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That comic is Sup Forums tier bro. If you want more like that, you should head to Sup Forums and ask them for "more little red pills in comic form". They'll fill your HD up.

>getting this fucking triggered

Edits supporting babby-tier economic theories and capitalist oppression of the workers?

>t. NEETs

>Logic isn't factual if it goes against my beliefs

edits that counter the original intention of the satirical comic

>capitalist oppression
Kek. He can quit whenever he wants and goes home at the end of every day to relax.

The sentiment is good, but goddamn, the typesetting and spelling in the last panel is absolute fucking garbage. It ruins the rest of the image.

>Must defend the rich because they are White and Christian

First up against the wall.

>capitalist oppression

This. No, it's not stress free for anybody, but it's been repeatedly proven to be a better model than the alternatives.

Alas no he can't because the cronies have turned society into one where a lack of constant income, which is conveniently only available from them, is mandatory for survival.

>Baby tier economics

How do you retards make it through high school? That edit has the actual economic reality of supply and demand right there for any retard to understand

And there's a system in play that allows a worker to move up the ladder based on merit.

still waiting for more edits.

it doesnt need to be conservative or liberal. it just has to be an edit that goes against the original comic's intention

>Mandatory for survival
Get a cheap place to live then and quit spending money on useless shit.

The only irreplaceable asset of the owner is his money and even that can be crowdsourced. All that is said up there is that those who already have money deserve more money for having money.

>Labor theory of value
>in 2017

Or, God forbid, you put money into a savings account before paying the rest of your bills and pull together enough capital over several years to start your OWN business.
Nothing stops you from succeeding except you. Hoe your own row.

I honestly hate how you people try to bring up the fact that people have tow work to support themselves as if it's oppression. Do you retards think you deserve food and money simply for existing?

If only there was some way you could start your own business
Maybe on some sort of world wide web of interconnected users

Money? No. Money shouldn't exist btw.
Food? Yes. Everyone deserves to live.

Oh right one of those free houses on free land with free food and water

Go to the wielderness and start hunt gathering and planting your own shit m8

So go forth and start your worker's paradise if all an owner does is supply capital for a business. Surely anyone can do it if that's the case. I mean shit, all you have to do is make a product and the rest just takes care of itself am I right?

Lots of retards who think Das Capital is sound economic theory now or they're fans of the equally retarded Keynes school

The core idea of making an easily tradable abstraction of value is great for a lot of reasons, but as usual those who can't live unless others are miserable chose to ruin it for everyone

>Everyone deserves to live.
We don't deserve anything. Nature could give less of a shit. That's why we have money in place so people could sell their goods and not go hungry. If you're not motivated enough to go out and get your own fucking food then you failed at life.

The land is owned
The hunting is regulated
The seeds are copyrighted

"deserve" is a fallacious concept. Nobody deserves jack shit. You EARN the necessities to live, one way or another. Anything else bestowed upon you is handed over by someone else out of a sense of moral obligation. Even in a collectivised society, you are still FORCED to work, but cannot freely choose how and woth what, effectively making it even more akin to slavery.

If you want to escape capitalism, go live in North Korea. You won't last long.

I didn't say free I said cheap.

>people are defending homelessness and famine on Sup Forums

Conveniently made complicates by those who sell their services in order to assist with the process. As it has been since the days of guilds and masters.

> Cheap place to live
Not widly available. In fact by 2020 your standard full time job won't let you rent a studio apartment and the housing market is full of china.

The infrastructure in America is falling inwards and you can't be aloud to think clearly while the monopoly finally clench the noose.

>made complicates


>The land is owned
What part of "Wilderness" you didn't get?
>The hunting is regulated
Hunting for yourself wont break any law
>The seeds are copyrighted
They aren't

Sup Forums will be always triggered no matter what.

>post moved to Sup Forums
hi Sup Forums