Why does society hate men?
Why does society hate men?
Because women are shielded from reality every second of their lives and they still can't handle the little bit that seeps through.
Like the old argument of women wanting equal everything, nobody is clamoring to be a female coal miner or ditch digger. No women were throwing themselves onto men to shield them at Route 91 Harvest.
You could even consider it projecting, to a degree
Everyone went for the "dude fuck white people lmao" angle.
You can't get mad at TIME for getting the scraps and having to resort to the "dude fuck men lmao" angle.
The beta male has always gotten the raw deal in society and history.
because america is a western democracy, we have to live under tolerance and love
Because women can't do anything right.
I don't get it. Do they want women to commit more violence to catch up. Why does no one want to eliminate the gender-murder gap?
true, when women decide to commit violence its in some underhanded bullshit way like poison or killing their own children
Society doesn't hate men. Kikes and liberals hate men. Notice one common trend with what is allowed to be hated according to media kikes - they all vote right wing.
Everything that votes right wing is evil and has to be attacked. There isn't a single left voting demographic that these people are attacking, and there isn't a single right voting group that they aren't attacking.
Really makes you think.
Because a woman will sabotage people socially to get revenge, a man will express his hate through violence.
One undeniably fact in violence: Niggers
one undeniable factor in population and demographic crises: dumb cunts
>Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
>act like men
Because men are stronk and they want us to be weak.
>One undeniable factor in gang crimes: blacks
Jeez imagine being so privileged you can spout shit like that and not get lynched.
One undeniable factor in child murder: women.
One undeniable factor in gun violence: humans.
Just another Jewish trick called "broadening the scope".
Because women are society.
Because society wasn't made for men, it was made for women, think about it.
Women dont commit violence because of cowardice basically. I think if you look into it throughout history queens were more likely to go to war than kings because they all have penis envy.
These look like nigger inflated statistics.
>man doesn't stick around long enough to be able to even kill the kid
>batshit insane 60 IQ women who beat their kids stick around because of some kind of a primate instinct, end up ''accidentally'' bashing the kid's head against concrete harder than usual
Nigger mothers are absolutely brutal. They don't even treat their kids like they're human, which they're not. Maybe the primitive nigger brain is even able to realize that the small monkey creatures aren't human enough to be respected.
If you really have to ask you're a man who is worthy of being hated.
The problem is the utopians believing in a 'peace on earth and end to all human suffering' scenario. The occasional man will always have an episode of extreme violence at some point in his life, it's just what testosterone does to our brains. The utopian morons who are in control of the cultural narrative are at odds with human nature. Their position is sexist as it views a natural part of male behaviour as evil.
This is truth. Women are actually much more aggressive than men in my expierience and have much less capacity for abstract concepts such as honour, duty and loyalty. They just occupy whatever space is there and their self-centred nature means they just complain about what has been built for them.
Girl fag here.
Dont kill yourself then.
Get a degree and apply for something better.
Meanwhile we get treated like second class citizens just because of our gender, something we cant change.
>Time Magazine = Society
user, why you imply this?
They hate us cause they ain't us.
0/10 saw the bait from space. Stop larping as a grill and get out of your basement.
Also very true. (((They))) know that if we all just gave up and stopped there would be significantly less money to extract from the Jews easiest target, the woman.
No girls on the internet you larping faggot
>Because women are shielded from reality every second of their lives and they still can't handle the little bit that seeps through.
Because we're not running it with an iron fist anymore, and allowed feminism and the gay/tranny problem to fester
Are there gibs in space? Can I move?
Fuck off, Larpunzel
This, and I say this as a white male.
Women now have equal opportunities, and do you know what? They're starting to out smart boys in school, look it up.
Meanwhile, the pathetic conservative HATES this as it diddles his fragile masculinity. Men are just jealous of women, and it just shows how they get all worried over her sexual experience. It intimidates men.
Meanwhile I live a laid back life
>Be me
>Canadian white male
>my doctor is Indian
>my nurse is Jamaican
>my boss is Spanish
>my car is German
>by favourite anime is Japanese
>my president is a typical dumb white American and republican male
>my shop clerk is Turkish
>my favourite food is Thai
>my favourite genre of music is Korean (kpop)
>my favourite coffee at Starbucks is Mexican
>my favourite beer is Cambodian
>my favourite politics is Russian ((((Marxism))) Leninism)
>my favourite tobacco is Cuban
>my favourite male pornhub star is Nigerian
>my favourite female pornhub star is Norwegian
>my avocado is Congolese
>my toast (bread) is French
>my favourite economic union is Belgian (EU)
>my wife is Colombian
>her son is half Muslim
>our adopted kids are Chinese
>my favourite language Danish
>my favourite clothing is Italian
>my favourite nation is Sweden
I have a diverse life with connections
And there's (You). You, being a backward and monoculture retard who faps over Mosley, Hitler, Mussolini, Drimpf, Cesar, Powell, and Farage, because you want these daddies to deport all non white people and opress your women. You're fucking sick, and you don't know what you're missing out on. You believe in backwards fascist conservatism, and you hate Muslims, women and LGBTQHTINS+ because they're happy, in the current year, and you live with backwards conservative and right wing ideals.
I'd hate to be a conservative fascist like you.
Women are a drain on society, it's why we need social services to support them. They take more than they contribute.
No, you get treated like women. And men are treated like men. Not everything falls into Marxist class definitions.
Where are the 2% of women committing mass shootings
Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?
>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.
A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.
Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.
Wow Time Inc. is so sexist toward women. Why don't they want to give her credit?
it doesnt hate men. It hates white men (and women too but they at least have their woman bonus). For whatever reason.
>They're starting to out smart boys in school
Ever heard about puberty and it's effects on the brain? In summary, boys catch up and become smarter in the end.
They're probably counting the Danny Phantom shooter as a ''female'' shooter.
Maybe because men know the value of loss. It's easy for a woman to send lots of disposable men to war.
Cause we achieve things on our own, instead of just waiting for Mr Right.
I don't like mondays is the only one I can think of
gr8 b8 m8, I apprici8 and r8 8/8.
Only effeminate men write blog posts like this on Sup Forums.
Go somewhere else with your insecurities, they will eat you alive here.
Men shouldn't be allowed to own guns, only women.
Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?
>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.
A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns
Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.
>>my wife is Colombian
>>her son is half Muslim
Undermench post
Some more undeniable factors about men just by looking at that picture:
>that steel frame is there because a bunch of men put it there
>those windows are there because men put it there
>that concrete is there because men put it there
>that building is nice and cool in the middle of the desert because men installed the air conditioning system
>those broken windows were clean by men before being broken by men
>One undeniable factor in gun violence: One-half of the human race
Better round up those 4 billion people I guess
What does that even mean, you bitter virgin
"The reason that there is no female Mozart is the same reason that there is no female Jack the Ripper"
Camille Paglia
Behind every evil man is a manipulative woman.
Isn't that the old saying
>Assuming Jack Ripper's gender
Check your privilege. We don't even know who Jack the Ripper was even though Buzzfeed claims they figured out it was some Polish guy.
Notice how she assumes Jack the Ripper was male? Sexist bitch.
Good point. Was using the original quote though.
It means that men and women are not classes the way the workers and the owners of the means of production are.
We act and are treated in very different ways, and it is impossible to map it coherently onto any single dimension of privilege. I have never met a non-feminist woman who wasn't intuitively aware of this.
I like this quote
>Men commit 98% of mass shootings. The problem is men. Facts don't lie. Deal with it.
>"What about 97% of crime in NYC being done by bla-"
>tfw only Harvard graduated women can afford you
2/3 of gun deaths are suicide
Suicide is not racist
>racism against niggers causes them to commit so much crime
>only women suffer from sexism but men commit a lot of crime
(((Men))) are historically and today the rentiers and money lenders. Christianity in much of Medieval Europe, and Islam throughout the world today regarded charging any interest for loans as sinful.
Simple solution: Ban rents and charging any interest. Result: Much less hate in society.
The Jew takes the mans money through tax and the law only allows so much. They keep the woman healthy because she then takes the mans money and spends it on useless consumerist bullshit. Women account for 80% of consumer spending.
You aren't a girl. Girls avoid hard knowledge. No way girls use Sup Forums.
Men and women attempt suicide at similar rates
Looks like we're better at this too
People naturally hate what is better than them. So, naturally, white men, get a lot of hate
tits or gtfo you glorified BR
Jews. Seriously, Jews are a race with very low sexual dimorphism, meaning that their women and men are less distinct in appearance and disposition. Jewish men are very feminine and have very feminine behavior patterns. This is also true of blacks, btw, although in the opposite direction where both black men and women are masculine and aggressive. The combination of Jewish feminine males and their low numbers means that they cannot possibly compete with other groups in masculine areas or masculine ways, so they attempt to feminize everything. The demonization of masculinity, the fear of weaponry, etc are all coming from Jewish fears of Gentile men and of Gentile physical superiority. Of course I am not saying that Jewish femininity is the same as White femininity, it is also perverted and hysterical to a much greater degree. Ideally femininity and masculinity exist in a sort of ying and yang state but this is impossible with rat-people matriarchies like the Jews or Sheeboon-tribes like the Blacks, and Jewish control over entertainment, especially entertainment/academia consumed by women, has fucked up our male/female dynamic. (There is also a sort of chicken or the egg question with why Jews are this way, it is possible that an inability to compete openly due to external reasons made them into the subversive whining neurotics they are.)
Because the government took the place of men so women don't need us anymore
Then how come women are subordinate to men inside of every social class?
During the shooting, how many men died shielding their wife or girlfriend or stranger from the bullets?
Because only the traditionally male social spheres still exist, the feminine social structures were all destroyed by feminism and/or modernity. The domestic sphere is now just a place you sleep/eat/fuck/watch netflix and no longer has any social power, children are raised by the state (if they exist or are raised at all) so women have no social power there anymore, the death of religion has removed the social power women had as enforcers of religious orthodoxy (yes, really, this even still functions in Islam albeit in a twisted way), and there are other smaller areas as well. Women (and men) threw away all of the things women had power over, some like child-rearing/education which were of extreme importance, in exchange for trying to make women more like men and men more like women. The result is that both sexes are being reduced to workers/consumers/voters and nothing more.
I think more importantly They're also cowards. Look up poison and women
were there more men at the concert than women? Seems like there was a fairly equal distribution.
How many men were killed or wounded compared with women?
>No women were throwing themselves onto men to shield them at Route 91 Harvest.
Saved, linking to normie media shortly. Should jog their noggins.
Actually women attempt more, while men succeed more
One undeniable factor in successful enterprises: men
One undeniable factor in successful welfare states: WHITE men
How are your almonds?
Don't get raped then
Do your job right
Don't dress like a literal whore