Name my band, Sup Forums
Name my band, Sup Forums
9 liberal white bros and some nigger they cancelled
conan and the manlets.
Fat potatoes
The Lone Rangers or Fallon Can't Drink
There are two niggers
where's george lopez?
Diarrhea of the Mouth
Cucks And Noses
Blue Öyster Cucks
He has a late night show? This is extremely racist if he was not included.
The Muppets
We Are Cancer Kings
a/k/a WACK
HAD. If we're going by has-beens, the pic would be packed with halfwits.
The old testament
kike jew nigger faggots
Da Top of the List!!!
The Drumpf Dumpers
Nine Inch Noses
Who else would be there besides Lopez, Wilmore, and Stewart?
how can you pluralize the lone ranger?
Eat it, feminist!
thanks user
lol at fallon not drinking.
Who the fuck watches these boring cucks?
Is Marutei Tsurunen mentioned?
> Tsurunen served as a representative of the Democrats in the House of Lords of Japan in 2002-2013 as her first Western-born member.
It's a hell of a hell of a thing when you think about how dubious Japanese are foreigners. Sure Finland is a kind of exception, the older population knows and values Mannerheim and the Finns.
Apparently, he is a conservative politician and so do you like it
They Might Be Giant Shills
What ever happened to Carson Daily (the guy from 2 am).
Is he /ourguy/ or is he just so irrelevent now that its not even funny?
Adult Contemporary
>spamming this in every thread
What are you doing nazibro?
i hate all those late night faggots
I wanna punch that faggot with the juice box so bad.
Tell me about him Sup Forums. I don't watch any of these faggots
the jimmy saville experience
The Jon Stewart cover band
Non-ironically Jews Trying to Influence Your Opinion and the Two Quarter Niggers
Otherwise known as NJTIYOTQN
Fall Out Goy
He is from "Adam ruins everything" where he talks down his nose at your average american goy with liberal talking points to make you hate guns and trump. It's the lowest level democrat propaganda
Paid Programming
Two scoops.
I remeber reading he was a prxticing Christian. That might be why he's not around anymore.
Rolling shekels
Daft Pundit
Disinformation Society
Late Kike Programming
Crazy Colbert and the Fake News Kazoos
they want to kill us
The Suits
they spread hate tp kill us
You're forced to save 1 person in this pic, who is it?
they are ennemy of the nation
I don't watch any of these guys, but I've heard that fallon is a genuinely nice guy in real life, so probably him. Either that, or I save currentyearman and then torture until the end of time.
you mean half-kaffer
Faggetolie and the Commie cucks
the smashing drumphkins
The Unemployables
Kek kek
Satans puppets.
They Might Be Comedians
The Bores
The Pedo Defendants
the fake news
The cucketeers
Pedo Files
The Reach-arounders
The Late-nite Eunuchs
The Jews' Division
Too Gay to be Named.
Jew Jew Dolls
Jimmy and the Funky Cucks.
Highly Cuckspect
Liberally Sipped
Bullet For My Valen(((stein)))
The Resistance.
sexists pigs
oven party
Someone should shop cocks instead of drinks on this motherfucker.
Im not computer savy enough to do it.
Cocks and stars of david
Alternative Information Defense Squad. Also known as AIDS.
lel thats james corden. but very similar looking
The Thought Police
Chevy Chase, Arsenio Hall, Jay Leno, the list goes on and on. These guys were all around when Lopez was on and failed miserably (I mean Lopez) obviously Leno didn't fail.
The Puppets
Fatman Scoops
Bill Maher and the Puppets.
The Current Year
> Girls Generation