that matters. For all you know, you could have a son who'd end up being a manlet with wide hips, but hey, at least he memorized every line in Lord of the Rings, right?
Sure you could claim that if a black person race mixed with a white or Asian or even Latino person instead of another black person then the child would have a higher iq
It's also true that if those other races stayed in their own race their child's iq would be higher than if they race mixed
You can word it in a certain way to make it seem like race mixing is good...it's good for the lowest iq race. Not good for anyone else
Leftists always pander to the lowest and always want to make everyone closer to the lowest
well im not inbred so there's realy nothing else to say about that
so i was right then that behind your meme flag is a mongrelised American. You should know that the founders of your country intended for the entire continent to be 100% Anglo Saxon.
>I can't speak in the third person
>350,000 people it's not a big enough sample.
>Let me show you this study we did among ourselves in the backyard.
>Thinking that was third person but not the subconscious of those niggers.
> Makes point about you being a retard in terms of your lack of statistical argumentation
> He was calling me a nigger, wah, wah
Suck a muffler.
>tfw to smart to conjugate verbs
sorry i couldnt hear you. the acoustics in my massive 2 bedroom i pay 650 a month for sucks
stfu nigger
>Implying that was a reason.
Try again. :^)
>Butthurt low IQ
good luck getting a bone marrow or organ transplant when you decided to go with a weird multiclass
>IQ is for cucks
>btw you are low IQ
>tfw to smart for logic
look up regression to the mean
two blacks with 99th percentile IQ of 130 will most likely have a child that regresses to the mean of 85, itll be slightly higher than average but very unlikely to match the parents due to their extreme outlier nature
>lefty eugenics
>no control for improved nutrition
>no control for better education
Shit tier study.
Stop meme flag burger
ask me anything
Doubling down on being a nigger isn't an argument. How do you think you're going to raise your IQ with 'wisdom'? Cosmic wisdom is just a Kangz meme my dude. Spoiler alert: You will not only NOT be able to raise your IQ but it will decline over time.
If anything your best bet is to master as much shit as you can while you're young and just HOPE that it doesn't deteriorate quickly.
What happened to your fucking skull?
genes can't choose by themselves wich parity is better for them.
brain needed more space
is this photoshop'd?
what is happen to your chin??
This is the hardcore pill that pol needs to swallow.
Pol, like other conservatives and fascists, are conditioned by the msm that being "white" is soothing good. Not to mention the Hollywood and corperation right wing brainwashing.
Meanwhile, I live more liberated and free
>Be me
>Canadian white male
>my doctor is Indian
>my nurse is Jamaican
>my boss is Spanish
>my car is German
>by favourite anime is Japanese
>my president is a typical dumb white American and republican male
>my shop clerk is Turkish
>my favourite food is Thai
>my favourite genre of music is Korean (kpop)
>my favourite coffee at Starbucks is Mexican
>my favourite beer is Cambodian
>my favourite politics is Russian (Marxism Leninism)
>my favourite tobacco is Cuban
>my favourite male pornhub star is Nigerian
>my favourite female pornhub star is Norwegian
>my avocado is Congolese
>my toast (bread) is French
>my favourite economic union is Belgian (EU)
>my wife is Colombian
>her son is half Muslim
>our adopted kids are Chinese
>my favourite language Danish
>my favourite clothing is Italian
>my favourite nation is Sweden
I have a diverse life with connections
And there's (You). You, being a backward and monoculture retard who faps over Mosley, Hitler, Mussolini, Drimpf, Cesar, Powell, and Farage, because you want these daddies to deport all non white people and opress your women. You're fucking sick, and you don't know what you're missing out on. You believe in backwards fascist conservatism, and you hate Muslims, women and LGBTQHTINS+ because they're happy, in the current year, and you live with backwards conservative and right wing ideals.
I'd hate to be a conservative fascist like you.
>hybrid vigor
you really have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
"Distantly related" is not the same as interracial.
You know how we know you are a retard? The comments you've made are fucking moronic example:
>I can get it higher with more education
you can't even fucking lie effectively
Nigger detected.
>my favourite male pornhub star is Nigerian
>my favourite female pornhub star is Norwegian
Pretty good bait!
OMFG Kill both of them with fire
ITT: Retards who got their IQ score from a Facebook quiz or 15 minute online quiz.
One of you post your actual Mensa documents or fuck off with this bullshit.
mixed nigger babies are dumber than pure whites
>You see a post.
>You wonder who could be behind it...
This is your brain on gene denial. He is justifying his own miserable rootless multicultural experience when his life would be 100x more fruitful if our nations were racially homogeneous. This is an objective fact.
I'll also like to see the actual study in question. It wouldn't surprise me if this is like those studies about how diversity isn't a net negative on human life, until you actually read the data and realize that it was a horseshit interpretation.
you need to read up on genetics user, this'd be false even if the opposite would be told. An epigenetic bias due to changes in environment would be more probable.
It's so good that family members can't even donate to their own offspring due to the destruction of unique genetic codes.
Article very related.
Another reason not to race mix.
Am I a superhuman? I am both white and yellow.
gain wisdomz, increase IQ!
This is so fucking stupid. As white people bleach asians and latinos they get taller (or if niggers black them). As whites bleach blacks and latinos, they get smarter. All this means is that asians and latinos are getting taller by having kids with whites and blacks and latinos are getting smarter by having kids with whites. Whites will only get taller and smarter and stay white by selecting for tallness and intelligence in their own race. Don't start race mixing because some stupid study is biased. Race mixing alone won't make your kids smarter and taller unless you're a dumb nigger/wetback and you need to be bleached. Select up in your own race.
They are all fucking mentally retarded that don't understand IQ. A good example is this fucking retard he believes that IQ will continue to grow as long as you mix with high IQ people. Thats fucking WRONG over time sometimes not even that the IQ of their kid will go back tot he medium. For instance if both parents have an IQ of 200 their will likely be higher IQ but will not be 200 IQ itll be lower. Overtime even if that kid has married to someone with a above average IQ their kid will have a lower IQ then the parents. None of this is a guarantee genetics doesn't really work the way these idiots think.
>Asian manlets mix with strong and tall europeans
>Gets kids bigger than average than if it were asian
>Africans monkeys race mix with smart europeans
>Kid is smarter than other full black kids
wooooow smarter and taller kids
reminds me of the uruk hai. Taller/larger and "smarter" then run of the mill orcs.
that board is getting harder and harder to browse
>posting twitter/reddit gif
Fucking end yourself you non-white piece of shit.
How tall was your dad?
Humans are too similar to actually benefit from hybrid vigor because genetic isolation hasn't really happened.
why is being tall a good thing? People who are taller than 2 meters usually don't get older than 50 years old because of back problems.
You fucking idiots. Author is a Jew (((Gold)))