is defending animal """""rights""""" the biggest libtard red flag there is?
Animals are ANIMALS. They have no rights. They are not human. Not even human rights are as sacred as some liberal-minded hypocrites try to present them as (and indoctrinate others to their worship in liberal arts university classes). So why the fuck would anyone care about a stupid pig that's even dumber than a nigger?
Is defending animal """""rights""""" the biggest libtard red flag there is?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Pigs are not Kosher so I hate them.
>eternal jew
Pigs are actually pretty smart breh.
Lack of empaphy is the primary trait of a psychopath.
Libs give zero shits about animal rights. Just look at how they cuck themselves in the face of muslims demanding halal meat everywhere. Leftists in the UK bitch about fox hunting, but any idiot can see that for the most part it's just a farcical attack by commie LARPers on the upper class landed gentry.
Yeah number 1 country is full of them.
I don't care about animal rights.
But I do care about the conditions my food is raised in. I demand cleaner, healthier, more sanitary factory farms.
I demand livestock that lives a normal, natural, healthy life. factory farmed animals end up pumped full of drugs and chemicals and are fed food unfit for consumption.
Again, I don't give a shit about the animal's rights or "feelings", I Just want healthy 'real' food.
I'd happily pay extra knowing the animal I'm eating had a good life without abuse, if you think that makes me a weak minded liberal that thinks with his heart be my guest you fucking kike.
>There was widespread support for animal welfare in Nazi Germany[1] among the country's leadership. Adolf Hitler and his top officials took a variety of measures to ensure animals were protected.[2] Many Nazi leaders, including Hitler and Hermann Göring, were supporters of animal rights and conservation. Several Nazis were environmentalists, and species protection and animal welfare were significant issues in the Nazi regime.[3] Heinrich Himmler made an effort to ban the hunting of animals.[4] Göring was a professed animal lover and conservationist,[5] who, on instructions from Hitler, committed Germans who violated Nazi animal welfare laws to concentration camps. In his private diaries, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels described Hitler as a vegetarian whose hatred of the Jewish and Christian religions in large part stemmed from the ethical distinction these faiths drew between the value of humans and the value of other animals; Goebbels also mentions that Hitler planned to ban slaughterhouses in the German Reich following the conclusion of World War II.[6]
>Literal animals being treated better than Yids.
Nothin' personal
Animals can feel emotions like humans, but just can't think on the same level as us
The vast majority of niggers are too stupid to consider how others might feel when they chimp out. We also commonly see them kill and abuse animals for no real reason
Is OP a nigger?
Probably not considering Hitler loved animals, massively expanded animal rights, and was a vegetarian for largely ethical reasons.
The healthier you treat your food, the healthier your people.
>corn fed cattle
>factory farming
>shit quality meat
You got the right idea.
Meat raised on wet concrete, standing in it's own shit, is not fit to eat
This. There's a reason why so many serial killers start off torturing animals.
giving animals human rights is dehumanizing. nobody should give animals the right to vote or drive or anything like that. but we call them "animal rights" we don't call them "human rights" or even just "rights", they are "animal rights" and it's different so relax.
animals have feels though and even self awareness to a degree. anyone who has ever owned a pet should know animals have feelings. or you can strap your fedora on tight and pretend animals are merely simulating emotional states but frankly that's retarded.
I'm very conservative, and I feel strongly about the fact that we need to treat our livestock in as a humane way as possible. They're living creatures that feel pain and fear. There's no reason to be cruel.
They are conscious beings. What if a more intelligent alien being came and treated us like shit and start farming us in horible conditions? We wouldn't like that shit it creates suffering, fear and hate.
Animals feel and suffer. We might be superior but we act hypocritical and lack moral understanding if we keep treating animals like shit.
OP is definitely some sort of shitskin
Poor animals, we better turn them into bacon so they won't suffer any longer.
lmao underrated
if we take only intelligence into account you should already be dead.
a society that is based on values that wants to lower even suffering of animals is better than what the have at the moment. i don't care about political correctnes but animals should not suffer, this has nothing to do with liberals.
hey Sup Forums rate this turtle I found in my yard yesterday
I was putting up some fencing and he came over to chill out for a while then sauntered away
Manny animals have no consciousness, meaning that they are unable to think about what they do, Thus are completely innocent. Niggers, on the other hand, are *supposed* to be humans cappable of thinking, feeling remorse and being self-conscious
Animals that can think can also feel emotions, it would be wrong to make them suffer more than necessary (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you)
Goyim have the tendency to feel empathy for everything, a goyim will see a trashed car and would want to fix it
By treating inferior creatures with dignity you make compasionate and noble people
Happy meat tastes better and is not kosher (rabbis need to get a job)
Doesn't matter how "smart" you think they are. Humans and animals are not and will never be equal.
Humans have the unique distinction of being created by God, for God, in the image of God, endowed with an immortal spirit that we may know God.
The Earth and everything on it were created by God for humans, as resources for us to use. "Animal abuse" doesn't exist. Read the Tanakh.
>wild game
these are the only redpilled meat sources. this way the animals dont feel fear before they are killed.
Second Post Best Post
He's on a journey.
>Manny animals have no consciousness, meaning that they are unable to think about what they do, Thus are completely innocent.
"Innocent" means nothing in this context.
If an animal is incapable of evil, then it's also incapable of good. If an animal is incapable of any moral judgment, then its life is less valuable than ours.
seems like a nice person
Ah. The three toed eastern box turtle
jews aren't any different, pig is actually tasty
it's amazing how some animals really dig music, even cows widely considered dumb as fuck seem to love music. play any music in front of cows and you'll have an audience. so many bands have done this on youtube. just standing around making noise won't get their attention, but play some music and they will gather to you.
the pattern is nice but the eyes look evil
Christians believe everything I just said, too.
Unless you're just some dipshit neo-con "political Christian" who doesn't actually believe in God and just uses Him as an excuse to hate niggers.
You can keep shouting "deus vult" and "praise Jesus" as a virtue-signal, but true believers will always know their own.
I care about animals and I'd rather eat ethical meat, I'm sure it's more nutritious and taste better too.
is defending goyim"""""rights""""" the biggest libtard red flag there is?
Goyim are ANIMALS. They have no rights. They are not human. Not even human rights are as sacred as some liberal-minded hypocrites try to present them as (and indoctrinate others to their worship in liberal arts university classes). So why the fuck would anyone care about a stupid goyuim that's even dumber than a nigger?
I don't believe in anything ya fucking kike
of course animal lives are less valuable then ours. the vast majority of people who want improved conditions for animals aren't demanding animal equality. pretty much nobody thinks animals are as important as humans good grief. you don't even have to make this argument, nobody disagrees except maybe the most radical peta retards.
the modern factory farm is clearly shit and i won't buy meat from those places. have to vote for your dollar if you don't want to support cruelty. and cruelty to animals, while not as bad as cruelty to humans, is still bad enough that i don't like it.
frankly i think the way we treat animals on factory farms is demaining towards humans in the sense that we should be better then that. we are better then that. i think we're really letting ourselves down by doing this, we are capable of being so much more civilized.
You naive retard. Given hundred of acres to roam, cows will stand shoulder to shoulder in their own shit anyway, and pigs wallow it it. I'm tired of sheltered cityfags who have never seen a cow in real life saying that farms mistreat animals because they don't treat them like people. LIVESTOCK ARE NOT PEOPLE! They do not want or care about the same things as people do! They do not give a fuck if they are dirty, they do not give a fuck if they are crowded, they will seek out these conditions preferentially when left to their own devices
Sick fucks like you us whats wrong with the world
There is literally nothing wrong with corn based feed
Fuck off vegan fag
The vast majority of non-human animals are not just stupid, but non-sapient. You can make the argument for great apes but we aren't raising gorilla for food
i was raised on a family farm and worked on a factory farm before quitting due to extreme guilt and because it made me feel like a shitty person, very different conditions. i'll only buy meat from family farms because i'm not a monster
That is fucking degenerate look at the state of those animals. Vegan or not you should reject that shit
>Sup Forums forgetting Hitler mainstreamed animal rights
Some shills are really trying to dig deep now. This one is so good it's almost believable that OP has a soul
You quit because you're a dunce who anthropomorphised fucking cows, one of the most braindead and instinct driven of all mammals. Congrats.
Animals are literally animals, they don't have rights
And of course there's this. Believe it or not this would be a "side-effect" of treating our food like living beings instead of plastic like how they're packaged I'm stores
Animals are not people, they do not care about the same things we do. On their own they will seek out similar environments: they stand shoulder to shoulder in the shade and shit where they stand
but pigs are better than niggers
>industrialized, automated animal slaughter on large scale is ok
>fucking animals is not
Explain this
That is true. However, the importance of an animal life (in the wild) goes well over its own life. It is part of an ecosystem that is in a perfect balance
When it comes to livestock we are already doing a lot by perpetuating their species for the purpose of feeding us. Might as well not get satisfaction in seeing them mowing and shaking uncontrollably in a pool of their own blood
Animal rights is literally the only thing liberals are right on
Laws against fucking animals are done for the sensabilities of other people and also because of the potential public health hazards
>has no sense of morality especially to those creatures deemed to be "beneath" him
Classic mentality of some breed of shitskin
>There is literally nothing wrong with corn based feed
have you ever eaten just corn? have you ever studied an animal that has eaten just corn? corn based diets are not healthy and destroy the digestive system. corn is an okay additive, but it should not be the MAIN/sole ingredient in animal feed.
>corn based diets are not healthy and destroy the digestive system.
t. your ass
>After 2,500 Studies, It's Time to Declare Animal Sentience Proven
personally i find it mildly annoying that they say animals are conscious in the same way humans are. i don't agree with that. but i can agree that they certainly possess a degree of awareness that makes treating them like objects instead of like animals is a monstrous disgusting thing. they really shouldn't be abused to the degree seen in factory farms. i'm not saying don't eat them, or to treat them with the same respect as humans. but treat them with some respect and do take their feelings and lives into some consideration because they are capable of emotion and a degree consciousness.
is that really so extreme? no
>potential public health hazards
Like what?
The other point is entirely valid, though.
This, also USA still has BLV (beauvine leukemia virus) since they share needles between cows. Over 20 developed countries got rid of it entirely.
you're a dunce who in order to assuage his own guilt has commited himself to a delusion which defies all common sense. your intellectual cowardice has been noted, and your emotional intelligence clearly stunted.
i do not view cows as being equal to humans. but that doesn't mean cows can't feel pain and distress when placed in terrible conditons. clearly. you are really very dedicated to your own ignorance to pretend cows are incapable of pain or discomfort.
The fact that animals have limited sentience doesn't change the fact that the environmental factors they consider important are not the same as ours. What you think of as "abuse", other than actual physical abuse, is just you projecting what you would find important onto a cow
>Göring prohibited vivisection and said that those who "still think they can continue to treat animals as inanimate property" would be sent to concentration camps.
Caring for animals is aryian.
Torturing animals is subhuman and gets you sent to the concentration camps.
Jesus, I cant wait for the day of the rope.
>day of the rope
Such heresy
Say the animal fucker had an STD, which contaminated a cow or pig, which was later slaughtered. If it was bloodborne, and had any degree of cross-species compatability, then human consumers could be in danger.
Animals are animals yes, but not treating animals properly is wrong and not healthy for the people or the animals. The animals produce worse products and meat, the people who work their have damaged souls, and the tainted products are simply unhealthy. It's one thing to raise and kill animals for use, but to torture them in tiny cages is another thing entirely. You feel the same way about the insectoids boiling dogs alive? They are animals too no?
>There is literally nothing wrong with corn based feed
thanks monsanto
already proven gmo corn isn't fit for human consumption. it's not fit for the animals people are going to consume either. i'd rather not gmo corn cows and i would never feed that globalist poison garbage to children.
stay ignorant you dumb fuck normie, i don't even care for your response so don't bother
Fair enough point.
A Dog will still treat you like a dog
That's not what I said and you know it, you intellectually dishonest faggot. I said what cows consider to be "terrible conditions" is completely different than what humans do, in large part because cows are just fucking dumb
>animals don't deserve rights goy they serve us
>the goyim are animals walking around as humans
>a fucking kike
Fuck off kike
I'm pretty sure I function on a higher level of consciousness than you, yet I wouldn't advocate snipping off your dick and locking you inside your office cubicle where you shove spreadsheets from left to right until you die and then turning you into soylent green.
Nobody is saying you should be vegan, but treating lifeforms that operate on lower levels of conciousness with dignity is mostly a sign of your own dignity.
If you cant treat children and animals with a certain ammount of dignity they deserve you dont deserve it either.
Nobody is saying become a vegan. Just dont be a soulless morally corrupt golem of the jewish world order.
please stop culturally appropriating that word. you're not indo-iranian
one day machines shall argue this about humans, and you will beg for their mercy
Damn, you must be one of the few white people left in Canada that isn't some kind of commie or transvestite. Is it as hard to find right minded white people where you live? I worry about our neighboring countries. It seems like people are starting to get the communism virus again
>please stop culturally appropriating that word. you're not indo-iranian
Of course I am, you mentally handicapped burgerfat mongrel.
The aryian tribes migrated over the caucasus to central europe.
That's why where the aryians used to dwell there's ruins of previous high cultures surrounded by brown street shitters.
It's the eternal fate of the aryian to bring civilization and lure undesireables into his countries by simply existing.
Rinse and repeat.
That's actually a tortoise nigga. Don't mix up the two like this dumb cunt did.
Fucking low IQ meatards in this thread man.
Animals can have rights, rocks can have rights...rights are a subjective construct. You can say a rock does not deserve rights as they are not sentient, you cannot say this about animals.
Nobody in this thread has justified needlessly stabbing animals.
Reply to me.
Give ONE non hypocritical justification to needlessly murder an animal.
protip: you cant, so drop your egos and go vegan, its not some far left cult.
animal rights come down to not abusing the shit out of them. it's not the same as human rights, which also apply to filth (like you, kike) that don't deserve to be treated as humans. so, no.
you're being a fucking goof and you need a smack buddy. pull your head out of your ass, i'm not saying cows need a clean environment with some classical art and lounge chairs and decorative gardens etc. i'm saying they don't like being abused in shitty conditions. factory farms are not the kind of conditions any living creature on earth could possibly enjoy. being tortured and confined and put in extreme pain is not something any animal can enjoy. you are fucking stupid i can't even believe how totally lacking in common sense you are. why do you lie to yourself? are you that weak?
You call me a normie while posting mom-science, what a fucking retard
>Give ONE non hypocritical justification to needlessly murder an animal.
I don't have to give you one, neither lions
You can pretend God cares more about your kike ass but you're only fooling yourself. Quit killing animals and kill yourself instead
i'm not "applying human standards to cows" fuck off
i can use that right back at you, low iq moron.
>what you consider to be "terrible conditions" a baby its ok to let a baby human live in a 4 by 4 cage full of its own shit and piss yh?
You'd profit from animal rights too.
>You feel the same way about the insectoids boiling dogs alive?
actually, dogs are esteemed in chinese culture. they're just separated into 3 classes - the watchdog, the hunting dog, and the edible dog. it was common practice to bury them with respect on par with humans
>i dont have to prove my point
wow such a great post.
The mistreatment of animals is the biggest sub-human nigger flag there is.
Cows could not even begin to comprehend the notion of dignity. Comfort, sure, but again, the conditions are much closer to what they choose for themselves than you seem to believe.
so germanic tribes are actually northern indian in origin?
Fuck off, every killing is for a reason. We kill each other for war, we kill the environment for progress, and we kill animals for food.
Did I make a profit from you?
I can't remember
I don't think "animal rights" is a good term to use. It's more a question of human responsibilities.
nobody in canada cares about communism or being conservative or anything. they just go to work, watch tv, check facebook, chill with family and friends, talk about sports. it's all quite dull really but the one good thing i can say about it is that nobody except the most brainwashed university retards want communism or even give the slightest fuck.
most people just want to live their lives and don't even care about telling others how to live. fair enough.
I seem to be the exception to your post. I am a vegetarian (for moral and environmental reasons) neo-con studying Law. Work that one out.
>kike shilling for Christianity
Kiss my ass any man worth his salt knows it's unnecessary and inhumane to hurt animals for a reason other than consumption. And even consuming them should be done with respect. Every true believer knows God hates unnecessary cruelty so fuck off