The Far Right Won't Accept Las Vegas Killer Was a Christian White Male

>The killer was a white guy, a Christian by birth if not belief. He was not radical, just a crazed man given the means by the gun lobby to terrorize innocent concertgoers in Las Vegas on Sunday night, shooting to death 59 of them. Stephen C. Paddock was, by all accounts so far, an ordinary American. That is what most terrifies the right.
>And so, some on the far right have convinced themselves that Paddock could not be what he seems, what the authorities say he is. They say facts—alternative facts, perhaps—will inevitably reveal the truth, even as mainstream media outlets do everything they can to skewer that reality, so as not to offend the sensibilities of coastal elites.

>Muslim man commits mass murder
Pol: Islam is evil and preaches hate!
>Christian man commits mass murder
Pol: This is a false flag!
Hmmm, really makes ya think huh

Other urls found in this thread:

Did he do it in the name of Christianity? No? Then it's not the same thing.

>Christian by birth
that's not a thing.
you're born in sin.
you choose to believe in christ.

>Islam: kill the nonbelievers
Enough said

>Christian by birth
There they go again confusing religion with race.

What evidence is there that he was a christian?

By birth if not beliefe is the same as not a christian.

nu-male holocaust when?

Those damn gamblers are so violent, why do we allow gamblers to own weapons?

Even his sushi-riddled brother says he was non-religious

>a Christian by birth


I believe that Christianity is the only abrahamic religion where you aren't a christian by theological law when you are born

>a christian by birth
I thought we lived in a country with separation of church and state

guess it's only when convenient, like most jewish ideas

_you mean the las vegas shooter who was a registered democrat? lol op sux at facts

Sure thing. You still criticize Muslim men who are non-religious and doesn't practice the religion (i.e drinking). You still don't want them in your country and still call them terroists. The double standard is strong.

if he was christian by birth then why did he shoot at a country concert? country music is closely christian afaik. Also why blaming religion when they can't do the same when a muslim does something like that?

Has libshits ever accepted that one of their own blew up the Murrah Building?

Get fucked by the muslim dick you love so much retard.

that's because they're nonwhite arabs. the muslim bit is a nonissue.

I'm a Christian by birth, but that doesn't mean I believe in God and it's not like Steven lead a Christian lifestyle or showed any signs of a religious motive; we just want to know the motive ffs.

His brother said he wasn’t religious

Won't accept it until the authorities provide information. Anything else would be jumping to conclusions.

>Christian by birth
kikes should stop pretending to understand the true faith

The left needs no evidence to blame someone

Isis claimed responsibility

>jumping to conclusions.

Funny how Sup Forums is happy to jump to conclusions about muslims, but when it's a white male we musn't jump to conclusions!

never forget shooted registered to vote in boca raton as a Democrat

>sinning as a muslim
>commits righteous slaughter of unbelievers and enemies of islam as atonement for sins

>man does a bad thing also hes christian

kill yourself faggot

I am super far right and I totally accept him as my breatherin. Plaease come after us, we need to be stoppped. Now! .....oh and I'm not a shilll.

I'm alright with secular Muslims but it's difficult to believe any Muslim at face value because lying to unbelievers is in their religious tenets, followed by killing the kafirs when their guard is down.

Excuse me for being wary of such things, just like I'm wary of Jews because of the shit in their Talmud.

Shouldn't you be gargling on muslim penis

>Christian by birth
That's now how it works.

We can accept it, but it is absolutely irrelevant. We still don't know his motive.

>converts to Islam
B-but Christian birth

What evidence is there he's religious at all?
If he isn't shouting aloha snackbar then he must be xtian?
When I pop off and murder a shit ton of people I don't want anyone claiming I'm religious just because I'm white. For the record: I'm not religious. So when they come asking set them straight for me. Thanks.

What is it with all these shill threads. And by a britshit of all things.
>imagine my shawk

Christianity is a religion of peace

>a democrat shoots hundreds of white Christian conservatives
>the media doubles down on their white Christian conservative bully

It's like they want trump to stay in office

When was the last muslim mass murderer who wasn't killing in the name of his religion?

Paki go home.

I don't think we know his motivation they aren't saying. Information vacuum breeding guessing just like you

That's an awfully stupid claim

>His brother said he wasn’t religious
>totally not biased at all

except we didnt jump to conclusions when omar gunned downed fags cuz he feels bad about his own faggotry. the man attended a mosque where a prominent imam sat down to preach the killing of gays is a mercy and just in allahs eyes

seriously fucking kill yourself you stupid fucking faggot

No we don't you fucking toothless faggot.



JewsWeek anti-American Jew faggots who like trans, BLM, homos , any illegal alien , black criminals , rapist , pedos . Just Jew being Jews after all .

Sure thing, (((user)))
And he wasn't antifa

I like how this article ignored all the other things he is that make him a statistical outlier that basically doesn't exist

My truck shop is outside of Dearborn Michigan.
Lots of full covered females starting to look like middle East.
Muslim customers try to impress me by acting western, saying he cheats constantly on his wife it isn't a sin.
Same customers gets mad and never comes back after I tell him I'm dating a Muslim woman.
Muslims are the biggest Hypocrites in the world

Jews always make this mistake.

Hello yes, where are proofs? :DD


Why does his religion matter when he didn't do it in the name of his religion, unlike sandniggers that make sure people know they did it for Islam?

Not gonna lie, no one cares explicitly because the shooter was white.

It's our country, our laws. Deal with it shitskins.

You could bet in a second if the shooter was a nigger or a muslim the only thing being talked about in the news would be race oriented. There would be no discussion about gun control if not for restricting gun sales to niggers and muslims.

Paddock was a retard who killed people for no good reason, or a patsy in a retarded operation which killed people for no good reason.

Is Marutei Tsurunen mentioned?

> Tsurunen served as a representative of the Democrats in the House of Lords of Japan in 2002-2013 as her first Western-born member.

It's a hell of a hell of a thing when you think about how dubious Japanese are foreigners. Sure Finland is a kind of exception, the older population knows and values Mannerheim and the Finns.

Apparently, he is a conservative politician and so do you like it

anyone care for some paki sticks?

>If you don't accept the narrative that the shooter was a christian white male you're an evil far right nazi.
I can't really dispute the fact he's a white male. But does anyone know if he was christian? I think knowing his ideology is more important than knowing his skin colour and gender.

oh i know and the only path to forgiveness in "Allah's" eyes is killing non-muslims.

This. I also get pissed every time I see some retarded libshit call this terrorism. If there is no political or religious motive, it’s not terrorism. As of now, there is no motive. If a motive is discovered, it will most likely be considered Left-wing or Islamic terrorism.

nig nog jiggaboo wog nip wop coon

They see no problem fucking white Christian women, but fuck one of there women that they don't even know and it's like you fucked there wife

How can Christianity be relevant when it doesn't prosthelyze terrorism?
Islam is a terrorist manual wrapped in a protective religious shell.

Why is it always my country that makes these fucking retarded comments on every thread.

>non-religious Muslim
Do you seriously think Islam is a race?

t. Achmed

a wooden spike in the ass brings the sultan to full mass

they see themselves as conquers and are merely taking their prize. the west will fall if we continue to allow these vermin in

That's very funny how this white christian male would gun down white conservatives many of whom probably christians at a fucking COUNTRY MUSIC FESTIVAL.. You assholes are falling apart and you are ignoring to discuss the motives, all you know is "white male = evil" eventhough white males in the US have the LEAST gun violence in the US statistically than ANY OTHER ETHNICITIES. Whilst blacks are responsible for over half the homocides in the entirety of the US eventhough being tiny percentage in comparison. So uhm.. is it about gun killings or about you hating white people?

>gets presented with logical facts and reasoning
>can't handle the truth
>proceed to adhom
Hmmm, this behavior, reminds me of something
I guess the idiom "2 sides of the same coin" applies here.

Have any replies mentioned Marutei Tsurunen?

>Tsurunen was the first Western-born member in the Japanese House of Lords, representing the Democrats from 2002-2013

This achievement is particularly noteworthy due to Japanese insularity, suspicion of foreigners and general ingroup preference (Finnland being a major exception, as many older Japanese are of aware of and appreciate Mannerheim and Finnish values in general.)

Apparently they liked him because of his Conservative politics.

>gets presented with logical facts and reasoning

Only in your stupid paki mind. Kill yourself already.

Let's see if you can answer my question here;

I hope that ISIS shit is true. Fuck these people.

The far right can barely afford sushi, let alone accept Steve was a fucking white male.

>Christian by birth if not by choice
>Christian by birth
Thats basically everyone from the West.

Lamest "conquerers" in history


Nearly every Muslim has been a radicalized jihadist tho

You sound like Sargoy or Kike n Tea. Your goytube faggotry is leaking

>Christian by birth
That isn't how Christianity works

Your country is full of sand nogs and they post here in a weak attempt to take the heat off the cancer that is Islam

>white people should be more afraid of white people than people of color
What are you talking about here? If you are talking about crime and homocide, whites commit the least of all ethnicities in the US. Including gun violence.
My my, what an objective article. How the hell do the media get away with objectively lying their ass off so much, either it's propaganda or they flunked math and basic statistics. Which one is it?

>non-religious Muslim
So not a muslim?

Dont be taken in by this. They are desperate as fuck because the official narrative is empty.
>How do we stop them?
>Call them racist.

IT DOESNT WORK! Even if he did do it, the MSM know they could get the blame for radicalising leftists. So once again just attack everyone else. So desperate its sad.

>Muslim by birth kills people
Oh look! Muslims again!
>Christian by birth kills people
That isn't how Christianity works

From theft, sure. murders, nope.

Most crime is still intraracial though. Whites just commit less. The bleed over in interracial crime is from black offenders, but most black offenders have black victims.

Shut up Mohammed

>Muslim that called in to police to announce he's going to commit jihad
>He wasn't really a muslim!

meanwhile you completely ignore and real criticisms. Sinning Muslims commit mass slaughter to appease their "God" and avoid going to hell. Christians do no such thing.

Not just whites.

>an obviously leftist psycho commits act of terrorism
>look he's white

These "people" are so stupid

No, being a Christian by birth isn't how christianity works

Why don't you and the OP answer this question Instead of keeping dodging it, OP almost got completely fucking quiet after i posted it. You don't know shit about the guys motives yet, i don't think you even care. But you make one hell of assumptions that don't even make sense.

So let's see if i got this right.. a christian white male, guns down a bunch of white people at a country music festival in las vegas. And he did this because white people are evil and racist. What, against their own people? Also he's a christian and white christians are evil against other white christians.
Well i'm glad we got fucking columbo on the case!

Oh and you want to take white christians weapons away, ignoring that white christians were the ones that were killed in the massacre.. cause they're racist and shiiieeet.. Fucking beautiful, you are BTFO now fuck off and go make another thread about this and hope others don't btfo you out there too!

It's far far more likely that this guy was an islamic convert but we don't have all the facts yet whatsoever. ISIS has already also claimed responsibility for the attack and it seems far more along their lines of doing. Fits their MO very well.

Correct, there is no such thing as Christian by birth.
>Muslim men who are non-religious
This is also not a thing... retard.

not all muslims lmao

you made your bed, now get fuckin sleepy

All it shows is that muslims fucking suck at properly commiting mass murder

And? Muslims in the middle east still kills other Muslims, but that doesn't mean they are automatically not Muslims anymore for doing that. So what is your point here?
A christian committed mass murder. Deal with it and stop crying like brats.

Did he leave a manifesto? What were his affiliations to extreme Christianity? Just how religious was he? What church did he attend? What members of his congregation have been interviewed? In short, proofs, or STFU.

holy shit lmao