Is she right Sup Forums?
Is she right Sup Forums?
no educated person--going all the way back to the ancient Greeks--believed the earth was flat
Not to mention that my wife is Colombian, and her son is half Muslim
He's a fake and gay "woman"
Fuck these science deniers.
Can't fake the chomesomes in your DNA bitch boy!
This. They may have been primitive in our minds, but they weren't oblivious. Ancient Egyptians knew the earth was round, and even figured out a reasonably close approximation of it's size.
As for trannies, they are mentally disturbed. Accept that, and treat them accordingly. Encouraging their mental illness is essentially abuse of the mentally incompetent.
I will call them whatever I want.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it CCIS.
Who fucking cares, let them do what they want, because in most cases when they transition through surgery they end up regretting everything.
>Implying I would talk to them
>We don't talk about when the earth was flat
Should we tell him?
No, it's historically inaccurate.
Except the earth being a sphere is a fact, pretending to be a gender you're not biologically is a mental illness
Is Marutei Tsurunen mentioned?
> Tsurunen served as a representative of the Democrats in the House of Lords of Japan in 2002-2013 as her first Western-born member.
It's a hell of a hell of a thing when you think about how dubious Japanese are foreigners. Sure Finland is a kind of exception, the older population knows and values Mannerheim and the Finns.
Apparently, he is a conservative politician and so do you like it
Can you imagine how disappointing it must be to rationalize that you are such a nerd the only way you are ever going to get some bobs and vagene to play with is have them constructed surgically and then realize to late that you gave up your dick?
No, he's wrong and mentally ill.
If I cut off my hand do I get a pronoun and name change? No? I get put in a hospital for mental problems instead? Fuck off Chloe, why don't you cut your head off.
>calling someone their birth given name is the same as saying the earth is flat
>tranny profile picture
>overly high use of bloom filter, so you can only make out the basic shape of the guy's face
>still looks like shit.
We retake Constantinople and trannies old names back!
*ancient greeks
I'd assume the egyptians didn't give a shit about that sort of thing, if i remember rightly it was aristotle who did it using some wells and shit
That was Eratosthenes, who correctly calculated the circumference of the Earth and also the axis tilt before Jesus was even born.
He is not right, he is insane.
surely she is trying to say once a women always a women cause the world was never flat even if dumb fucks want to push it. as a women was never a man even though they have had a sex op
The people who enable mental illness are worse than the actual degenerates.
You're born boy or girl, so you are what you are untill you get a sex-change. You can't just fucking say you're something else.
Literally who besides faggot sjws cares about this.
Meh. Before I thought the same but after a few months on hormones you just don't care for women at all. Men are objectivley better.
You don't need to cut off your cock to get a man
I know I'm not gonna I just like taking girl pills