How should we answer the German Question?
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Just a bit longer mate and our plans will come to fruition.
They'll be begging for a trip to the BLOOD REFINERY by years end.
Well memed good sir.
I kindly give you an upboat.
why do anglos hate germans
the time of the aryan is over
More please
We have to resurrect our lord and saviour.
If it weren't for Anglo-American influence or interruption the Germans would have answered all of the world's important questions by now.
Because they started World War 1 and 2 and they perpetrated the holocaust which goes against British sensibilities. Also memes
(((british sensibilities)))
Soon you will be bickering amongst your own countrymen at the bottom of my centrifuge, Dietrich.
The time of the Anglo has come.
Germany tried to stop all this from happening though. Be honest. It would have been much better if NatSoc Germany had won. They did fight well, especially considering how much less resources they had (although they made a few big strategical mistakes + bad luck, like with Soviet).
THAT's the meme i was thinking of.
You still believe in the holocaust you autistic faggot?
They crave Ar*an blood
Its funny that youmade greece indepented cause Greece was historicaly depentant on the anglo and french gibs until WW2. (Nowdays its the jewish bankers that control us)
Condolences to any actual Englishman/Woman ITT.
You don't deserve these mudshits.
Saged and reported for chronic shitposting.