White ethnostate

>white ethnostate
So. fucking. dumb.
So let me guess. Its a nation full of white males, and boomers, and dogs? Good luck with that, you will LITERLY cease to exist

>Be me
>Canadian white male
>my doctor is Indian
>the nurse is Jamaican
>my boss is Spanish
>my car is German
>my favourite cartoon is Japanese
>my president is a typical dumb white American and republican male
>my shop clerk is Turkish
>my favourite food is Thai
>my favourite genre of music is Korean (kpop)
>my favourite coffee at Starbucks is Mexican
>my favourite beer is Cambodian
>my favourite politics is Russian (Marxism Leninism)
>my favourite tobacco is Cuban
>my favourite male pornhub star is Nigerian
>my favourite female pornhub star is Norwegian
>my avocado is Congolese
>my baguette is French
>my favourite economic union is Belgian (EU)
>my wife is Colombian
>her son is half Muslim
>our adopted kids are Chinese
>my favourite language Danish
>my favourite clothing is Italian
>my favourite nation is Sweden

I have a diverse, enriched life with connections

And there's (You). You, being a backward and monoculture retard who faps over Mosley, Hitler, Mussolini, Blumpf, Cesar, Farage, Le Pen and now Stephen Paddock the poster boy of white male patriarchy because you want these daddies to deport all non white people and opress your women. You're fucking sick in the head, and you don't know what you're missing out on. It's called Dunning-Kruger effect, you litterly CANNOT UNDERSTAND what you do not know exists. You believe in backwards fascist conservatism, and you hate Muslims, women and LGBTQ+ because they're happy, in the current year, and you live with backwards conservative and right wing ideals.

I'd hate to be a conservative fascist like you.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is there a porn with her?


>My favorite beer is Cambodian.
Go fuck yourself

Not only dogs. Also cats.


Yeah but we'll just steal all that stuff whenever we end up needing it, problem solved.

He is not your president, chink
Also marxism is german, you dipshit

you can stay with them we don't need every white person....

>my wife...
>her son...

Source of pic now

I remember when we used to think this picture was AlmaWade

You don't get to come to the ethnostate kike

77 get

>my wife's son
Neck yourself

We already have one nigger

Oh God this copypasta again.
The only redeeming thing about this post are ebin tiddies :DDDDD
But OP is still a faggot.


>my wife is Colombian
>her son is half Muslim

Yeah you sure showed me user

Do you know that you can enjoy all those things without non white people around, right?


stop bumping shill threads

I'd hate to waste my life typing up such a garbage shit post. Did you even try? Hot pic tho. Sage


Someone post link now.
It was amazing

I get to enjoy all these cultural products! Good thing I'm actively eliminating diversity of culture! Enjoy the end of history you small souled consumerist automaton.

I'm willing to travel to experience other cultures, if that means I can contribute with my own. All diversity on this planet relies on isolation and incentive. If you eliminate isolation you'll get cultural convergence too soon for the varied gifts of humanity to bear fruit.

>Half muslim
must be Chp militan kopehi

>>my favourite politics is Russian (Marxism Leninism)

good one bro

>>Be me
>>English white male
>>my doctor is English
>>the nurse is English
>>my boss is English
>>my car is English (made)
>>my queen is English
>>my shop clerk is English
>>my favourite food is English
>>my favourite beer is English
>>my favourite language is English
>>my favourite clothing is English
>>my favourite nation is England

And you are full of shite

So on the money

Who is she?

Your doctor would be white if Canadian doctors cared less about money and didn't flee to America.

Are you a fucking idiot? why do you think there will be no trade with the outside world? kill yourself you Canadian fool.

This is subversive communistic anti-white propaganda. You're siding with the babylonian baal/moloch worshippers. International jewry and finance as well as international freemasonry. You picked the wrong side.

Yeah, ethnostate is a terrible idea if you want a liberty-based society with negative rights

It works where it's already existed for thousands of years and is based on ideals independent of actual ethnic solidarity, although all the good ones have that, too

>>Be me

Now that's some recycled bait.
It's eleventeen different baits all in one, attacking various different layers, with, sadly, the fattest strikes making it very, very clearly bait.
7/10 post. I approve.

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it an 8/8

>>my favourite politics is Russian (Marxism Leninism)
i didn't red past canadian but then i crossred the tread...
your favorite politics is goelag and massmurder?
wew dude...
hold tight to that tree, you might blow away one day

OP doesnt realise she is stull sleeping with her sons father.

To be fair Lenin died like five years before the first camps opened up.

>my favourite genre of music is Korean (kpop)




You'd be very surprised to find out that a lot of us here on Sup Forums are just larping a dicking around. As a minority, I speak to the truths that I've noticed and encountered, which is exactly why I'm here. I find that "white culture" (=WESTERN) is 100% better than any other, as evidence, I provide the facts that your speaking English, and that white countries are where everyone else wishes to migrate to.

It's literally human nature to select for groups that reflect values, ideals, and self, but results will always be consequential to you. There are a lot of cultures/powers that militarize that fact to blame everything on others as so is history and nature has proven. That's one meme that's imperative you don't fall for faggot.

faggot most of that list is an argument for free trade oh no how can i get shitty cambodian beer (lol pretend you drink it for the taste u pretentious fag) without having cambodians in the country to import it for my incapable ass

Damn it! I can't believe you Jews tricked us into starting your ethnostate instead of starting ours! Sneaky kikes

it started with lenin
fine, how about those canals they dug up that ended being not deep enough for the ships they supposed to let trough

Is Marutei Tsurunen mentioned?

> Tsurunen served as a representative of the Democrats in the House of Lords of Japan in 2002-2013 as her first Western-born member.

It's a hell of a hell of a thing when you think about how dubious Japanese are foreigners. Sure Finland is a kind of exception, the older population knows and values Mannerheim and the Finns.

Apparently he is a conservative politician and so do you like it

Either off a helicopter or with the rope. Your day will come soon

Belomorkanal was started in 1931, ended in 1933
Works fine as a canal, but since our economy is half-dead it's barely used actively enough, nowhere near the peak of 1985 with 7mln tons of cargo passing through it.

I'm not a lenin/stalin apologist btw, just don't attribute things the commie mushroom didn't do to him. He's bad enough.

you sound like a massive faggot.

>Even canadians call the OP a faggot

>my favourite beer is Cambodian

Your taste in beer is shit. I've had beer from all over the world and I guarantee the Cambodian beer you like is maybe slightly better than fucking bud light.

America has the best beer in the world right now. Try an nice IPA like Bell's Two Hearted or a Stout like Buried Hatchet for godsakes.

>my favourite nation is Sweden


>my favourite genre of music is Korean (kpop)
>my favourite politics is Russian (Marxism Leninism)
M'eh, but still stupid
>my favourite male pornhub star......
Wtf? You have a favourite male porn star?
What kind of a man are you?
Please be bait.

have a (you). still gonna sage tho.

Have any replies mentioned Marutei Tsurunen?

>Tsurunen was the first Western-born member in the Japanese House of Lords, representing the Democrats from 2002-2013

This achievement is particularly noteworthy due to Japanese insularity, suspicion of foreigners and general ingroup preference (Finnland being a major exception, as many older Japanese are of aware of and appreciate Mannerheim and Finnish values in general.)

Apparently they liked him because of his Conservative politics.

Get the fuck out of American then you faggot

Who is your pic related? Image search is inconclusive.

Why not both, say at 1000 ft.

>This is subversive communistic anti-white propaganda. You're siding with the babylonian baal/moloch worshippers. International jewry and finance as well as international freemasonry. You picked the wrong side.
...well said.

marutei is the real samurai
japs BTFO


Attempted virtue signaling but no one appreciated it.

Also,what is the half Muslim lifestyle? You only rape on odd numbered days?

Whites who live around blacks are forced to learn some painful lessons very early in life.

White Lives Matter. Everywhere.

White kid is so vulnerable to the much older black kids and no one seems to want to protect her.

Imagine her having to face this every single day. Maybe worse things as she gets older, unless something changes.


>I have a diverse
No, you have incompetent countrymen who can't do shit and need others to do it for them. sage

Who doesn't like fermented rhesus monkey urine?



>Be me
>Polish (((white))) male
>my doctor is polish
>my nurse is polish
>my boss is polish
>my car is Czech ( west BTFO'D )
>my favorite cartoon is Czech ( How can west even compete ? )
>my president is a handsome ubermensch
>my shop clerk is polish
>my favourite food is polish -- because poland, compared to USA - has cousine
>my favourite genre of music is - old polish songs
>my favorite coff-- I don't drink coffee.
>my favourite beer is polish
>my favourite politics is Polish ( Romanticism )
>I don't smoke
>I don't watch porn
>i don't like avocado
>baguettes are for fags
>i don't have a favourite eco. union
>my.. i don't have gf
>my favourite language is polish
>my favourite clothing is polish
>my favourite nation is Poland

I consider my life to be diverse due to the fact that my country has more to offer in terms of culture than USA


Sam bump

- and all your money comes from your relatives claiming benefits in England and Germany.

I'll respect poles as soon as they stop parasiting off other countries, and when they apologise for starting ww2.

Sorry. Is that enough?


the real source was still great

>and all your money comes from your relatives claiming benefits in England and Germany.
>what's working in IT industry

The Eternal Anglo

How it should be

K–pop? Are you Gay?

I agree. Perfect compromise! And I just now realized that OP said he was Canadian. I'm starting to believe we'll need a wall on the northern border too

70% Jewish ethnostate lol


Get out. You aren't American.

No he takes care of his Muslim masters son while he watches his master fuck his wife. In short he's a cuck. He probably only likes all that shit because his master told him to

How new are all of you?

The Pole will inherit the Earth.

>my wife is Colombian
>her son is half Muslim

His wife's son is half muslim
Can't you see?

nearly all these things are exported products, not results of a "diverse" nation.
this is such a retarded argument that I don't even know why I bothered to write this in reply

That took a lot of brain power. Have you friend

Isn't Canada STILL 90% White European? How about you take some of these illegal immigrants off our hand. We have a measly 800,000 that are living under DACA right now. Do you guys want them? It would really help us and you get to DIVERSIFY your country.

You're a dime a dozen beta bitchboy

Doesn't mean that we have to import muslims or do nothing about black crime rates.

>my favourite food is polish
why are you eating polish user?

Sauce nao


In all fields niggerfaggot

This sure is a popular pasta.


Jokes on you

Nothing you listed would exist without whites. You're comfortable with the fruits of our civilization and want to continue your parasitism.
Congrats you are the perfect hedonistic consumer.

How could you be "half" Muslim?

Probably th one who fuck s his favourite female porn star? Duh..

>>my favourite cartoon is Japanese
Kill yourself