Does Molly

Make you gay?

>inb4 no way jose I was born dat way

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Actually it does, MDMA stimulates the prostate, and you can imagine what that leads to.

how would it make you gay unless you already had a subconscious desire/permissiveness for homosexuality?

Is that rock salt?

If being gay feels as good like Molly then sign me up.
>inb4 actual fags claiming it feels as good as XTC

It makes dancing to electronic music seem enjoyable, which is pretty gay

Huh? I never have done Molly I was just noticing a trend, susan

No, it just makes you weak

But I saw Israeli soldiers doing it and having a great time with hot babes

It's awesome...and not addictive because it takes a while for your serotonin to least a week. So doing it more often than that will not have the desired results...coming down and the next day suck tho...

Addiction is not defined by daily use, user.

methylenedioxymethamphetamine is a product of axis powers

its a sex drug, and you know how the gays feel about sex

Doing molly with a qt and banging eachothers brains out all night is one of the best experiences in the world.

no way jamal i was born bent

All things considered MDMA isn't going to make you gay-- But it will give you a noodle dick. Take it with viagra and qt white girl and watch as you become superman in the bedroom. Fuck for 2-3 hours straight, you probably won't finish but she'll be your damaged property afterwards.

Here's an article that even retards can understand.
You were gay before the molly. The molly just made you realize it.

>coming down and the next day suck tho...
Only if you're a little bitch

Users lose interest over time because the effects have diminishing returns in such a way that "chasing the dragon" becomes pointless. Its not like other drugs like H.

FACT -Molly increases estrogen, cocain increases testosterone

Theres a reason the jews are pushing molly.

MDMA is fucking great, I suggest any of you faggots with social anxiety to get into it

Source?? Gonna be great conversation topic next time I take it lol

I've done it. Don't crave dick. So I'd say no for me at least

It's simply a crystalline form of extacy. Before they mix it with a wax binding agent and press it into pills. Usually in jell caps. People like it coz it's usually more pure than pills. Very methy tho. And since meth is a major gay drug, it makes people want to feel all sorts of pleasures, and leads to them sticking things or people up the ass. Fun times. I never made me feel that way, but people I saw take it sometimes did. Shill news post. Old drug, old theme, new listener.

>FACT -Molly increases estrogen, cocain increases testosterone
so how come when I do both I can't shit small children from my cock?