How will gunnuts ever recover
Gunnuts BTFOd
By tapping you in the head
And look how well registering, licensing, and testing those drivers did at stopping those people
>"now is the time"
Abdi derka burka Mohamed says to himself, staring into his eyes in the bathroom mirror, adrenaline pumping through his veins and contemplating death
>"I shall die for the cause, allahu ackbar allahu ackbar allahu ackbar allahu ackbar..."
He continues to repeat to himself in berserker fashion as he exits his apartment, box cutter in hand. He spots the truck driver walking toward his truck, the same truck he has been monitoring all month. As he walks up his pace and heartbeat get quicker and quicker until finally breaking into a full heart pounding run like a cheetah hunting a gazelle.
He shouts as he pounced on the truck driver cutting his throat. Abdi frantically proceeds to take his keys and start up the vehicle. 5 miles away a Parade is being held among the many people there are the faces of happy children and laughing babies. As abdi starts up the vehicle he shouts
Then the truck driver while fatally wounded and gushing out blood manages to open the driver side door, he fights to speak as he gargles blood
>You don't have ..... you don't..... you don't.... have your license.. or INSURANCE!!!
He shouts before passing out dead.
Abdi realizes the grave error he just made
He shouts before he explodes
Wake me up when REGISTERING, LICENSING, and TESTING drivers prevents a truck of peace attack faggot. Unreal.
you don't need insurance, registration, or a license to buy the truck. you need it to drive on the road.
Let me have the same weapons the atf used at waco.
Then we square
Sure stopped that driver!
You can just steal a truck a though. Didn't Nice guy in fact steal his truck of peace
Also about this whole gun debate, doesn't anybody realize that mass shootings are irrelevant when it comes to this question? It is a tiny amount of people murdered each year. Whether you are pro or against gun control these events shouldn't have any impact on your stance.
Guns require registration, using them requires a license, and illicit use is banned with penalty of serious jail times
The whole "drivers license" argument is such a stupid copout
We already have truck control, the point is, how much more could you regulate that? Obviously it wasn't enough to stop a truck plowing into a group of people.
Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?
>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.
A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.
Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.
>implying you need any of those things to buy the truck
I would fucking love guns to be treated like cars, that would be a major step up for me in California
>CCW license that’s easy to get as long as your qualify and take a test. It’s honored in the whole country
>No license needed on private property
>Can own any gun I want as long as it’s used on private property
We already have a gun registry
>Guns require registration, using them requires a license,
Depends on the state. Most don't require these things for mere ownership. None require insurance as far as I know.
The insurance is a moot point
Car insurance is for if you get into a car accident you need to pay damages
If you shoot something not on a range someone will call the cops and you'll go to jail
If the argument is guns are not regulated as well as cars, they are regulated DIFFERENTLY because they serve different utilities
and everything this faggot suggested would not have prevented what happened in NICE
You don't legally need insurance, registration, or a license to drive any vehicle. Only on public roads.
>owning a vehicle is a constitutional right
>could you imagine registering trucks?
Yes because I'm a DMV wagie
If they want people licensed and such for weapons, cars and trucks why can't we get voter IDs?
Are they saying they don't trust blacks with guns? Requiring a background check or registration would only keep out the poor and minorities from having guns. They can't get a license to get voter IDs how would they ever get guns? Any memes on the matter?
im sure all those people that got ran over by a truck were covered by the auto insurance.
Is he suggesting Paddock shot a bunch of people by accident because he didn't learn how to use his gun properly? That's what car licenses are for
Yup, I'd be will to be that someone intent on running over 50 people will worry about registration and insurance.
>liberals at best use fictional work like harry potter to make arguments
It's like you guys forget how stupid liberals are
Thankfully for everyone, Paddock was not a trained proficient shooter and had minimal experience.
twitter is full of mongoloids though, really. You can't just order a rifle from pizza hut or off
There are steps you have to go through already
so what? You can register a weapon as well and then shoot people with it.
You can also steal a gun or buy it illegally and do this.
You can also illegay buy or rent a truck and do it.
Or register it and do it. An unregistered truck is as dangerous as a registered one
I don't get the logic here.
das rite, look how well having to go through all that registration prevented that truck attack
this. I can buy a truck a drive it on my property. Same should be true for a tank, RPG, machine gun, or laser beam. if I were rich enough, I could develop and test nukes on my property (in compliance with federal regs of course).