Would you agree to reparations for coloreds under the condition that they never complain about racism ever again?
Would you agree to reparations for coloreds under the condition that they never complain about racism ever again?
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They will never be satisfied. If you give them gibs then they will simply demand even more gibs. Why is this concept so hard to understand for you burgers?
of course not
>Ever not whining about gibs
Good one
Offer $100,000 in reparations in exchange for relinquishing citizenship.
>said the german as he paid a 60% tax rate, 59% of which went directly into Abdul's personal account
>that image
Neither did modern American blacks.
Looks who's talking
The only solution is to give blacks the option for their own country. Pay them a fixed amount of reparation on the conditions that they forfeit their American citizenship and move into their own state with their own government.
No matter how high the cost of reparations is America will recoup the loss within a matter of months from no longer having the black hole of 'educating', housing, and feeding nogs.
Not gonna happen, so no.
The crime of the parents shouldn't be repaid by the children.
Reparations in the form of a one way ticket across the Atlantic.
Reparations were paid to the freedmen directly right after the civil war through the freedmen's bureau. They received free land, livestock and capital that had been confiscated from plantations.
the actual slaves were reparated. We owe modern blacks nothing.
we're all in the ditch
captcha cucch saules
The South was razed and all the cotton money spent by the end of the Civil War. Naturalized citizenship in the United States is a thousand times more valuable than any heritage of being captured and sold by other African tribes into slavery. Their ancestors are incredibly lucky they were sold to Americans and not literally anybody else, because their descendants are now free men in the West, the literal top 1% of the entire planet.
Only if we could ship them back to africa
You should be 100% for them provided those receiving it denounce their citizenship.
It should be stated as such:
"If you believe America is a white supremacist and racist country, you will take the reparations, renounce your citizenship and never return"
Get rid of nogs for a price, sounds good to me, even the ones that stay are likely to be better than average nogs.
Only if Germany give me free money for the two wars that my family fought in. Knowing they had to do that really triggers my ptsd.
Also this.
This. It's like when the Saxons in England paid the Vikings to leave them alone. Who on Earth could have predicted that they'd just show up again demanding more money?
Youre a fucking idiot. This is just a hypothetical. You eat too much feces, it's fucking with your brain. God krauts are so fucking stupid
Lol, Absolutely not. I'll pay transport to a "less racist" country though.
how about we dont pay them and just make a law that sends any wining nigger to europe or Canada
They don't deserve the dust off our hands, let alone reparations. If anything the system is already well in their favour with shit like affirmative action and preferential immigration treatment. Fuck them, they've taken enough already.
yes. reparations = a plane ticket back to their ancestral home.
Fuck off, send them to Liberia
No because their entire identity is about being victims. Trying to work with them will accomplish nothing. Also I'm already paying reparations through affirmative action and welfare. What more do these niggers want? Read BLM demands, this total war against whites.
>The only solution is to give blacks the option for their own country
They have that. Look up Liberia.
They'd still claim racism, it literally does not matter what we do. Nothing short of removal of all white people, and I mean literally 100% of white people down to the last man, will make them stop complaining about shit that happened 2 centuries ago. Even then I bet they'd bitch at their new Hispanic majority that white people kept them down. Except Hispanics/Latinos/Mexicans don't give a fuck about racism and would tell them to fuck off.
>If i am hypothetical not a stupid cunt, would you still call be a stupid cunt?
Yes. you are quite an incredible stupid cunt.
why is jewgle's somali translator so good with ebonics?
US government doesn't owe shit to niggers. Lots of rich dems do owe them as former owners of plantations. They should sue those people's trusts individually and seize the ill gotten property. The government does owe for their treatment of the Japs and Indians. indians get looted to this day. Look up how the US government manages indian trusts. That's fraud. In general something has to be done with the fraud at the federal level. These people are above the law.
The land and existing infrastructure would be worth trillions alone. No extra Gibs needed
I'd contribute to a fund to buy them tickets to send them all back to Africa. An 4.8% payroll tax that goes into a dedicated fund that is earmarked only for relocating American blacks to Africa. They aren't allowed to come back, ever. The exodus is forced, and starts with every criminally convicted black man.
Air Force or Navy can just strap an auto chute on them, and dump them out over Liberia. No need to bother landing and transferring. Just pay Liberia a one time fee of $2500 for each person ejected over their airspace.
Only if that reparation is a one-way trip to Liberia.
No because you're asking for the impossible. Black people always have to have some sort of invisible power keeping them down. Whether it is the gods or white supremacy, they always have a scapegoat as a culture.
They get billions of dollars of white tax money every year, and social advantages out of the ass of everyone everywhere. And they are still too lazy and mentally incapable of competing.
This is a fantastic counter signal
This is good
You're so dumb haunz. Yes, blacks are unruly, ungrateful, and loud but in this hypothetical, YES a HYPOTHETICAL where the blacks would just fuck off, would you? Do you understand English you disgusting shit eater? Huh? Are you just using Google translate for everything? Fucking piece of shit kraut
Niggers should be given financial assistance to return to Africa buy would be required to give up citizenship
just offer them $100,000 to go to Liberia....one way ticket....give them half that to take their kids with them (save the other half for when the kid turns 18 so the kid gets some stay in fucking Liberia $$)....a crafty negress with a dozen kids would get $700,000 to take her brood to Liberia....the inner cities would be cleared out inside of a year....
Blacks already got reparations, it's called citizenship.
It will never happen anyway. So why bother arguing about this?
>"you're the bigger cuck!"
>"no, you're the bigger cuck!"
>"my bull can beat up you're bull!"
Reparations should have been given to the slaves and their children. Case closed. The niggers in these current generations would spend it on expensive jewelry drugs and guns. Why do they act like they'd be better off with it? They'd just have worse crack addictions that they could actually afford.
If repramaninanations happen it’s time to pack it in. When they rip through the money they will want more, it may seem insurmountable. But it will hurt us all
This. I would be open to the discussion if it were in exchange for a clean slate. Cash for citizenship. Give them some reasonable timeline for leaving the country with incremental punitive measures if they refuse to leave, ultimately threatening prison. The outcome is a one-time hit to the deficit for a supermajority white nation in perpetuity. The demise of the welfare state would probably pay for itself in 2 generations.
I'd agree to give them reparations to get their ugly coon asses back to Africa.
this guy refutes your picture.
Blacks are only 13% of the population, so we wouldn't have a white country unless Mexicans also left
>How will Merkel's cucks ever recover?
>would you agree to repatriation for coloreds
Absolutely. In fact, tax me at 100% until they're all gone.