>be a decent human being showing basic human decency
>get literally raped
Why is still allowed?
>be a decent human being showing basic human decency
>get literally raped
Why is still allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
Omg I hope she's ok
Women always have to brag they got hit on, even when it didn’t happen.
So a customs agent asking for a phone number isn't normal? It's been a couple of years since I've travelled to the US via airplane but I recall being asked a bunch of related questions last time I went. I can't recall for certain if they asked for my home address but they certainly asked for the address and phone number of where I was going.
Literally RAPED.
Can we please have another world war so idiots like this can be shown what true danger is?
Holy shit what a monster lmao. Thank god he didn't fart, she might have been traumatized having to remember her great grandmother who was gassed 5 times.
TSA != customs
not that i'm defending her stupid comment
>create society where women don't have to initiate anything
>Complain about it while not changing a damn thing
>woman bragging on twitter about being attractive to 1 person
>tries (for some reason) and fails to weave this into a convincing narrative about rape culture
cry some more Drumpfbabbies.It's inappropriate for someone in a position of relative power to try and pick you up in a situation like that. Like a cop pulling you over.On top of that, he was on the job, its unprofessional and endangering other Americans for him to hit on the women hes supposed to be protecting from terror and other threats. Hes not a worker at a grocery store, he is a security guard at a an airport. If I was his boss I would fire him for flirting with anyone while on the job
TSA agents are grotesque fat ass betas
If pic related asked her, no complaints
Fake bait
>expecting security guards to do their jobs and not get distracted by sexual desire is "bait"
>five times larger
> Show interest in someone
> Interest is returned
What an evil evil vile man
He was trying to pick her up and he was ugly is what i'm guessing that happened. Or she's a virtue signalling cunt and is going to suck his dick in the next few days but wanted to make some kind of point.
Why did we give women rights? It has caused nothing but trouble
i like this meme
You'd still complain even if this took place at a grocery store. Don't pretend you draw a distinction
Enjoy that attention while you can, sweetie. Once you hit the wall in a few years from now, you won't have to worry about being "on the defense" any longer.
I also assumed it was bait. Because it is bait. Here's your (you)
it wasnt fucking bait you literal idiot drumpfkin.Fucking take off your warped demented worldview and show a single coherent thought or idea. Hes a fucking security guard at a fucking airport. In times like this with terrorist attacks engulfing the world, they should focus on the job and do their duty. It is harassment to hit on women waiting in line, and delays other passengers, and a security guard busy looking at women and asking for their numbers while on the job is not a trustworthy protector and should go do another job, go be a janitor or something. Even ignoring the womens rights aspects of it, its poor form and unprofessional what he did
These TSA agents are $10/hour retards. Not the brightest bulbs. Was she trying to deflect from Harvey Weinstein asking every starlet to shower with him?
>>trying this hard
>be an average dude
>no one hits on you
>only your best friends compliment you once per year
>every other day they rip on you
>struggle to win the affection of a woman
>one smiles at you
>p-perhaps you can be brave to ask for her num-
>oh well continue your normal life
>be woman
>be the center of attention regardless of your mediocre looks
>pretentiously smile at people to seem cute
>tell them to fuck off if they misunderstand
>complain about the endless attention on social media
There will be a war eventually and it will be a fun one.
She's not mad. She just wanted to tell everyone she got some attention for a random dude. The false disgust is virtue signally brownie points. "I'm hot and oppressed! "
trips of truth
DM me. Im gonna kick your asses irl
Nobody has ever asked for my phone number.
Dont smile if theres nothing to smile about dumb bitch.
Is she still in character from 'Room' ?
And yet if this terrible terrorist co-conspirator was physically attractive her tweet would read
>Omg I met the most amazing guy under the most unusual circumstances today.
You may actually be correct in your analysis. I concede its unprofessional. But don't pretend this works in only one direction. And it's still bait because if you're this upset then unfortunately for you you're the weirdo
>warped demented worldview
>be Amerifat
smiling at a stranger is basically invitation to be raped
>Asked for a phone number
>Literally raped
Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?
>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.
A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.
Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.
Holy fuck I thought she was gonna say something about that level of security making her uncomfortable/agents taking their jobs too seriously, but she literally made it about sexism. Unfuckingbeviable. These people have absolutely no self-awareness.
What was the race of the TSA agent? This is important. If it was a non-white male, then she is a racist, sexist bigot. If it was a white male, then they are both racist, sexist and bigoted.
>Complaining about something that is immoral but not anti-static, thus not giving people the right to denounce this man
>Then being this aggressive and vomiting threats, thus being anti-ethic
Looks like you are retarded.
>im such a cute guuuuuuuuuuurl xD
women go
Anti-ethic not anti-static
he asked for her number.... all she had to do was say no... that is the extent of an interaction like this...
he asked for her number, dude....
Yet, if he wasn't an ugly sperg she would have given him it.
This. A few days ago, while I was in one of my classes, there was a blonde qt who seemed interested in me:
>at first, she occasionally looked over
>i noticed, and decided to stroke my chin, rub my arm, and things like that
>it drove her nuts, so she started staring at me for most of the class
>for the few times i looked over at her, she either maintained eye contact or quickly looked away
>about 30 minutes in, she turned in her seat to face me while staring, occasionally playing with her hair
>90 minutes in, she kicked her feet up on the chair next to me, staring at me while shaking her feet around
>after about 20 minutes of that, she took her feet off the chair and went back to facing the professor
Was too much of a pussy to ask her out, though, simply because I was worried I'd receive the "FUCK OFF CREEP" response, despite all of the above suggesting otherwise.
Dude her Twitter is black degeneration, self-hatred and cancer, try to stay around for more than 30 seconds, it's impossible! That kind of behavior is only expected of her vile kind.
Pretty much this.
There is no need for a war, though. Just ignore the crazy women. Life is much easier if you don't expose yourself to their superficial bullshit, especially if it's on social media.
I bet he was a minority
>he asked for her number, dude....
so a doctor can ask out a patient while at an appointment? a surgeon can ask out a patient while performing surgery on her? a pilot can stop midflight to ask a passenger for a number? A cop can ask out a woman he pulled over for speeding?
My mind is boggled at the fact that people here are unironically arguing that what he did was normal and not unprofessional.
>smiling at niggers
her fault desu
>get literally raped
You obviously don't know what RAPE means.
So did she give him her number? If he was handsome she'd given it to him, right! Because he was ugly, he's automatically a rapist.................
What kind of feminist bullshit is that!?!?!?!?!
TSA guards don't even have the pretense of being professional.
>Minor inconvenience
>be lonely beta virgin nerd who works at TSA
>never had gf
>never seen boobies
>start getting red pilled on grills and losing weight and gaining confidence, going out more, making friends, etc.
>one day at work see cutie 3.14 walking in the airport
>she actually smiles at you, unlike 99.9999% of other whamen
>get butterflies and remember all your redpill training and newfound social success
>"w-w-what's your n-number???"
>she scoffs and flips her hair aggressively at you
>mutters "fucking white males" under her breath
>blasts you on social media
>self-esteem lost
>turn back into vidya playing, dad bod hermit.
>do not look at women
>do not talk to women
>do not think about women
>do not make women friends
>do not go within 30 feet of women
>do not speak about women
>do not pass gas at women
>do not LARP as women
>do not know what women is
is she such a great actress? we already have JLAW why did this knock off become popular?
she just blew up and is everywhere WHY? who did this?
angry incels/betas itt
news flash mouth breathers, you can't hit on someone if you are in a position of authority over them, especially if you have the power to detain them on a whim. It's greasy as fuck.
This is why I don't hit on women. They're so paranoid nowadays, I don't need to get into any "sexual harassment" situations that everyone will immediately side with her on.
>why aren't you more aggressive, user?
Because I rather keep out of court than get pussy from some floozy. I'm paranoid of getting false rape charges from women I didn't even have sex with.
Some men are pigs and gross. But I'm not. I know I'd be screwed if a bitch ever decided to make shit up about me though.
The West sucks, man.
Dude guys its over.
>What a creep asking for my number
>Why won't he ask me on a date
They piss me off honestly. Sometimes you just look at a woman and they do that disgusting, annoyed face and flick their hair or something. Whenever they do that I start aggressively staring at them and they sheepishly lose all their bravado
I'd hold up the line while sniffing her butt.
Can't wait until sexbots are a thing so women can become completely irrelevant.
even if the guy was hot, she would have still told him to fuck off, it is extremely creepy to hit on people when you are an on duty law enforcement. Its a scary situation to be put in, because a "no" might piss him off and lead to a finger up the ass and 12 hours in an interrogation cell.
Listen bitch, you wanted to be equal to men?
This is a good meme
>Sometimes you just look at a woman and they do that disgusting, annoyed face and flick their hair or something.
I had a girl do this back in college when I was holding the door open for her, just like I would for a guy. She must of thought I was being le chivalrous white knight or something.
All right, bitch, I'll be sure to slam it in your face next time.
They'll be illegal, because rape culture.
oh shut the fuck up retard, she was flattered until she realized she could PR profit from it.
That sounds more like sociopathy
Are you a rape apologist, sweetie? Rape is whatever a woman says it is.
that is one fit brownie
She has exposed a very serious problem with the TSA! It appears their medical plan does not cover optometrists.
>humble brags she got hit on
>not that attractive, probably going to bitch about where are "all the good men"
Oh no.. women get asked out!
and the men who do it do not read their minds before hand to see if its wanted!!?!!
That's why we need sexbots, womyn ego is way too big eventhough they don't do shit to deserve the attention.
The only thing struggling on the left is her blood trying to make it through those clotted veins.
>hot girl smiles at you
>you get that butterfly feeling
>you’ve done pretty well just got promoted
>you think, ya know what user this is it I’m going ask this girl out I’m tired of being beta
>”h..hey what’s up? Can inhale your number”
>find out later she is a b actress and she tweeted to the word that you are a creep and a loser
r9k is leaking
Youre telling me if some hambeast TSA hag was hitting on you and asking for your number as you went through the security gate you wouldn't be put off just the slightest bit?
god damn, being a male is hard.
Off put? sure, but that's not what happened here.
Shit can I save this?
wew you must be fun at parties
The entire existence of this post is solely so the chick gets to say 'a guy hit on me, i am desireable"
>meanwhile on the extremely rare occasion a woman smiles at me I automatically assume she's mocking me
Society doesn't care about men
What you're suggesting is "ignore rape", you shitlord.
>"how dare people who i find unattractive want to fuck me"
What did happen then? She was just trying to make it through airport security. A place where one misstep or wrong word can cause you to miss your flight or get put on a watch list.
is that /ourgirl/?
Hollyjew needs to die
Save it... It's all yours, my friend