What does Sup Forums think of Public Schooling?
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necessary evil poorly implemented
Here in Germany, teachers have to stay politically neutral, but they're not.
intelligence is the capacity to learn, the smarter you are, the easier it is to learn and figure things out for you
intelligence is not affected by education
public education doesnt make idiots any less idiotic
It's a good thing overall.
Private/home-schooling shouldn't be banned as an alternative.
It would work unbelievably, amazingly better in an all-white country, America's education system is fucked up almost solely because of nonwhites.
We should also employ a multi-tier system so resources can be better directed at people with abilities suited to their mental level, i.e. people with 150 IQs shouldn't be learning plumbing, etc. unless they want to, and people with 95 IQs can't/shouldn't be in classes for advanced math or physics.
I'd prefer replacing danish public schools with private schools. But currently each child releases x amount of money to the school they attend, and I think that should stay.
Educating the population is important.
yes guys letìs hope one day we all become as clever and educated as john green, the greatest writer of our time
>a few days after manchester bombing
>in philosophy & ethics class
>"draw a picture of a terrorist"
>everyone else draws stick figures
>"who drew this stereotypical one?"
>i raise my hand
>"well it's wrong, anyone can be a terrorist"
>mfw one of her previous students joined ISIS
fucking bitch
>I want people to be educated
>Wtf why do you think homeschooling is at all ok. The kids won't be able to socialize and their parents can just show them propaganda
My public school was fantastic, but I live in the midwest.
As late as the 90's, kids were taken to church twice a week as a class. The high schoolers were allowed to go on their own but their attendance was taken and counted just like a class.
Most of the teachers were Republican and the teachers who were Democrat were not insane communists.
Unfortunately, it is slowly changing. Recently there was a situation with with an Economics teacher who apparently said something like "communism isn't all that bad" and all the parents were like, "what the fuck this fag is an econ teacher where the fuck did he come from get him the fuck out of here!" The guy took the district to court on free speech or some bullshit and basically everyone agreed to pay him a settlement to get the fuck out of town and rid the town of commies.
So there's still hope.
not very highly.
>mfw one of her previous students joined ISIS
There are so many embarrassingly stupid teachers in our education system. I once had a geography teacher who thought that Bangladesh was part of India. I also had a "pshe/citizenship" teacher who insisted that there were no gay muslims in the world.
My school put posters up that showed their "values". The background was the union jack being overshadowed by the LGBT rainbow and it was covered with girls in hijabs, despite there only being about 15 in my school.
It's because education doesn't attract smart or competent people, they all go into shit like math, physics, etc.
I mean there probably are some really smart and inquisitive teachers but they're almost certainly the minority.
I think Finland requires a master's degree to teach but I'm not sure that even means much or makes it much better since again, education inherently isn't going to attract the smartest people.
wtf is a "pshe/citizenship" teacher
underrated fp
Is Marutei Tsurunen mentioned?
> Tsurunen served as a representative of the Democrats in the House of Lords of Japan in 2002-2013 as her first Western-born member.
It's a hell of a hell of a thing when you think about how dubious Japanese are foreigners. Sure Finland is a kind of exception, the older population knows and values Mannerheim and the Finns.
Apparently, he is a conservative politician and so do you like it.
I think that it's like most other public versions of things: generally lacking compared to the private version. Secular homeschool is the way to go if you are able to dedicate the time and resources.
Most everyone goes to public school so it makes sense for everyone to pay for it, even if you don't have kids, chances are you went there yourself.
Jesus. I went to an all boys school which made it fairly resilient to shit like that. We would mostly laugh about preachy teachers behind their backs.
>had a geography teacher who thought that Bangladesh was part of India.
Bangladesh was part of India until 1971 you fucking retard.
It's basically Sociology.
I think it could be done better, faster and cheaper privately
pshe stands for personal, social, health education. It's bs where they try to teach you how to be a good healthy citizen. It's mostly just liberal bs
It’s propaganda machine for the goyim.
Funny because literally half the public school spics and niggers are functionally illiterate and the white ones can read but not think. So as always nice strawman, we all want educated people we just don't want illiterate brainwashed morons in a compulsory, mismanaged, bloated government system.
Yeah but she thought it still was. She wasn't even old enough to remember the 70s. She has no excuse
Yeah.. I gave up believing in Public education when this mental giant gave testimony at the Trayvon Martin murder trial. She could barely speak non-Ebonic English, was racist beyond imagining (calling a man cracker in her world view is not racist), and could not even read or write cursive.
I had a handful of very smart teachers who genuinely cared about teaching. They typically get poached by private schools and are given fat salaries. They deserve it I think, but it's shit for our state schools
it's shit, but kids need to socialize so what else can you do really
most homeschooled kids turn into nutjobs unless their parents took them to social outdoor activities as well
>was part of
>not is part of
you need to work on your verb conjugation Ahmed
I think the reason so many homeschool kids seem weird is because a lot of times their parents are dorky/uncool in the first place. There are weird kids at public school too.
soz m8 i take good care of ma grammar from now
I don't understand why education is free in the USA but if you break your arm the hospital bill will be gorilions of dollars.
We have, for example, the great H. L. Mencken, who wrote in The American Mercury for April 1924 that the aim of public education is not:
>"...to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence... Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim... is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States... and that is its aim everywhere else."
Public schooling is the greatest evil in the West and is the thing that is destroying the Western countries. All evils can be traced to it at least partially. People believe not what their eyes see, but what the authorities tell them to believe.
>school makes people smart
Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?
>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.
A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.
Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like
They should buy books for the kids it help
Here in Finland pupils are forced to go to church as a class twice a year (although no one is religious). You live in a very weird and
superstitious country.
niggers ruin it
they are daycares but you get treated like you're in jail.
i remember 10th grade english teacher, 2nd day of class, wanted us to make up a gay rap song about ourself i shit you not. i switched classes fast.
People who use the "think of the children" meme are always sociopaths.
What a dumb thing to say in that pic. Smart people will be smart, dumb people will be dumb.
Great idea in theory. Nobody wants to live around a bunch of superstitious morons. In practice it means the teaching of white self hatred and obscuring of facts that are inconvenient to the Global Corporate State.
When you make it mandatory, thus giving the right to control your children to the state, you have given the state ownership of your children.
Teaches nothing useful. Local college professors kept their children out of my high school, they were tired of arguing with retarded staff who refused to prepare coursework relevant to a continued education in stem. Teachers are all retarded cunts who never accomplished anything academically. They only really serve to socialize kids, bend them to authority, and encourage women to abandon motherhood. Any public education beyond 15 years old is a complete waste, a GED only takes a couples hours, and you shouldn’t even have to prepare it’s so easy. A high school diploma is completely worthless if you have any form of higher degree. High school just forces kids to waste time doing drugs
>but they're not
School sucks everywhere hanz
It works if the kids are white and the teachers are white and theres no marxism mixed in. That said we should IQ test kids and seperate them into classes based on performance.
John Green is such a genius
It would be good if the education wasn't largely a conditioning as well as propaganda brainwashing.
Smart people are smart regardless of whether or not they have an education. The opposite is also true. You can cram as much what ever into someones head and even if they remember it if they don't know how to use it there's no reason for them to have it. Conversely if some one is intelligent you don't need to cram things into their head, they will seek it out on their own.
Honestly, besides reading, writing, and math I don't think the state should teach things like history, or sociology or what have you. Reading, writing, and math are all pretty neutral subjects and can't really be influenced politically.
These days everything a smart person wants to learn can be found online.
Well it's not the communism that is bad it's the communists.
How about no one pays for anyone's anything?
desegregation and Plyler v. Doe ruined them
You don't pay taxes for funding schools unless you own property.
John green, as far as i know, doesn't own property so this makes him look like a fucking retard.
Its the same reason why i didn't like his crash course history shit because his pro liberal views make history look anti western. He has a whole segment dedicated to the "cultural genius" of Marxism but turns around and demotes Aristotle to spoiled philosopher that was wrong about everything. His mentor was a commie. Fuck him.
Smart kids stay smart, stupid kids stay stupid, everyone forgets what they learned after the test. Waste of time and money.
The more I grow up the more I realize this is true
Why don't they just call it sociology
Agreed. This is shocking to most people though. Many people haven't read about how nationwide private schooling can function; all while bringing parents more into the fold of their children's education. The same criticisms of funding come up, but again, that decision can be made locally - by either local gov't or private funding - all giving more power to the childrens parents while using the money MORE EFFECTIVELY with more diligent, caring oversight.
Of course this will never be an idea that can float in a country of niggers, spics, and commies. They have neither the attention span to understand the fundamental differences and benefits, nor the care for their children.
>I don't like living in a country with a bunch of stupid people
Then why does he live in USA?
I thought free online education was crap for k-6.
This thread is prove the US public education system is terrible. You faggots are dumb as fuck.
It's only a gorillion dollars because the government started regulating medical care. The USA was second to none, cheap as all hell, and came to your damn house when it was private and they had to compete.
That America is long gone though.
proof* faggot
>CA public schools are funded by state tax as well as local property taxes
>CA prop 13 caused a centralization of funding for local services previously supported by property taxes
Not certain where you live but you're doing it right.
>Here in Finland pupils are forced to go to church as a class twice a year (although no one is religious)
Its optional if you don't belong to a church or are not a christian
Your teachers were right.
Agreed. I think high school is a warehouse for kids. Its legal prison:
Psh if I wanted to raise my children I wouldnt send them to daycare for 10 years and pay for TV
Funny you mention that its one of the reasons i left. They pushed ca prop 13 because the teachers union wanted more money
Giving the state authority to educate every single child in the way the state wants to doesn't seem like such a good idea to me.
>there should be a multi-tier system
What do you call Honors classes and Advanced Placement programs?
Well yeah, but kids don't get to choose whether or not they want to belong to the church.
What that faggot means is
>I don't want to live in a country where people aren't propagandized from an early age to believe the same bullshit I believe in.
In terms of public schooling and actual stupidity, the more effort, money, and resources we've put into education, the lower the reading level has gotten. Treasure Island used to be a book for elementary schoolers. It's now considered middle school or even high school reading. The browning of America also contributes a lot to us getting dumber, but white kids are also declining under public education. This is why, even accounting for selection bias, children who go to classical academies or who are home-schooled vastly out-perform their public school peers.
Can public schooling be done well? Sure. We've accomplished it in the past. The problem is that our modern school system is a hybrid baby-sitting/indoctrination camp that serves 2 functions. The first is to allow women to go to work and keep the kids from causing trouble (especially ghetto kids), the second is to make sure that virtually all students grow up believing in the bullshit theory of equality with a religious level of reverence for it.
College is merely where the most ardent servants of the system are given advanced pro-party education and sent back into the education system to make it even more radical. Every new generation of teachers is dumber (they learn (((social theory and psychology))) rather than actual information) and less interested in actual instruction than indoctrination. And they get royally pissed when you call them a "babysitter" although that's half of the reason they have a job.
>pay taxes for school.
>still live in a country of idiots.
It's like giving money to cancer research.
>education inherently isn't going to attract the smartest people.
Incorrect. There isn't something "inherently" wrong with teaching as a profession. The reason why Singapore and Hong Kong have the best schools in the world is because they PAY their teachers good salaries.
In Greece public schools > private schools
private schools' teachers dont care about the students/children
Great idea as long as you don't hire retards as teachers and don't set the curriculum at the level of retard students.
Absolute garbage that does fuck all to prepare you for the real world.
In order to achieve a totally predictable economy, the low-class elements of society must be brought under total control, i.e., must be housebroken, trained, and assigned a yoke and long-term social duties from a very early age, before they have an opportunity to question the propriety of the matter. In order to achieve such conformity, the lower-class family unit must be disintegrated by a process of increasing preoccupation of the parents and the establishment of government-operated day-care centers for the occupationally orphaned children.
The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort, so that the moat of ignorance isolating the inferior class from the superior class is and remains incomprehensible to the inferior class. With such an initial handicap, even bright lower class individuals have little if any hope of extricating themselves from their assigned lot in life. This form of slavery is essential to maintain some measure of social order, peace, and tranquility for the ruling upper class. '
>Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
Jews and Freemasons have always led the charge for standardized public education.
>It's like giving money to cancer research.
Kek. My sides
Finns have great banter.
if the authority was good,public schools would follow the best educational system
School is the opiate of the masses; the temples of Cultural Marxism, it was compulsory mass education that led to the downfall of the USA and Europe, when people figured out that they could pretend to "study" forever instead of working and assuming the responsibilities of life.
Great quote, can't find the book/reference though.
I think the biggest problem with public schooling (at least from my experiences in my school district) is that the primary focus is getting into college. Regardless of the career path you wanted to pursue or even whether or not you were able to afford college, the focus for every student from the first day meetings with guidance counselors to senior year was thinking about what college you wanted to go to. The student debt problem comes from young adults thinking going to college leads to getting a job, which isn't necessarily true. There are plenty of careers that don't require college at all, and plenty of alternatives to a four year university degree that will still land you a job. At my high school though, talking about community college (an affordable, viable alternative for plenty of fields) was taboo; it was as if they were programmed to talk you away from it. I went for an engineering degree, but I have a few friends who got degrees in social sciences and liberal arts fields who are having a hard time getting jobs that will pay off their student loans.
The public school system is a good idea, but it should focus on fundamentals rather than filling out your coursework resume to look good on an application. Another problem with my school system was that you had to diversify coursework regardless of what you wanted to do. I had to take 4 years of literature courses, 4 years of foreign languages, and 4 years of social sciences despite the fact that I knew wanted to go into engineering. I would much rather have dedicated all that time to more science and math courses.
>a foreigner thinks Finland is good at something
Welp, time to go to the market square
r / K reproduction mate
Päättelen postauksesi perusteella, että olet kouluja käymätön.
sshhh dont tell him. let him believe in his little fantasies that america is some stupid shit hole
Shouldn't really be a thing. I mean just look at the normie internet and check out the posts by BLM activists, Antifa or feminists. Teaching those people how to read and write was a mistake. They should've been sent to the mines or cotton fields instead.
I don't have kids and I probably never will. Therefore I don't care how stupid you people are. In fact I want you all to be all even more of a failure than I am. So fuck you, I'm not paying for your kids to go to school.
Ahh yes. A fucking leaf.
Costs more than better preforming private schools.
Average homeowner in the valley pays 7.5k - 10k a year for the 40 years they own houses. Over 300kfor schools. Sending 2 kids to private schools for 12 years is 250k.
So to get into the better school you have to pay 550k total.
So be stuck in the public hell hole you pay 300k.
Public schools just make private school unaffordable for most people.
Only the complete collapse of civilization will allow me to live and breed. I don't do things well in captivity.
For what I pay in property taxes every year I could send my daughter to a decent private school. If public schools were abolished and the market determined the price of private schools it would be even cheaper.
>Inb4 taxes don't just pay for schools
In my county they pretty much do. ¾ of my property taxes go to the district.
Public education is good because it gives every new member in society regardless of their background or social status a chance at succeeding. Kids shouldn't be the ones paying for the sins of their fathers. Primary education tests the kids' basic faculties and getting into good schools later in life is solely based on their own personal performance, at least here. It's equal opportunity, not equal outcome: hardworking intelligent people will still succeed whereas brainlet leeches or retards majoring in zero-demand fields have no one but themselves to blame if they end up working at convenience stores for the rest of their lives.
Though OP picture's claim is bullshit. Intelligent people will be intelligent and retards will be retards no matter whether you force them through compulsory education or not. The point is that there's intelligent people and retards in all socioeconomic classes, and meritocratic public education serves in weeding the lazy brainlets out for the benefit of everyone.
>Another problem with my school system was that you had to diversify coursework regardless of what you wanted to do. I had to take 4 years of literature courses, 4 years of foreign languages, and 4 years of social sciences despite the fact that I knew wanted to go into engineering. I would much rather have dedicated all that time to more science and math courses.
Agreed completely. The problem with many programs, even tertiary level education when you've already chosen your field of interest is that students are often forced to pick courses that have absolutely no use for landing their preferred future job, or are merely tangentially related. At that point you're studying for getting a neat piece of paper as official recognition rather than studying something actually beneficial for your working life.