Alright boys, I've decieded to take an extended stay in Europe to try to find a wife. I'm an American and all the women here are whores. Which country should I go to to get a wife? Which country has the best women in terms of atractiness, traditional values, maternal instincts, and religious peity. Pics are most certainly needed.
Best country to get a wife?
I would say Poland since they are based af. Maybe one of the other slav countries though. Then again i am sure there are plenty of wholesome woman in the rest of europe who want a real man as instead of cuck or a invader.
You can find a woman in East Europe easily if you have money.
In Texas now. The women are whores.
Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?
>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.
A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.
Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.
Where aare you from?
And where they are not mate?
100% Russia
Texas. It's not as based as people make it out to be. Good food though.
Are you white or mexican descendant?
No European woman wants an american man lmao. You're short, circumcised and uncultured. Go settle for a mexican
t. Norfag with Finnish wife
Also this
100% pure Bavarian phenotype
He clearly doesn't.
Maybe you're the whore.
Ukraine. The men look deformed and inbred but the women are somehow cute so they jump on foreign cock the moment they see it.
before you set off ask yourself why would she want a genitally mutilated mutt goy for a husband
Circumcision is FUCKED child abuse.
So a Mexican go to mexico or africa.
South and east Europe are still decent. Central Europe is most likely a hit/miss, and western Europe don't even think about it brotha.
Because I have money and my country wasn't rekt by communism
You're welcome for the solution, OP.
Why not stay there then, it sounds GREAT there.
this goy thinks he can barge in and outcompete ethnic natives with his federal kikenotes lmao
Fucking creep fuck off
Russia or Ukraine
I like the way you talk, leafbro
nowhere, marry to your own kind. am*rican mutts are not only euro mutts but they also posses jewish/native and nigger blood, a threat to European women
stick to the shithole you created you fucking nigger
t. The Supreme Gentleman from beyond the grave
We're full, kindly fuck off.
Just get a deer wife.
Er jist give in n gitcherself onna them whore wives you keep talkin about.
>my country is shit haha
>let me come to your country to fiddle your women and demand free shit haha
Dang it. He abandoned us on his own thread. Maybe we killed him? Geeze, we were only trying to help.
I'm still here, you guys just are contributing anything useful.
When did I demand free shit Vlad?
They get really mad when you smash their women. It's funny.
its custom to niggers who flee africa
the grass isnt any greener on this side of the fence
coming to europe wont solve your problems
dont fall into the illusion and do what all the niggers do
you realise burger culture hit like a brick her right?
dont fall for the memes
people are more conservative in the east but constant propaganda and the west just next door takes its toll
women here are whores thatll jump for your money
if you want to find an actually good girl, prepare to settle down
Don't listen to the people saying Eastern Europe, our women are crazy, hot maybe, but you need to be one of us to handle them. Unless you find those little gems that are really incredibly submissive and housewifey, but we don't have more of those than other countries.
Spanish women have always been really hot and conservative (or the complete opposite of conservative, but still), I just can't fucking handle their language for some reason, drives me nuts. Met plenty of nice French ladies, but only specific parts of France. Try Baltics as well, they're known to be notoriously hot while also a little more reasonable.
Nordic/North Europe women are pretty decent, but you gotta navigate through a LOT of ugly or brainwashed filth.
>I just can't fucking handle their language for some reason, drives me nuts.
is it the sound?
Finland outside of cities with above 100.000+ people
It's like a machinegun and it fucking grates on my nerves. I can't explain why. When I used to go to work, I'd dread being stuck in the elevator with Spanish people, because it'd be 8 in the fucking morning, I'd be pissed, tired and have the prospect of a shit day ahead of me and I'd have to ride for 11 floors listening to TATATASASASSASATATASASTASTA
Good luck. Europe has whores in spades, and before you consider any of the Eastern European countries, then all you will get is gold diggers who will pretend to love you for that visa. Even if you'll manage to find one, somehow, she'll either be taken by a local or will not be interested in a foreigner.
>will not be interested in a foreigner
Not entirely true, we have plenty of hot women around the smaller towns who are sick of the "rude and uneducated" men around them and are desperate for a foreigner.
Problem is, once the cultured and sensitive thing wears off, they'll drop you like a hot potato, because nobody REALLY wants a man who can't hold his own against them.
because our male population is not as cucked as you? I wouldn't want to see a pure turkish girl fornicating with a disgusting an*lo like you tbqh
i feel for you
it lacked the slavic cadence for me and i cant listen to it more than a minute without wanting topunch someone in the face
its KANGlo for you mehmet
I mean, I can handle a lot of languages that are totally opposite to us, like I don't even mind Dutch that much (fucking hardest language for a Bulgarian to learn) or stuff like Hungarian, but Spanish just grates on my nerves somehow.
I also don't know still why all you Romanians seem to speak Spanish. I've smashed at least 5 romanian women, all of which spoke fluent spanish. Never got to know them long enough to learn why.
we wuz romanz : ^)
but seriously, spanish and italian are really easy to pick up for us
thats why so many romanians go there
why do you consider dutch the hardest to learn? the deepthroated g?
>why do you consider dutch the hardest to learn?
No idea, but it's pretty much a fact, we have thousands of students who go study abroad every year, and if about 5-10% come back from England/Italy and the like, something like 50-60% come back from the Netherlands citing language to be the problem. We just can't fucking speak it. We can understand it, but we cannot speak it.
It goes the other way around as well.
Any northern country, further north than the UK.
huh, that's really interesting
how azn do samis look?
are they...
are they qt?
its subjective, all i can say is west mongolia is best mongolia.
true : ^)
actually, have you ever tried picking up hungarian?
should be easy
If you're not immediately European yourself just go and fuck off. I'm first generation American from Polish parents so I at least have some sort of ethnic and cultural reason to get a polish wife, don't go to Europe thinking they're going to actually like you for you. You're going to find a whore that wants you for your status or money and that's it. You don't realize how uncultured and retarded Americans really are
Please find someone in your own country and keep away from Europe. I am sure there are some land whales which are attracted to you. If you need to chose try a British girl. They are alike the natives of the US. Perhaps they drink a bit more.
>You're going to find a whore that wants you for your status or money and that's it
He didn't say he's going to eastern europe and why would most westerners want his "status" or "money"? You're basically poor by many western countries' standard. Your "status" is below even many of the poorer ones.
>I'm an American and all the women here are whores.
Translation: "No sensible women would be caught dead near my pimply, crusty lard-ass."