Why is this OK?
Why is this OK?
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wow.....is this you OP?
It could be good though.
The question that matters: will it require uplay?
Why wouldn't this be? Are you triggered?
WTF I love islam now
Why is it not ok?
Are you uncomfortable?
Insecure about your beliefs?
Found the cancerous sjw nu-male
It's a video game, not real life.
Wat? how am i a sjw? i just wanna know if uplay is required.
Because why not?
Some people take free speech for granted
whats wrong with it? not even an american flag
>everyone I disagree with is a SJW.
>everyone I disagree with is a Nazi
Really makes you think. It's almost like it's two sides of the same coin.
ITT: leftypol and /r/ChapoTrapHouse/ sockpuppet as alt-right to make Sup Forums hate Sup Forums
why does every single piece of media nowadays have to be overanalyzed to fit into some societal metanarrative instead of just being a part of its own story?
Woad there, buddy. Are you having an aneurysm? Do you need help?
I just wanna discuss video games
Why shouldn't it be okay?
>>>/ redditchan/
>One type breaks private and public property, lynch people, organizes riots, get people fired, dominates all media forms, believes the news, demand immigration of dangerous groups, demands censorship.
>The other question the news and spergs online.
>somehow they are equal.
Starting to believe this
Why are you so defensive of Sup Forums?
>tfw they should've been blacks
Free market, OP. Controversy sells.
free market, freedom of expression and free speech
also every other setting has pretty much already been done, so why not something thats actually a little fresh
if youre worried about 'muh white genocide' id like to point out the game has a ton of black people in it too that are members of the cult and portrayed as 'villains'
>Average american is part of a death cult
Aren't we all, on some level?
by this point yeah
>average american is mentally ill cult leader who shoots people who don't adhere to his favorite desert fairy tale
thanks for the heads up
Because it seems a lot Sup Forums core culture (like hating niggers, jews and the media) seem to be mistaken by Sup Forums culture so whenever i sound less progressive than aids i get called Sup Forums even though i never been there.
This is a trend that started this year and its very out of place, its like people fresh off the boat from reddit started doing it.
shut up, pol
More games should feature compound bows, to be quite honest.
Have you ever even read the global rules?
>he thinks the rules matter
lmao you are new.
>Pokemon gen 1 vs. nu-gen
reddit's first course of action for anything they don't like is to call someone Sup Forums, are you unaware?
Compound bows look cool.
nuPokemon looks fucking horrible.
And they made Ash a mexican.
Sup Forums posting can be spotted from a fucking mile away and is far away different from general nigger/jew hate.
>constant derailing into further Sup Forums talk instead of just saying the one thing
>constant posting of bullshit infographics
>degeneration into talking about trump and other bullshit
>entire thread eventually devolves into nothing but Sup Forums
Now if you add the fact that each of the replies i got are this dismissive non argument that serves no purpose other than a cheap attempt at invalidate what i said you get to the conclusion that this is indeed an outsider group raid.
been coming here longer than you lmao
they are using discord.
They're not christians, they're a Koreshian death cult
There are non whites in the cult too
The game takes place in an area of America that is overwhelmingly white and the game reflects that, just like the areas of the world 1-4 took place in were overwhelmingly brown and reflected it
The game will still be garbage (muh tower climbing simulator 2017)
holy fuck my sides lmao
You gotta understand.
Losing the Pokemon league for the 57889051th time, even though the last one he actually had a chance to win, broke him beyond repair.
is that legit supposed to be a 13 year old fuzzstache or was it just supposed to be cheek lines that were drawn poorly?
I don't even know which side is worse at this point
Sup Forums racism started as ironic until idiots from outside came in and accepted it at face value.
Evidence? Don't have to look hard. Global rule #3, the origins in the Habbo Hotel raid, the history of /news/, things are pretty clear on this matter.
Is this not a common conversation topic on Sup Forums? I guess they really are all redditor newfaga then.
>Sup Forums core culture (like hating niggers, jews and the media) seem to be mistaken by Sup Forums culture.
Thats because it went from "lel lel nigger"
to "Sieg Heil". Sup Forums attracted accual retards new fag.
>plastering the screen with a bazillion flashes
>mfw I heard people say nuPokemon had good animation
>The nazis just want to question the news
Excuse me?
why is ash such a manlet in the cartoon? i beat that shit on my first try
They're nearly the same at this point. Both sides even trot out the whole, if you're not with us, you're against us/stupid spineless centrist shit
He's always had it, never really known what they were supposed to be, but I think Dragon Ball also has those.
The problem is that the way nuPokemon draws them make it look as if he has a moustache under each eye.
inb4 Ubishit reuses the same map from Farcry 4 again
>Sup Forums core culture (like hating niggers, jews and the media)
>hating niggers
for the overwhelming majority this was done to keep out the easily offended
a stand-in for corporate greed with the same side-effect
>the media
general internet counter-culture
In short, newshits like you are the cancer that is infesting this site.
>outsider group raid
while you might not be from Sup Forums you certainly share their paranoia, as in you are batshit insane
Why are rightshitters such hypocrits?
>i dont care about genocide of a colored race
>but i will boycott anything anti white
>t 2014 poster
I don't care about muh wypipo villains. I'm not buying it because it will literally be copy-paste shit just as 4 was from 3. You played one of these games, you played em all. Maybe I'll get it when It's on sale for $5 three or four years from now.
i thought the appeal of the farcry series was that the games took place in exotic and foreign places, why would they put the game in fucking america of all places?
*blocks leftist ideology*
oh wow
Because most of Montana is a very remote and also very beautiful region.
Not like it will do anything.
Idealists are now lazy fatasses who won't do anything but talk about how offended they are on the internet.
That's why no nazi nor communist revolution will ever happen.
*blocks your path*
>le reddit asterisks
>already breaking out the infographics
Basically waving a white flag.
Oh yeah, look at that.
Nazis and communists who had to end up voting for center right and center left candidates.
I still prefer Hillary though, her Syria airspace block would have started WWIII and finally put an end to all of this.
Bait threads?
I have no idea.
this gives me some hope. shit seems to have gotten so bad lately, but maybe it just seems that way because I spend too much time on the internet. I need to get out more.
>le reddit spiderman
>if you cite facts you lose
Hi Trudeau
No one really knows wtf goes on in the whole area between the West coast and Southwest states and the Midwest.
So have they like announced that this game will be different in any way from 3 or 4 other than setting? because the formula is getting super old tbqh.
>inbred isolationist redneck cultists with a Jesus complex
seems about par for the course.
>implying a bunch of islands isnt comfy
>wanting to live on a giant swamp
The only people who disagree with that sentiment are the people who it applies most to.
It shouldn't.
It just means we are going to be stuck in an endless state of constant pointless ideological whining.
Pic related is the proper solution to stop this.
they are though. both sides are extremely intolerant of any views outside of their bubbles.
Same reason why all the other farcrys were, now stop being a whiny hypocrite
I'm not gonna buy the game either but you don't see me crying about it
Why are deathcults OK?
>trailer trash is triggered by caricatures
Je suis Charlie.
>buying AAA video games
I don't know why people do this. The AAA industry hasn't produced anything good for fucking years.
bikini atoll sure is beautiful :^)
David Koresh did nothing wrong.
They have definitely implied that it will be different in interviews.
But nothing been shown other than that bombastic trailer that had none of the political stuff in it, and only fake snippets of gameplay.
If I had to get I'd say it will be different, but not that different.
We'll see at... PS Experience? Game awards? They don't have that long, it's scheduled for February, at least for now.
If you want to see who rules over you, just look at the people you are not allowed to criticize.
Is that why so many threads are about criticizing Sup Forums?
Must suck being at the bottom of the totem pole.
Nobody was even talking about this shit though.It's like fucking furries or bronies shoving their shit into everything. I genuinely think people should start crossboarding to Sup Forums and spamming console wars or fucking capeshit threads. Thinly disguised as politics threads of course.
But the are
>Murica fuck yeah!
>We have guns to protect ourselves from the government! Fuck state-sponsored health care and higher educations tho, I want to become indebted for my and 2 next generations' whole life to banks, they're 100% based on getting more dough and not giving a fuck about anything else, but I need protection from THE GUBBERMINT
Why is ok to kill russian, chinese, european, african, south american people in video games?
there he is. our butthurt little neofaggot friend still trying to push his failed meme!