This fucking Bitch: Kate Smurthwaite

Honestly everytime I see a clip on YT with this fucking vile bitch in it. I rage so hard. I could not contain my anger at someone like this if I came across them in real life.

How would you honestly deal with someone like this if they crossed your path? Debating them seems to be a pointless measure. At this point I would just kill her there and then on the spot, regardless of what fate awaited me for doing so.


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Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?

>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.

A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.

Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.

Was that your way of pointing out that my post was not politically themed?

How to react to her:
>Open the door for her
>she gets angry for being door raped
>tries to explain to the bystanders why she is raging
>Mansplain to the crowd that she is an angry little vile bitch who gets no love not even from herself
>Watch as her day spirals into another dark depressed shitshow as always.
I do dis evry tym i c a feminist m8

Ah this classic bitch.

kek - Pretty good post for a nigger.

one of my favourite slips from last year. Never stops being funny watching her made to look stupid. but I don't wish to derive amusement from her any longer. Just kill it now

But seriously, what is with that receding hairline she has going on.


She could at least cut some bangs to hide it.

lol'd hard.

Inbred CHB attention whore

She once said that wouldn't be quicker for men to just have a key on their keyboard called "cunt" so they could type quicker when talking to her.

Unironically funny.

Anyone got the nudes?

Don't know who that is... but she has a caveman looking skull

I always think she looks like this guy

Won't lie, I'd love one of those keyboards.
Jimmy Savile isn't as disgusting as you.

That!!!!!! That right there... a fucking bullet just for that line alone... she's a fucking disease

Get the shovel

Hasn’t Milo annihilated her a few times?

She’s the epitome of a grotesque, joyless, bitter, unloved and unwanted feminist cunt-dripping. I have pieces of furniture with more human value.

very jewish nose as well



Do you think it ever crosses her mind that if everyone you talk to calls you a cunt you might be a cunt?

yes but this doesn't effect the feminist.. you can utterly destroy them in a argument but they are immune to the after effect


What do you think...?
Of course not, because that would mean she'd have to consider her opponent as a human being. she doesn't.

Ohh... GOD what the fuck is that thing?!
fucking hurts to look at

Ritaposters RAUS
Sup Forums is Norris country.

My mistake
Norris Master-race coming through

I usually laugh at most femtards because of how dumb they are but this vile bitch just gets under my skin in a way most other fems don't... I just want her dead.

Rub one out to her and send the evidence to her.

good lad

Why is he always right!?

IDK it's just one of those immutable facts of the universe. Loved when he told his bro played by (((andrew sachs))) to GTFO of his street.


pedo detected

I just laugh and scoff at leftists these days. Respond with something simple like "you don't actually think men and women are the same do you?" If they're your friends then it's just banter. If not then you're unlikely to become friends anyway.

Night of the Long Banana when?

yeah this is my current stance now too. I just say "Yes, I am a misogynist" or "I don't see any logical reason why Women should be considered anything other than, the property of a Man." - And I just watch their reaction.

I wish you lived where I lived - I need more friends like you.

She doesn't speak for all women!

I know. I didn't say she did

I made an offhand comment once at a house party about how they made the women's teams in fifa far better than they actually are, because if they were accurate then they would be the worst teams in the game. I was pretty drunk and thought it was a harmless observation but a girl totally flipped out and started shouting at me. It caught me so off-guard that I couldn't help laughing. I just repeated over and over again that men are faster, stronger and taller. She gave up

I wish laughter was a first instinct of mine in tat type of situation but it's not... I get triggered like an SJW and wont to go straight to physical violence but just hold it in until one day i will burst and others will get harmed as well as myself... probably not though, i hope

I used to feel that way too. It might be different for you, but I found that the anger was due to the way what they were saying conflicted with my worldview. It only took a shift in my perspective to find that conflict funny.

my fucking sides

this is when she showed her hairy armpits as a symbol of MUH FEMALE EMPOWERMENT

She should stop wearing makeup if she truly believes that appearance doesn't matter

when you're so ugly your face looks like a shoop

Nobody cares Katie
And you're ugly too

i love this

Couple of lamps?