What is Sup Forums's opinion on the recent rise in political activism in American sports?
Politics in the NFL
Stop watching niggerball.
Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?
>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.
A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.
Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.
I am a free speech absolutist, and I even disagree with firing them over it.
Has anyone ever confronted any of them and asked them just what the fuck they want?
The thing that gets lost on white American sports fans is that every race has a sense of racial brotherhood. Taking away from the fact that the police shootings of black men are sensationalized bullshit, black people and especially of those with an influence over public opinion are going to protest against such violence against they bruthaz.
I just don't understand why are white boomers/ gen x'ers expected patriotism from black people? Why are they buying into an industry that doesn't even represent their national identity and race's abilities? It's very odd that there are people who watch a bunch of black people running from one end of the field to another and enjoy it.
Haven't watched a NFL game since they went on strike in 2011
no one cares about NFL niggers outside USA, if it was a NBA chimpout it would be a worldwide discussion
They are grown men that get paid millions of dollars to throw a ball around. I could not care less what they think.
>you get payed to kick that ball around, not to protest the govornment
I don't really care, I don't watch niggerball. Both American and European football are sports for brainlets
Oh. Well, that sounds reasonable. Let's do that then we can just get back to football.
>American sports
>bunch of retards running around with ball in their hands instead of kicking it and ball is not actually a ball but some kind of lemon shaped object
>degenerate faggots throw ball at each other and hit it with bat; nobody besides players knows what exactly is going on at field yet it's popular
What's ironic is these dipshit NFL players don't realize BLM won the narrative, they got their no proactive policing paradise.
Police stopped shaking down blacks and are just ignoring any call they get that would involve going into the no-go zone ghettos unless it's absolutely necessary.
The "Ferguson Effect" is very real and it's a giant black eye on the face of BLM, they got what they wished for now murder and crime in the black community is astoundingly higher then ever.
Stop watching the overpaid ingrates play school children games.
Send them packing back to their ghettoes.
They can keeps it real there all day.
jews gonna jew?
It's BLM-affiliated so in the short term they want police officers to endanger themselves by giving black offenders more leeway than white ones before lethal force is applied.
American sports, Football especially, have been examples of what happens when the best at something work together for a common goal.
In the middle of nigger-hating America, you have actual nigger-haters who will suck it up because they want a ring more than they hate niggers.
The rest of you aren't good at sports so you can go ahead and hate niggers without worrying about winning anything.
If you watch football just fucking kys right fucking now.
What they're doing is sending off whites to a new white sport and those who love football will hate racial politics and become extremist.
>Stop watching
To stop watching that despondent circus would require that I watched it in the first place.
What I see is a bunch of overpaid niggers that even as a 3rd player get over 250K per year disrespecting the US while crying that the white man is keeping them down. This, after putting themselves up for auction so rich white men could bid on them. Thanks to these fools, and their tireless efforts, the NFL is losing fans and viewership which will mean less money for said niggers. I sure hope they actually learned something in college, because pretty soon, the NFL is not going to paying as much.