Other urls found in this thread:'s-decline-has-some-high-schools-disbanding-teams

good luck finding out which of the 20,000 fans are yelling nigger at the football players

Start yelling "HEY BOY" and you'll be fine.


We banned from watching football.

Throw cotton on the field and yell, "pick it up boy!"


The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.

the NFL. banning their own customers. good business model

>implying I can afford to go to a regular season game
Are they going to ban me from my living room for calling Marshawn Lynch a nigger?


Don't worry at the rate they are going NFL will end up being the new minimum wage.

I totally cared about the NFL or football before tyrone knelt like a bitch


You’re just mad you can’t watch it anymore.

>NFL numbers are already low
>will now start to ban people
yeah because that sure will work wonders for your business

lol because there aren't tons of people in the immediate area of one toothless retard shouting "NIGGER" in public

seriously, I'm all for saying nigger, but saying it in a public place and directed at niggers is just asking for trouble. Don't be fucking daft

NFL is dead to me.

how do they even "ban" people? do you have to give a SSN to buy a ticket?

The NFL will be better than ever without all of you racist homophobic misogynists watching.

Wonder if we can start getting the crowds to chant "Dindu Nuttin".

what she said - plus the stadiums will be 3/4 empty to boot

If I wanted to pay to see a bunch of monkeys tossing an object around, I'd buy a ticket to the zoo and toss a coconut in there with em. Would save a lot of money and be more entertaining.

>implying people just randomly say nigger during a game

NFL tickets cost money. The people who go to NFL games are people who are middle to upper class and they're not the demographic to have public outbursts of the word "nigger" or any other racial slur for that matter.

This is literally the NFL's reaction to a problem that doesn't exist, because they want to draw attention away from the fact that their ratings have plummeted to all time lows. Easiest way to do that is to double down and say that this is about race.

cuck mentality

Is Marutei Tsurunen mentioned?

> Tsurunen served as a representative of the Democrats in the House of Lords of Japan in 2002-2013 as her first Western-born member.

It's a hell of a hell of a thing when you think about how dubious Japanese are foreigners. Sure Finland is a kind of exception, the older population knows and values Mannerheim and the Finns.

Apparently, he is a conservative politician and so do you like it

this is going to affect black fans more than white ones

>drunk white people don’t say nigger

>NFL is destroying its fanbase

no, this is suicide.
Brady, Rogers & Manning era will be the nostalgic golden age that everyone talks about for the next 50 years. the nfl will lament when it is lost.

If you own an nfl team, now is the time to sell


I guess no more nigger felon league for me. I really wanted to make these ungrateful apes rich.

The only people who are drunk at games are either hardcore fans that have been pregaming, which means they probably don't care about race considering their team's mostly black, or lightweight women who had one too many beer.

It's $7 a beer, and white men aren't going to get shitfaced drunk enough to say that word.

If they banned all players who say them, the NFL would be over in one game day.

Thanks for the important reminder.

Screen shotted.

So, no more niggers at NFL games then? This might actually fix the league.

I'm an Eagles fan. We racist

>2018: nfl warns fans yelling "hey boy" will be banned

>$7 a beer
god shit's like $12 at MSG

>banning people from going to your games when your ratings are already down

if it's a chargers game there's only like 3 people in the stands


It suuuure will.

They've had this in soccer here for years. In some European countries the crowd still make monkey noises when a black player has the ball and throw bananas onto the pitch. Nignogs can't take a joke.

Much better indeed.



good job NFL, this won't piss your base off further

wow you really are winning the culture war guys

such tactics

so victor

>throw a ball around
>make millions
>still a nigger

NFL is Nigger Fag League !!
Enjoy the ride Faggots when you can not sell tickets !!

>when you realize this is gamergate 2.0

What about the players?

All Racial slurs?
Because I can think of a lot.
Can I call Ben Rothlisburger a midwestern Kraut and be banned?

Just call them googles.

You’re banned from the NFL.

Just stop it.

gamergate was the beta test. this is the final release


Stop spreading fake news.


Well it was and it wasn't. Average nerds just got sick of the feminist shit in games and sponsored reviews which is leading to a AAA crash where indie will take the diffused market, the media pretended it was something else.

>implying anyone will buy tickets or even be in the stadiums to even say nigger

They already dug their grave, just throw them in already. Toss in a grenade for good measure.

Well, I'm boycotting away.

Have fun playing in front of noone for the final NFL season.

It would be cool, though, if an entire stadium chanted nigger.

Shouldn't players be banned for saying nigger? What if a nigger fan was saying nigger?

Niggers say nigga all the fucking time.

>NFL bans people for saying nigger
>doesnt ban niggers for committing crimes

This x 1,000,000.
By issuing this decree, they insinuate that their fan base is completely incapable of being outright racist. I hope they like the SJW brigade completely BTFO of their actual fans who are leaving in droves. I'm surprised there's been no reports of injuries from the stampedes of people running for the exits.
What they fail to realize, but we all know, the snowflakes are only feigning an interest in the Nigger Fucktard League. Give it a few weeks and they'll lose interest when they move on to their next cause, and the league is left with nothing but beta cucks and faggotry galore.

Lol yeah that's going to work for the bloated NFL. They keep finding ways to oppose their fans and they're going to have to start cutting salaries and lowering ticket prices.

>nigger complaining about being called a nigger for acting like a nigger
>plays for REDSKINS

So all the niggers who call people crackers will be banned? Yeah right, they literally mean "nigger" and nothing else

Is the NFL turning into DSP?


>thinking liberals are smart enough to change course


Sorry sweetie, freedom of speech

I only watch highschool and college sports anyways. They play like they have something to prove, the NFL is a bunch of retards even before this race politics shit came into play.

Or it will collapse and the niggers will go back to pumping gas lol

>nigger felon league
>no fun league
It checks out.

This is their way of saying protests against the country are necessary because of all the evil racism surrounding the poor players.

Yo dawg! Yo dawg!

Yes, and alienating the people who watch from home in the same time.

>freedom of speech
>private corporation


No oikos yogurt endorsement for you, think of all the women who run routes

>black athletes like post like this

It's the fans that are in the wrong

>say words that offend people

>kneel during the National Anthem which offends people
>absolutely ok

Sorry sweetie, they equate the same thing.

Wow, seems like pol is really broken up by this OP.

>act like a retard
>days later say you heard 'nigger' in the stadium
>all is forgiven

Getting tired of this

>Giving a shit about Aperun
Hockey is the only worthwhile sport.'s-decline-has-some-high-schools-disbanding-teams

its pottery, innit?



>entire stadium is yelling nigger

>NFL viewership is tanking
>Let's make it even worse by banning people who say mean things
I'm going to cum buckets the day the NFL goes bankrupt

>i-it's ok when liberals say it
You should have been in the concert crowd in Vegas

Daily reminder that if you still have a cable or satellite subscription, you suck cock by choice.


White people have been kidding themselves for far too long. NFL is implicitly a black spectator sport, and has been for decades. Start watching hockey.

Whites don't care about the NFL anymore. I had this conversation with over a dozen clients today and all of them admitted they don't watch football anymore. The PC shit ruined it for them and the ratings show.

9 legal experts at Vox say so. If libshits want to use free speech while offending the country I will also use free speech.

>they decided to double down

Those fools, does no one learn?


I'm hoping they go further and try to ban white people

>nigger felon league

I'm getting really annoyed at these retards.
>"Our players must wear regulation socks or we'll fine and suspend them. Our players must stay off of marijuana even though it is legal in some of their states. Our players must talk to the media. Our players must not say anything sexist or racist or we'll force them to apologize. But they can kneel for the anthem if they want to."
At least be consistent. If you're going to control every aspect of their life on and off the field, why do they go hands off with the anthem? Oh right, lefties cry the loudest so they'll catch hell if they put a stop to it.

The NFL stands for literally nothing and have defamed the shield. My favorite are the Steelers who talk all this shit about the "Steeler Way", yet they let their star players get away with rape, theft, and drug abuse simply because they can throw/catch/tackle/run like super stars. Anyone else fucks up on their team? Suddenly it is the "Steeler Way" to not stand for it. Bullshit man, everyone in this game is so phony and I'm getting tired of it.

Just stop watching it. There are better things to do than to waste your time paying those retard's paychecks.


I didn't know Jordan Peterson posted here.

Bake that cake