Asian wife for WNs

why don't you marry a panface?

she will know how to cook and clean

she is from a backward society so she will not have shitty modern attitudes

Asian women keep their figures; white women literally look like men once they hit their mid 30s

"muh racial purity" - who will pat you on the back for gimping your own happiness? There's no special prize or medal for being a sucker.

"I don't want Elliott Roger kids" - just set them up financially and instruct them to marry tall Russian women.

MFW I got one already

working on it

Already there.

>instruct them to marry tall Russian women
why them specifically?

also that asian girl is a qt,would mix

That's a cop out for losing battle with BBC

>yfw you're 40 and will never marry an unsoiled waifu

Asian women make weak sons. Look at asian men. If you want strong sons, marry black women.

Asian women love the Beady Anglo Eye

Asians have a very blank expression - when they see beady eyes, it inmediately stands out. They know that such Anglos are cruel yet fair masters.

None of you have dated an Asian. I guarantee it.

They're 100% overrated, if not completely bland. The dead fish stereotype is real, and their moans aren't sexy. They're that weird "Eeeeeeeeehhh!" like in pornos. Also, they give no pheromones, as they're not compatible with whites. Nature will tell you they're not for you.

WNs are concerned about genetic lineage

A grandchild who is 75% Euro will probably be OK

Plus, he will be part of the Eurasian ruling class, fluent in both Chinese and English



Every single time I see a WM AF couple, the dude looks as fucking nu-male as fuck. It's never a decent looking white guy, he always has pasty skin, glasses, patchy bear / baldness. The Asian herself is not any better. They always end up with the ones that age terribly. I don't know why some Asians are self hating, but in the case of the white guy's options; he's got yellow-fever, and he's just way too much of a pussy to talk to girls of his own race.

and yet he has a GF and future family and you do not

the post above u just broke your reality. red dude in middle is not nu, has a tradesman's physique. if u go thailand the mongers there are rarely numales.

lol gtfo


is they will go out with retarded men and I'm sure all these men are socially awkward.

>dating af overrated.
wtf are u expecting? they're women : somewhere to empty to balls + clean house and cook half your meals. nothing more

"h-he w-what a loser!"

Guy in the grey is huge

already have hot asian gf

traditional thai girl 5'8 ruling class


Because they're not ours, nigger.

White men should be with white women, in the long run it doesn't matter if she's a qt, she will be happier with an asian man and you will be happier with a white woman. Your children will thank you should a white girl ever let you touch her.

Does Eric have an Asian wife too?

i dont know any asian women im on a close enough basis with that are happy to be with their asian bfs and, if social structure would allow, most if not all of them would have already tried out a white guy by now

White men's downfall is literally their soul sucking white wives. Nothing defeats the souls of a white man than to get married to a privileged, nagging, self obsessed white whore.

I'd rather have no sandwich than a bugshit sandwich.

i love his channel, serpentza is a cool dude. btw his wife looks much better than laowhy's

You think Asian women are never nagging and soul sucking? Why do you think Asian men usual kill themselves

> they're not ours
maybe they're not yours, you manlet. i can get as many south korean kpop goddesses as i want

>why don't you marry a panface?

1. white women are infinitely more attractive
2. i want my children to be white
3. they have no sense of humour, and arguable no souls

The supreme gentleman

married a thai bargirl
>biggest mistake in my life
now with a white girl
>second biggest mistake in my life

time to take the gaypill

Have you ever met a half white half asian kid?
One of my best friends is one, and he is suicidal, hates women for rejecting him and is all around a complete Elliot Rodgers.

Avoid asian women at all costs.Your sons life depends on it.

you married a hooker and you think any decision you make afterward will redeem your failure of a life?

she looks like a terribly uninteresting person. wish him all the best and hopefully they dont settle down in western society

Grease spic, you don't have the right to talk to a white person like that, even though he's an assie. Know your place you greaseballed hothead.

Is Marutei Tsurunen mentioned?

> Tsurunen served as a representative of the Democrats in the House of Lords of Japan in 2002-2013 as her first Western-born member.

It's a hell of a hell of a thing when you think about how dubious Japanese are foreigners. Sure Finland is a kind of exception, the older population knows and values Mannerheim and the Finns.

Apparently, he is a conservative politician and so do you like it

not at all
i am fucked
stay away from asians, they only want your money and leave as soon as u go bancrupt from all the credits they make u take

Imagine the miscegenation that halfricans have then add in a natural need to be in a communist state (protip: this is why Asians always vote left)

thats not asians thats women. and plus dont you know that the addiction of hedonism that comes with prostitution cannot be kicked? only fat ugly dudes associate with bargirls and a step below them are dudes who settle for traps

They are dead starfish desu


Most white guys just have no brains when picking an Asian girl, they let the first cold blooded 4/10 Asian that shows interest and wife her like a retard. With Asian women you can shop around and pick the best one, learn how to read people too, some folks are just terrible at judging character and dive straight in to commitment with an Asian hooker that steals all his money. Only marry girls from decent backgrounds.

My wife is terrific, but I don't imagine it is because she is Asian. These threads are all about setting dopey hurdles for yourself while blathering about some lofty racial goal. Don't bother. Just find someone to love and dedicate yourselves to your kids.

Genes will be totally editable within a century. Having a kid will be like RPG character creation. Your attempts at genetic caretaking will be meaningless in the near future.

Silly user, then it wouldnt be the mother who makes them weak, it would be society telling him to be scared of cops.

This. Every time I go to the asian supermarket that's all I see. White numales with ugly asian women. It pisses me off so bad, they're so beta that they have to go to women who fetishize them for the color of their skin.

Lololol XDDDD benis penis bbbbenis lololol

Finding a cherrypicked example adds little to the discussion.

AMWF has the men dating up the totem pole. Below average asian men have no chance in hell dating a white girl (these men don't even have the confidence to even approach them)

WMAF is the exact opposite. White men in this category are dating down the totem pole. Below average white men can have a chance with asian women since their race automatically gives them a few ++ SMV points. The reverse is true for asian men which by default of their race reduces -- SMV points.

Obviously, this doesn't apply to all cases. There are exceptional WMAF and disgusting AMWF couples, but these are mostly singular rare cases. You can always find some cherrypicked example from the internet.

Fat and obese. Call it as it is.

He was saying the guy is tall with broad shoulders. The guy isnt even that fat for his height.

Two types of WMAF
>successful and on his own, focusing on his career and himself
>in asia because of business
>meets an asian woman
>woman finds his success and other qualities attractive
>dates, marries, has his children
>live happily
>child is smart, healthy, and successful like them
>man who hasn't learned to be happy on his own
>depressed because he has failed to get married and sees that as a failure
>acting like a woman with regards to seeing "time running out"
>goes to asia to find a woman who thinks like he does
>two types of failures get married and settle because of their insecurities
>all their unsolved problems and flaws get passed on to their child

#2 is your personal choice
#1&3 are objectively false.
>that flag
Sorry, bong, but UK and Irish women age very poorly. Only Indians deteriorate faster