Sunni vs Shia

i heard a Sup Forums-bro say shia muslims are cool, basically sikh level. was it a shill or is it the truth that sunni are the cancerous ones?

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Blaire White is /ourgirl/ You posted a mistake. Fix it.

My God, he looks awful.

Both are cancer since they fight each other. Which I don't mind, as long as the infighting takes place in their own countries.

Looks like a dude

While muslims are cancerous themselves, Shia is the less cancerous of them. Which is why I support Iran and dislike Saudi Arabia

>those broad shoulders

I support Shia over Sunni. Shias terrorists are on iran's leash. Sunni are literally out of control mad dogs. I'll definitely take Persians over Arabs on a racial level too

At this fucking point let sharia law happen I will accept the rape and second class citizenship stuff as long as they KILL THESE FAGGOTS

Shias seem to me to be akin to the Catholics in Christianity and Sunnis to be akin to Protestants. They seem to have a more centralized and unified understanding of theology and follow a more traditional path, whereas Sunnis follow a more prone to extremism and highly descentralized interpretation of the holy text. Kinda like you’re more likely to see crazy extreme Protestants (Mormons, Westboro Baptist Church) than crazy extreme Catholics. But what the fuck do I even know, I’m a banana munching jungle monkey.

I bet her boipucci is pretty tight.

Protestants aren't like that outside of America. We're far more peaceful than Catholics in Europe

With the Shia's coming ever closer to dominating the Middle East now that Syria has fallen to them and Iraq was already mostly Shia the future looks bright they are now on Saudi's doorstep,

You might ask why is that a good thing? because Shia muslims especially from Iran are becoming more and more secular and less intrested in up holding Traditional strict islamic rules hell their current Generation that will enter their workforce are more intrested in Internet and Computers then they are in religion, the religious police in Iran is already giving up on trying to supress that generations behaviour

and ontop of that just like China Christanity is flourishing in Iran it might be not out in the streets but their underground Christian communites are exploding.

Besides that

you mean /ourmentallyillfaggotranniehomoneedstobemurderedfag/

ay this kind of thread

NO. They are ALL shit, one of them is just slightly less shit.

>tfw Sup Forums is being jihaded

Arabs are

Kazakhstan is a Sunni country, Azerbaijan is Shia, I fail to see a huge difference.
Chechens on the other hand stick out thanks to being Chechens.

Bektashi are cool dudes desu desu

Could very well be the case. I got my undergrad and grad degree on a Lutheran college in the US and they seemed pretty chill. I think the problem might be a propensity for extremism and decentralization coupled with a low IQ population, then. Which is very well the case with Muslims in general and American and especially Brazilian Protestants.

Shiites don't fuck eight year olds and don't cut off clits.

Sunis do.

Case closed.

But no one is Sikh-tier.

She is so hot

lol not anymore

legit the only difference between them is who they they thing the successor of Mohammad should be. their government and political styles (which i personally think is an issue on a global scale) are essentially the same.

Sufis are the best, but I think they're technically a subdivision of Shia.

protestants are a blight

But Sunnis are the deranged brainless lunatics stirring shit all over the world, which is less so the case for Shias

Thats no woman, THATS A MAN, BABY!

All Muslims are uptight twats who worship a pedophile warlord.

Sunnis are definitely the more psychotically violent ones though. Pic related.

are you from north or south Lebanon? i just cant wrap my head around how lebense are not only okay the hezbollah but cheer from them. you have an army in your country thats loyal to other governments and a leader that refuses to come out of a bomb shelter. What stopping them from a full scale coup dismantling the government being part of irans sphere of influence?

So glad she kept her penis. Thought she was gonna chop it off

Reminder that Sunni are the true Muslims. Shia are westernized pigs.

Shia is a minority group within Islam, there are far more Sunnis out there.

They don't slide into autistic terror because Iran isn't a secular country.

north but i am a shia,hezbollah is lebanese and will always be. the army and hezbollah work together, hezbollah even has seat in the Lebanese parliament. we don't beleive they're some sort of iran proxy unlike the west, they're our sons and daughters and they for the country, i don't see why we wouldn't cheer for them.

that dude is fucked up 2bh


Aren't Iranians real Aryans though?

if you're one of them there antisemites you'd think they were based

Iranians go in the keep pile!

Sh*a aren't Islam, they are majusi. They pride themselves on being rejectionists.

>cut open head
>self mutilation
>writhing in mud

All Sh*a traditions.

Some Shias seem pretty obsessed about the dirtiness of non-Muslims whereas Sunnis take it more easy.

Islam is the cancer.

Alawites are not like Twelver Shias.

>Shiites don't fuck eight year olds
Google Khomeini sex.

Sufis are Sunni.

I really want to believe that but unless shia muslims are willing to publicly broadcast that they are NOT like sunni muslims and WILL intergrate and help us build a society where it's ok to have kooky religious beliefs as long as they don't infringe on others, I'm going to keep my prejudices

they basically need to admit that their religion is just a small part of their lives, not the whole thing, and as far as I'm aware that doesn't happen very often

>Trusting any brand of Islam.
When both sides proactively practice Taqqiya there is no "bro tier" Islam. Some fools think Tolerance is the same as Acceptance. Anyone can tolerate Islam but only idiots would accept it as anything more than barbarism.

Neither. Sufi is the best form of Islam. It's a mystical ascetic form that rejects the material/worldly nature of other forms of Islam especially the caliphates back in the day. Basically the buddhism of Islam.

>Sufis are Sunni.

No they are not. Bektashi in Albania/Turkey are closer to Shia than Sunni. It depends on the order in question.

Shia "terrorists" aren't waging jihad against the west. They fight primarily against Saudi interests because Saudis are wahabi (same ideology as ISIS, they think killing Christians and Shias sends you to heaven), and Israeli interests, because of the occupation office Palestine and the killing of Palestinian civilians.

The only reason America lists organizations such as hezbollah as terrorists, and not the peshmerga, is because of your (((politicians))) and their (((international allies))). Both are stateless militias that interfere in conflicts in the region.

My mother's cousin is married to a Lebanese maronite, and my brother's girlfriend also has maronite relatives from Lebanon. They have nothing but contempt for the Hezbollah. Fucking Shia equivalent of the taliban, the lot of them.

/ourgirl/ Blaire White says that Islam is cancer. Because it is.

>they're fighting Zionism
But that's just a roundabout way to say they are fighting the West.

Not a single mudslime is "cool".
That's just /sg/ wanting to be rebels against the west who thinks that way.

Blaire white is a fucking plant, even if she doesn't know it. Trust me she will turn on everything she thinks she believes, following her is blind foolery

Even a little cursory reading in history will lead you to the conclusion Islam is folly.

>Being this cucked
Oy vey, I knew it was bad in the US, but I didn't know their claws were already so deep in Australia, too.

Sunni vs Shia
Well, she's still alive and he died in a skiing accident, sooooooo

How are you on Sup Forums? I thought your country had a perpetual civil war going on.

>Iran is the good guy
No one in the Middle East is the (((good guy ))) faggot.

A reminder Israel and Iran were and still have good relations.

better than fucking goat

Muslim terrorism is 98 percent Sunni

You thought wrong
>American education
Anyone who opposes Zionism and world jewry is a good guy.

They are all muslims you fuck!

Its always so strange seeing blair when she isnt using lighting and angles

>enemy of my enemy is a friend
You would think 14 years of war in Iraq and 16 years of war in Afghanistan, would have taught everyone that by now.

Evidently some people are slower than others.

islam is cancer

Pick one

Religion doesn't matter. Race matters. A shitskin is a shitskin whether they follow Islam or Christianity or whatever. Religion/ideology is only relevant to people with IQ above 130 because they are the only people with the ability to comprehend them and modify their behavior based on belief.

>Looks like a dude
Probably is considering irans high transgender rate

Shia are Iranian "let us take out Israel" bro tier.

Sunni are Saudi "got america by the balls cuz military needs oil fuck the goyim" tier.

Its pretty clear cut

>30000000 dollars in surgery
>I can still tell it's a dude
why even bother?

Aryan was originally what the Pajeets called the Persians when they invaded the Indian subcontinent back in the day. It originally meant something along the lines of "masters" but came to be synonymous with any light-skinned individual. Top kek.

Her face got fat.

Lol sounds like they were counting on selling out Lebanon to Israel, but then were fucked when the kikes got BTFO by a militia using decades old gear while being outnumbered with 0 airpower. Shit I'd be salty too.

>selling out Lebanon to Israel
Lebanon had been majority Christian ever since the crusades, then the shias immigrated en masse and started taking over. It was you who hit your chests in pride, claiming to support anti-zionism, who sold out Lebanon to the muslims. They just wanted to keep Lebanon christian, and were fighting against shia jihadis backed by islamic theocracies like Iran. They were in no position to turn down whatever help they were offered, even if it was from the Israelis.

The only semi-okay Muslims there are are Ahmadi, and they're useful idiots for the left to tout as "muh real Islam" when in fact they're a persecuted minority.

>heard a Sup Forums-bro say shia muslims are cool
hint: he was a muslim



I agree, irreversible mutilation is 10* more fucked up than LARPing as a woman and bottoming

And it's the Shia who kept Lebanon from becoming majority Jewish by standing up and defending Lebanon when the Jews invaded and tried to colonize the south while he Christians I the SLA collaborated with he kikes. Best part is how the Jews just abandoned them once they outlived their usefulness. Well it serves them right for trusting Jews. Hezbollah stands by it's Christian amiss. Hezbollah saved not only Lebanon but now defends the Christians of Syria as well. Shia are unironically the inheritors of the Crusader mantle.

lel. This.

Actually Shi'ism was invented 200 years after Muhammad's death and the Sunni's were just what non Shiites came to be called. Although the Sunnis have more law schools and there are more Sunni countries. Shi'ism was basically invented because the Persians hated Arabs and wanted there own version of Islam. Shi'ism is basically the SJW's of the Muslim world, claiming that Abu Bakr (first Caliph and Arab chauvinist) stole the throne from Ali (who the Shiites say was a hippie like social justice type), and that Sunni's (Arabs) are basically racist and mean. Aside from that they are just as violent but are smarter and more deceptive. Also Saudi Arabia is awesome and I am in no way getting payed to say this.

That happened because the sunni completely corrupted Islam in less than 200 years.
Whole verses rewritten, verses lifted from the Talmud, original quran from the time of the prophet destroyed because they were to critical of the dissolute saudi.
Saudi are heretic, shiite are revivalist.

I come from a Shia family and can confidently say they both suck pretty much the same. The only difference I'd say is the fact that I don't see little Shia girls getting married off to giant old bearded men

>starts islamic colonization of Christian Lebanon
>tensions rise, civil war as a result
>commits genocide against lebanese christians
>forces many more christians to flee the country
>Israel, opportunistic as ever, tries to expand their sphere of influence, supports christians because Hezbollah is supported by Iran
>The christians are in no position to decline any support they can get
>Israeli interventions stalls and bogs down
>Israelis pull out, abandoning the Christians to their fate
>Hezbollah wins, Lebanon has no longer any chance of being majority christian again
>Le based Hezbollah brodegds de grisdians of Lebanon :DDD
>Hezbollah is de new grusaders :DDDD
Please do fuck off when you obviously have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

>Saudi Arabia is awesome

its all part of taqiya
>hello we are from a country far far away
>we are not from the bad group
>they are in a country far far away
>can we please come in we promise to not cause any trouble
>muh religion of piece
its a trap

It's the plastic surgery. Was at before it. Now just another Californian plastic whore

Sunnis are Junnis, this makes it easy to remember... the ratfaced Sunnis ARE KIKES.

So when they talk about the Sunni rebels, they are kike armed, kike trained, kike paid and work towards the kike goal of raping/murdering/replacing all the indigenous ethnicities with kike halfbreeds. Just like South America and many other regions that have been kike dominated for hundreds of years. The desert and mountains were hard to infiltrate, that is why regions like Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan are still recently under seige. Iran seems to be a controlled opposition or a rebel faction of kikes, they mostly look ratfaced now but do not cuck for the zog master banksters, openly, yet. Iranians look nothing like persians anymore, I believe this goes way back to ancient infiltrations into their royal bloodlines. Look for paintings of when the average looking royalty turned suddenly into bugeyed, dumbo eared, ratfaces.

Iran is just another controlled opposition like the PLO, the kikes are playing both sides as usual. The real opposition is never mentioned.

Shia are just as bad. Look at Iran.

sunni = cancerous, insecure, 99,978 % of all terrorists, religion of peace but if you don´t convert or pay you die

shia = insecure but less so, no mission to convert the planet, hate sunnis with a passion

All in all shias are better than sunni scum but still subhuman. Not even close to sikh level.

Iran has a high transgender rate because its blood content of kike is high. Wealthy Iranians have kike faces, poor Iranians are more likely to look like indigenous Persians. From simple animal heraldry we know that physical traits are linked to behavioral traits. Due to the infection of kike blood, many Persian bloodlines became mostly ratfaced, mostly hyperaggressive and mostly hypersexualized/perverted. Sometimes the ratface skips a generation, sometimes the kike behaviors skip a generation.

ITT: western dumb teenagers
Sunni Islam is much peaceful than Shia and other variants. Sunni islam only got bad rep because of Saudi arabia and the wahhabi teachings they contribute to world wide muslims. It is like Scientology of Sunni islam if it makes sense. You fucking retards believe Shia islam is peaceful? lol
Lurk more! May be go back to 1960 and start lurking since then.
May be start by watching these first

Both by Adam Curtis about Islam and other political issues which nobody will tell you.