Pic related. Original thread
Can we talk about this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>MegaAnon here. Trump went hard in his presser today so I'm going to drop a few HUGE BREADCRUMBS, but it's the first time I've really felt I need to tread lightly with info... so please, for fucks sake friends, pay attention to EVERY word I'm TYPING. 1. Internal reports floating around that Kelly's phone was stolen/hacked "a few days ago". 2. Remember, Kelly is a general and usually, "early reports" of shit like hacks/thefts are used as scapegoats to recall back to, when they later need to try and say that someone couldn't have said that, made that phone call, emailed that person, etc. their "device had been hacked/stolen", therefore compromised evidence. 3. You had a good dude tee you up about a "VIP"/"general" being escorted to Mandalay, also "a few days ago". Soon you'll see airport arrival times of high level officials seamlessly align with "suspicious activity" and claims of "shots fired" reported at the airport. Like Trump says, "you'll see".
4. Same good dude also told you a much larger scaled attack was the initial intent, but was thwarted/averted. Would've "killed thousands". Trump tweeted it was a "miracle" using condescending quotes. The miracle was their plan to kill thousands more, was thwarted. "Miracle" was a fuck you to McCabe. 5. Trump then confirmed in statement last night, he still has "no clue" if the shooter was connected to ISIS. Fuck you to Pompeo/Tillerson.
6. Tonight, he publicly confirms what candidly, we've ALL been working towards, for the last 11 months. Everyone always asks me what I "do". Well, there's lot of us and EXACTLY what we do. We are going to show you what WAS intended for Las Vegas, HOW EXTREME it was supposed to be, WHO coordinated it and WHY THEY DID. Trump isn't blowing a lid on Vegas when referring to "the storm". Trump's promised "storm" will prove that Vegas was supposed to be no different than 27 classified pages outlining what really happened on 9/11. Vegas was ONLY to STOP TRUMP FROM WHAT HE'S GOING TO TELL YOU.
Correct original bread
he's a big guy
God help us. Please.
Hi, it's me! I posted this and this morning I posted an entire thread in another one that was just archived about 10 min ago. Can anyone find it and link it here?! It took me so much fucking time that I don't have, to post it all...
Is this spoof?
Julian assange knows
I believe you mean this one.
Sorry thats a single comment but it will still take you to the main thread.
Also used it for dark magic.
Food for thought. Remember silverstein on 911
Nice Norm joke, that last (fake) tweet.
Yes... here's the whole thread and all of my posts. I'm feeling a littlemore ballsy on the things I'm willing to say around LV specifically so if someone could clearly cap these posts in the format you all do, I would really appreciate it!!! Please, for the love of God, just do it... and after you read all of those, I have a final post to that thread I was going to attach but it was archived before I finished. I will attach that here, but it will only make sense if you read the others in the thread. I can't post under "MegaAnon" anymore as the nickname y'all gave me was apparently banned (without any reason attached at all, which was odd, BTW) so in my posts, I'll just announce who I am to help keep them together.
Well I read them all and have to leave here soon and don't want to miss it so drop that shit sir!
Come on with it, man.
So what did you contribute additionally to your post, that can be seen in the OP? Can you link it? And where you the insider girl, or was that someone else?
Wanna know what's gonna happen next?
Visit lhohq.info
Name yourself meganon instead then and get a trip code. Thx.
Shitty LARP. Jews did 9/11, the 9/11 "classified" pages are just Jews pretending to hide info about the Saudis when they want you to think it was them
Follow the money.
What's you said in the other thread makes a lot of sense. Final post when?
LOL Holy fuck, this timeline is nuts.
...and this thread is confusing as fuck, some one bake a new bread.
wtf is that?
Please update.
Sup Forums has banned his meganon tripcode
In that archived thread, I posted a total of 4 posts. Here's the 5th and final of those.
Pol thread comments...
...because once a local authority or an agency confirms they are running an investigation, it means that legally, whatever crime they are assuming the responsibility of investigating, falls under their jurisdiction. LVMPD really just wants to tell you all that they haven't collected, tagged, cleared or logged, A SINGLE PIECE OF FUCKING EVIDENCE THEMSELVES SINCE MONDAY MORN. WHEN AGENCY obtained all the LVMPD TAGGED, CLEARED AND LOGGED, FROM SUNDAY NIGHT TIL AGENCY TAKEOVER. If agency had to publicly confirm the date/time of their jurisdiction takeover, then EVERYONE would know the LVMPD shouldn't even be making statements the FBI's investigation AND they'd know ANY REPORTED SLIP UPS, like "LEAKED SCENE PHOTOS" were done under agency authority, NOT LVMPD. The "storm" Trump's refered to isn't Vegas itself. I confirm 100% that a MUCH larger event was planned/thwarted by (((them))), but was done to DIVERT TRUMP AWAY FROM declassifying/releasing "the storm" (a series of classified info that admin will disclose publicly on 3 different but HUGE, socially controversial topics. (((They've))) already delayed this TWICE. I'm not saying they fuck with the weather - think what you will BUT, they DID exploit the hurricanes/devastation to their advantage, by wrapping him in so much red tape re: resource distro/allocation, services/duty assembly/deployment, etc. Hence the "storm" reference was a "fuck you" to McCabe, Kelly, Tillerson, Pompeo, McCain, Ryan, McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. Anyone question timing of San Juan Mayor's emboldened comments, days before Vegas?! Done to get the PUBLIC focused on Trump/admin. and accused "inaction" in Puerto Rico. While the MSM distracted concerned public/Trump, it kept in him check as they geared up for Vegas. It's a "miracle" it didn't work.
I was going to try that but was afraid it would trigger a longer ban or something. Thanks for the tip, boss!
wtf dude?
Assuming this is actually what went down, which I am skeptical, the true intent of the "averted crisis" was to orchestrate a false-flag operation on American citizens. The failed attack was suppose to be blamed on a country in which the US has been ridiculously hostile towards (Russia, Iran, Syria, NK) in order to justify a US invasion of that country.
We understand that the US economy is crumbling, because of the Federal Reserve's decade-long policies and our corrupt debt-based monetary system. A war could shift the blame on the bad economy to the conflict and not the policies of the FedRev. In addition, when it comes to US foreign policy in the middle-east, no country has more clout on this topic than Israel.
´This is stupid. Go to Sup Forums and you will find hundreds of Anons who would mass murder if they had the money and brains to pull it off, and that's just on Sup Forums. FBI just wants to sit on their asses and drink coffee. Anyone who thinks the want to do anything related to work or planning a complex event like this is retarded. Some people are just fucking crazy,
Took the words right out of my mouth. What in the serious fuck are those?
Would it still be banned if I took the caps out and just did all lowercase?! I though that's what he was implying? Lowercase it all instead of "MegaAnon" with caps.
Thanks, anyway you can give insight on the 3 topics?
>trump is a genious with a master plan
explain more? i'm not clicking those links forget it
Your loss, pink.
Ok, so this was posted yesterday, and it says "tonight" POTUS is going public. So did that happen? Is there a press conference that's being hushed up that we should be looking at, or tweets we should be analyzing? Or was it delayed, so we should expect it on a future date?
Is he telling the truth?
Wall of words larping is all the rage here these days. I miss the earlier years where bant n' rant was the norm
wtff is this link spamming?????
Yes, he's so stupid he only managed to outmaneuver the dems, the rinos, a 95% negative media environment, the Hollyweirdos, the US sports complex, George Soros and his Antifa / BLM goons. What a maroon.
Why was kissenger making travel arrangements for draco.
>check the last few lines. "Trump will soon call all-in holding a royal straight flush. The Deep State is drawing dead and has only one out left: conjuring the necessary card by cheating with a false flag. Watch the dealer closely in the coming weeks."
>Author also said in diff article in June that Mueller might be working for Trump.
>Also predicted Trump win in '16 within one electoral vote.
I wish I knew Norm personally. Seems like such a good guy. See him wig out a little when Carry made that shitty comment about John Wayne?
Would you like a career in the fast paced world of "Multi-Dimensional Fourth-Dimensional Dynamic Strategic Customer Services"? Apply now!
Is this real?
>The motive
>Paddocks Philippino girl friend
>Black water escort VIP military general in Mandalay at the same time.
>"tonight" POTUS is going public
He's referring to Trump talking about the upcoming "storm"
Nope. But those digits sure the heck are!
What did you mean by this?
Because I really want to know.
If he was smart enough to carry out all that, then ehy did he have such a dirty 'stache
That was cool, but I wouldn't call it "going public," since almost no one has any idea what he's talking about. If those who do know realize it means he's about to expose him, then he's in more danger of assassination than ever, so I'd hope he'd want to get the info out sooner rather than later.
That interview was so crazy, I felt bad/awkward for Norm. Yeah he def. wigged out. Near the end he had his arms crossed and looked pissed off and told Jim he was bat-shit crazy.
Is Marutei Tsurunen mentioned?
> Tsurunen served as a representative of the Democrats in the House of Lords of Japan in 2002-2013 as her first Western-born member.
It's a hell of a hell of a thing when you think about how dubious Japanese are foreigners. Sure Finland is a kind of exception, the older population knows and values Mannerheim and the Finns.
Apparently, he is a conservative politician and so do you like it
You gotta read BETWEEN the lines, bub.
>classified info that admin will disclose publicly on 3 different but HUGE, socially controversial topics
JFK? 9/11? Sandy Hook?
Most importantly MegaAnon, WHEN will this be disclosed? We've been hearing since Weiner's laptop was found that the Swamp will be drained, we just want to know WHEN?
Thank you user. Anything we can do to help? Are we talking days, weeks or months here?
Its ok, we aint even human. Sucks for you though!
I clicked it. Now what. Pages was weird....
Me too. Norm was probably rattled the entire time. Carry is fucked in the head. Its not even comedy anymore just pure insanity. Just flat out disrespecting his studio the entire time like his shit doesnt stink. Illuminati punk confirmed.
List of name s of Illuminati or NWO
save this shit NOW!
this is a screen shot it is a flashing back ground with lots of contact details!!!!
This is scary fucking shit we're talking about here, bois. Praying for each one of you. Even that faggot posting the scary cooked person pics and spamming links.
View page source.
Nah it's from Grindhouse
its from a movie
Hey! That's cheating!
Pssssttt.. How are you with excell?
So since today is Friday, is it going to start today? Usually juicy info gets dropped on Fridays.
Sunday night(US time)/Monday morning(NK time) North Korea will be testing another ICBM or similar so would big info be dropped then as to ignore NK tantrums?
Where were the 3 black vans and what was in them that could've killed everyone in the city other than a nuke?
Titor warned to avoid three black vans and get as far away as the next state not too long ago. Those vans have something terrible in them. Why would you need three vans for a nuke though?
i've made this into its own thread. Can we get a signal boost on this info?
ruh roh
What time is prez schld to spk?
Those freaky looking webpages are filled with contact information?
I can't paste the octroyer info anywhere, it's too large. But I did save what you put there. I just have one question.
Why? Are you MegaAnon? Is this the storm?
Yes, they are.