can i get a nice!
Roasties finally getting toasted by the system
Hroast beef it's hwhat's fer dinner
>teachers who have sex with student gets arrested and jailed.
>This never happens in UK
Go outside user, stop getting your information off a Bolivian Fish-grooming website.
Besides, she will be out after 8 months, that's less than a year user.
>tfw no gf
blowjobs are the thing i miss most
That's inappropriate and it's wrong to have sex before marriage. They should marry now.
Aha ahaha ahahahaaaaaaa!
Expect an article in 'femail' about how she's the victim shortly
A bj instead of a actual gift. Cheap whore.
>roasties succing off Jake Paulers
man, this country is shit
>16 months
If she were a man he'd be burned at the town's plaza
this happened near me why couldnt i go to that school :(
mine just dumped my ass to the floor after almost 4 years
feels real bad user feels real bad
how alpha do you have to be to get blowjobs by your teacher when you are 15?
Also, I'd hate my father for doing that.
>Paedophile male teacher who had affair with 15-year-old pupil and performed sex act on her in his car as a birthday treat is jailed for 16 years
Just like Mr. Tom at Zenith.
>16 months
Wow it's fucking nothing. 10+ years for a guy
>toasted by the system
>measly 16 months
uh, no. fuck off
this happened near me why couldnt i go to that school :(
>sick twisted paedophile WHITE MALE teacher who had MOLESTED INNOCENY 15-year-old pupil and performed sex act on her in his car AFTER ABDUCTION ON birthday is jailed for 16 years
>reported by father
Wtf nigga? Cock blocking own son. What a faggot. Usually it's the mother who snitches.
Anyone who says "nice" is a disgusting individual that supports pedophilia and should be jailed.
I know you're b8ing, but look up what "pedo" actually means retard.
More like statutory rape, that's about it.
His dad should give him high five instead. Propably some cuck.
In the States, as a non-violent offender, she'd be out in 3 to 6 months with good behavior, depending on which state she was in. She'd be given a condition of not approaching the boy until he turns 18, and become a sex offender for the rest of her life just cause she followed her biological imperative and fucked a willing teenager.
If you haven't noticed, women are becoming sexual predators. They are being corrupted by lust.
It's time to start separating young female teachers from young school age males. We need to bring the old granny teachers back to teach young males.
Pic related is what female teachers should look like. We want our young men to concentrate on academics and not degeneracy.
>16 months
Fuck yeah, id get a blowjob from that!
when was the last straight white male that got in trouble for this type of behavior? Sup Forums leads me to believe it virtually never happens anymore cause either a) male teachers are actually aware of the consequences and hardly ever do it or b) Sup Forums doesnt post it when it happens.
Maybe he should instead lose his kid to the CPS when the info about him fucking the teacher inevitably gets leaked, you negro?
>concerned father
White race confirmed
lucky cunt
>bring the old granny teachers back to teach
This, those old guard hags aren't nice but they do the best job while curbing decadence, even in females.
And now that kid is doomed to having a milf fetish for the rest of his life.
What a monster.
>Also, I'd hate my father for doing that.
Same here. If I were him I'd give my son a high five
At least you had four years of companionship.
t. 30 year old virgin
v. nice
wew lad
>23 year old
>all this deal over a 8 year difference
Fucking burgerclaps.
>tfw you were never the Chad or Tyrone that got a "birthday present" in your teacher's car
Fucking end my dumb little life.
Old women stopped teaching when they started letting feral hominoids in the schools. They left en masse once the laws prevented them from disciplining the children outright. Yes; reverse racism actually killed the profession of teaching.
Damn it Dad, you're a fucking cunt.
Any adult that has sex with a child under 16 years old is by definition a pedophile.
>only 16 months
Why not 16 years?
>steal $1 from bank
>go to prison
All this over $1. Law is the law. All they had to do was keep their mouths shut. We never find out about the ones who stfu. It's hard for human beings to keep solence though.
cock blocked by your own dad, ouch
>by the boy's concerned father
What was he concerned at?
Pedophile means they’re attracted to prepubescents. Chances are this 15 year old was some pubescent, virile football player Chad. It’s hebephilia.
fatty BTFO
Shouldn't men teach boys and women teach girls?
I'm against gender-mixed classes, school isn't meant to discover the other gender.
In the old times, boys learnt man's stuffs with the men, like wood chopping or crafting and girls learnt woman's stuffs like cooking or sewing.
and now I’ll have months of sorrow cuz I’m a faggot
t. Soyim
the only reason she got jail is because shes not very attractive
Studies show that students perform better academically in same sex classes. The education system knows this but ideals beat pragmatism these days all the time
>16 months
What will she actually serve 6 months???
pretty sure you would get a lot more than that if a guy banged a female student
this kid got straight D's if you know what I mean
I'm jelly as fuuuuuck
Oldfag here. What you guys need to realize is that this shit has been going on since the beginning of time. The only difference is social media and its impact on culture.
When I was in high school my Chad buddy fucked 2 different teachers. Nobody knew because they didin't blab about it or post every single tiny action on social media. People have become so self-involved and narcissistic with their impulse to post every waking moment on the internet and people just end up incriminating themselves.
Fucking your teacher is nothing new.
Goddamn NICE. The kid is a hero.
she looks a little chunky, but face is cute enough... i'd let her touch my penis
Both of these.
>16 months
How much would a pedophile man get for having sex with a 15 year old girl?
What's with all the dumb americans today? It's worse that usual.
10 years
It gets better, albeit very slowly
My 3.5year gf dumped me 8 months ago
At least it happened
Depends if he is """Asian""" or not
Only 16 months? If it had been a man doing the same, it would be 10-30 years.
The education system prefers retarded children, it's easier to rule a population of retards.
Hope he gets life. You'd want your son to bang a hot teacher but, you wouldnt want your daughter defiled.
>but muh double standards
Damn straight. Turns out boys and girls are different.
>last row, far right
>dem knees and white legs
>last row, second to the left
She looks 40-50 and banging.
>tfw no sexually frustrated, horny, decades unfucked and hairy thicc milfy teachers to sexually molest and abuse you
>tfw no 40 year old teacher milf telling you she is pregnant but she will keep it and I will have to be quiet in order to avoid responsibility
He must be completely traumatized by the experience :(
it also feels bad not having one
So women should get a free card to fuck minors? Why stop at 15 year old boys. Why not let them sodomize people under the age of 6.
I bet he had a big dick too to fill that big gap. children don't have big dicks.
Just look at the pic. You would be okay if your son was stuck with the pig because he had a baby with her? Rather than banging a beautiful, healthier woman. He wouldn't be concerned if the woman was prettier.
better than 0 get out of jail free card they usually get because they're female, retard
I honestly cant tell if your just trolling or if you really are this stupid. "By definition" a pedophile is a person attracted to prepubescent children.
Theres plenty of post-pubescent teenagers under 16 out there you dumb fuck.
>didn't blab
How did you know? He's lucky you didn't tell. Most people were not designed to keep secrets.
>Turns out boys and girls are different.
So why did you let women from kitchen again?
I actually hope it's the opposite. an acceptable body to compensate for that face.
If I had such a dick of a father when 15, I'd shown him my gratitude with iron bar all over his fucking head.
A dont know of a penalty system for this. I completely understand the argument against this though. However, I simply dont care because I dont consider a teen having the time of his life, a a crime.
We dont let them do shit with 6yr olds though because theres a very big physiological difference between children and teenagers you fucking moron.
You just assume that it is given that he is having the time of his life. Imagine if it was pic related forcefully raping him with a gun.
Fucking burger, get the fuck out of here.
I don't really care about the sex bit, but,can the boy still say no and get an objective review off his grades? That's my consern. Really.
You're also assuming that 15 year old girls can't enjoy sex with their hot male teacher.
They should be punished the same.
they're usually liberals, that should tell you what you need to know.
she would rather fuck her students than her libcuck friends
you follow a curriculum setup by the school board and basically follow directions given in a teacher's edition text book. teachers are basically glorified babysitters. there is not a huge hurdle to get into the teaching profession
>tfw I used to hit on my biology teacher in high school
>was fit because I ran track and cross country
>she'd always tell me that I was cute, but she couldn't mess with me because of my age
>even said that if I was older, she'd consider it
I missed out, lads.
it just stings more cuz she was my first
But anyways this ain’t a therapy session
Back to them politics
Fuck Glurmpf !!!!
>You just assume that it is given that he is having the time of his life. Imagine if it was pic related forcefully