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>virus that went away on its own
She got herpes and will spread it around. What do they teach kids in biology nowadays?
>STD went away on its own
there is no image to show my level of anger
Gen Z is the one will save civilization thanks to the internet, a disregard for whorish lifestyle and memes.
God bless them.
>tfw atheist but realized too late what the lack of a religion belief can cause to society so if I ever have kids, I will take them to the church
Found the post
What a disgusting skank. Her sister's name-calling is getting to her because she knows her sis is right
wow but gender is a spectrum and a social construct bigots!
Deuteronomy 23:17
There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.
Yeah I always hear people saying gen Z isn't having as much sex as past generation's and I say fucking good. Even from the boomers to the millennials I think millennials are largely doing better, in solid relationships with kids. At least that's how it is where I work. Two thirds of our crew is Boomer libtards who didn't have kids, while the younger generation is all married and has at least one kid. As long as we can keep the flood of immigrants at bay I think we'll see a demographic upswing for whites that will surprise the predictions.
thanks senpai
>I caught a virus
>Luckily it just went away on it's own
Nobody can be this stupid
>went away on its own
ha. haha. hahaha. Fuckin hilarious.
savage af lmao
One of the most fascinating facts about nature is that all human art and science is due to that tiny little chain of molecules in the bottom right hand corner
>ur a ho
The definition has changed so much I don't know what it means.
does the 16 year old a virgin? or has she only fucked the 8 guys she's dated?
it has not changed, is still the same and will always be.
>lol are you sure she's nof just jealous
>lol are you sure she's not just ugly
Why the fuck do women do this? They always attack your character instead of trying to refute the point you make. They do the same thing to men too.
>lol you are just a virgin
>lol you just have a small dick
STD's are like a flu, user. One week in the bed and you're right as rain :^)
>I caught a virus/STD from one of my partners. Luckily it went away on its own
>a virus/STD
>went away on its own
Based younger sister needs to teach this dumb whore some biology/sex ed lessons.
>it has not changed
IDK my bff Jill
This is why females are so ruined
They act like being a whore and getting diseases is ok
Gas the fathers, save daughters now
>She loves throwing it in my face on how she "isn't a hoe" like me. She's really immature though
I had a girlfriend that didn't even know you could get an std from sucking dick
Her cool probably hot sixteen year old sister is trying to teach her something god help her
>name-calling is getting to her because she knows her sis is right
Yep. It's oozing out of the post, too.
>it shouldn't hurt me (because she's totes wrong!), but it does
>trying to show myself more love bc self esteem issues
>I'm totally comfortable with the amount of dicks I've bounced on
>but it hurts my heart!
Gee, maybe you keep cycling through cocks for self esteem validation, which is an awesome reason to fuck numerous people as either sex...
this is pretty much how women worked for thousands of years
>Yfw this is a typical 16 yr old autistic girl LARPing as a whore to create a psychcological warfare campaign against sluts so that she doesnt get accused of slutshaming for calling a kettle black
10/10 gen Z as fuck well played little girl
to be fair so long as it's a bacterial infection like gonorrhea, chlamydia or syphillis your body can actually fight it off on its own
very unlikely however
Gen X here. Getting sick of all your shits.
I have herpes on my face and I like to give it to black women
are you expecting logic from womynz? bwahahah
also >pic related
>Yeah I always hear people saying gen Z isn't having as much sex as past generation's and I say fucking good.
As much as I would like to interpret this as a return to traditionalism, it seems far more likely that it has more to do with excessive porn use.
They can also make you infertile, spread like cancer and hurt like a bitch but gambling is fun according to recent mass shooters
its the only way women know how to argue, logic and reason is lost on them
>genneration raised during the crisis is more conservative than the one prior
Literally predicted in 1997
This book was he most sagely shit I ever read, it’s been right on the fucking money
Some things didn’t turn or as predicted exactly but the framework holds to a t
Don’t worry lads it’s almost done, and based on gen z and trump and right wing winnings we are in for some good times m8s
>borrow one of her skirts
Is this supposed to be mean or something? Bringing the guy over gives the younger sister so many more options for shaming the older slut that I don't think this cunt has thought things through.
stuff like this makes me truly believe women don't deserve the right to vote
Good morning.
>not Z
Out yourself.
>but gambling is fun according to recent mass shooters
not defending what she did, just adding in that if it isn't a viral pathogen that's screwing her over she could just as well have gotten an STD and had it go away on its own
going to have to pick this up, thanks anaon
>do a hair flip
this is why we need to bring back public stonings
right? if i was the 16 year old and she brought over a hot dude I'd just walk out into the living room naked and bend over
they don't
Her sisters going to get duped by some chad, get pumped and dumped, then see will apologize .
These thing take time, but they will eventually bite her in the ass.
I've believed this for a while but this only enforces it.
Hows you're afternoon/evening user?
Very very unlikely. Its prob herpes, after the first outbreak, it does dormant for a .
Also, i agree with the gen-z observation, most of the younger people i meet sre pretty redpilled
someone please make a virgin vs chad picture for the 16 and 20 year old sister
What's Gen Z's endgame?
To prevail
>STD went away on its own
is this obvious trolling, or standard fare for reddit?
I can imagine being pretty pissed if a sibling 'borrowed' an item of clothing and got some chad's cum all over it.
It’s a great read as I said some of the specifics are off but the general thesis holds perfectly
In 1997 it most have read like apocalyptic fan fiction
20 years on its like they had a crystal ball
Truly incredible
What about the based 16 year old?
>how to get my little sister to stop calling me a slut?
>bring a hot guy over and fuck him in your sisters clothes
Jesus Christ these aren't even people. These are just fucking animals/ NPCs. God speed to that little sister. Hope she turns out okay.
so conservative, so based...
>a handful of sex partners
So probably like 20-30 kek
>figure out why she calls you a slut
Someone call a detective to solve this impossible case.
the irony is she cant vote
I don't know why people think herpes is bad. I get a few bumps that are barely visible and go away in less than 48 hours. Happens once a month. At worst it makes not not able to masturbate.
Good morning Turkey
True but when she gets older she will. Its just shame the older sister has the same right.
Anger? I cracked the fug up.
A "handful of sexual partners" means the 8 or so she can remember. Not the other 30-40 she's slept with.
>...the based 16 year old...
doesn't NEED to be able to vote since she is (hopefully) on route to securing a quality man
>inb4 tips fedora
you piece of shit women DONT have the right to vote, get the fuck outta here for even humoring the idea they do, 99% of the shit we are in is solely because of women, they are the jews weapon and have always been
Actually, she would be a millenial.
Why does that even matter? Quality men wont vote without a decent woman? No what we need is both men and women voting against liberals.
>16 year old
>What do they teach kids in biology nowadays?
That gender is a social construct, a man's rectum is the same as a birth canal, and that fisting is loving foreplay.
>Trying to fill the hole in my soul left by an absent father and lack of faith in the divine with cocks
Guys, stick around to raise your children.
I'm at the forefront of Gen Z and I can tell you that the end game is simple. No more degeneracy, no more sickness. When you grow up in a world with these violent SJW nutjobs it's to be expected that you are inherently ideologically opposed to it. I mean this has been going on for many generations. A few generations after Z we'll likely regress back to this degeneracy again. The only thing that can create permanent change is science and understanding. Everything else is a product of societal normality and the rebellion kids against there parents.
thats women shouldnt be allowed to vote, the younger has value so shell get married and have children (presumably half of them male, who can vote), while the old whore gets no say in anything since her single mother nigger children shouldnt be allowed to vote.
Kys my man
Is it you and a minority that think that, or a sizable portion of your peers?
No, what it means is in a proper society, a woman has a husband who is able to vote for his family's interests, thus women don't need a vote to be represented.
but I agree, until the 19th amendment is repealed, we need all of us to be voting against liberal degeneracy.
In Britain women voters have typically helped the Conservative party more than the others simply because they tend to live longer than man and most old people are more conservative. Sadly, our Conservatives aren't conservative.
>The majority of researchers and demographers start the generation in the early 1980s, with many ending the generation in the mid-1990s. Australia's McCrindle Research[29] regards 1980–1994 as Generation Y birth years. A 2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers[30] report and Edelman Berland[31] use 1980–1995. Gallup Inc.,[32][33][34] Eventbrite[35][36] and Dale Carnegie Training and MSW Research[37] all use 1980–1996. Ernst and Young uses 1981–1996.[38] Manpower Group uses 1982–1996.[39]
>But these, like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and killed, reviling in matters of which they are ignorant, will be destroyed in the same destruction with them, suffering wrong for their wrongdoing. They count it pleasure to revel in the daytime. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their dissipation, carousing with you. They have eyes full of adultery, insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls. They have hearts trained in greed. Accursed children!
>2 Peter 2:12-14
Bad plan, nigresses have the highest rate of her pees infection in the us of any race, 48%. Odds are you aren't infecting them, they are infecting you with so,E new form of cock plague.
I like the Gen Z meme
>bluepilled nu-male redittor thinking being a whore is a high value trait and that she's probably the pretty one
That's not how it works you cuck. Women lose value and are degraded for having sex. Don't project your conscience into the opposite gender.
Depends on your sources
Some claim millennial was late as 2005
Most cut it off just before or after y2k
> having a virus that resides in your spine permanently and then occasionally migrates to cause infective sores on your genitals isn't bad
The Swed who redpilled a generation.
Well I certainly can't speak for everyone but the people I do know, while not aggressively conservative, are pragmatic which seems to be a common trait among the more conservative voters. I'd say it's a mix between liberal freedoms and conservative values. It's also important to note that it's not really something that's spoken of and discussed vigorously. Rather it seems to be an underlying understanding that these current trends are not sustainable. This makes it even harder for the SJWs to try and fight back since they can't tell who is against them nor can they brainwash it out of them with psuedoscience because it quickly gets debunked by the internet.
Science and understanding have been subverted
Stop letting them control every belief system
Most white women vote conservative in the US to. Liberals are really good at making it seem like these women are a minority but thats simply not true. Shills have been trying to turn right wing men and women against each other. Id like to think that people on here are to smart to fall for that shit.
Most people don't deserve the right to vote. Democracy is a meme.
I love generation Z so fucking much
Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?
>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.
A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.
Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.
Just graduated highschool last year and can confirm that Gen Z is far more conservative than my mom who is a millenial. Only thing that is wrong is drug use, they are still a bunch of pot heads. Nearly everyone in my graduation voted Trump and is a big supporter of most of his policies
Many people can carry STDs asymptomatically and unknowingly pass it on. Bitch needs to get tested now. Threadly reminder up to 10% black males are std infected and many of them don't even know it.
Truth hurts.
>those trips
>this verse
The Virgin Christina vs The Slut Stacey
>Owns pet cat, does cute things, makes fun of whores while being autistic under pressure
>Has long sexual history, is a total bitch, cant cook or clean, probably STDs or abortions
What’s dis