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>not wanting to fuck your gf bareback
I regret voting for this guy...
So I'm assuming there will be more white kids as a result?
>falling for the vaginal jew
Look at this cuck.
I'm gonna keep fucking this cute twink boy every once in a while when I get the urge.
Boypussy is way better than some roastie pussy.
Why don't you want kids you retard.
That's literally the only purpose to life : reproducing.
Yeah, subhumans tend to just abort.
Abortion need to stay.
>afraid of getting stds from your own gf
Oh no whores have to pay for the own slut pills, the horror!
Neuter yourself if you want to do that, no more unwanted pregnancies.
Patriarchy 2.0 INCOMING
have you ever been in a relationship? it's not like I want her to become perpetually pregnant
yeah, STD prevention is totally the point of BIRTH CONTROL
>Women being too cheap to buy their own birth control
>Will drop $200 at Sephora without thinking.
pussy hat march 2.0 incoming
55 million though, this may be a really big roastie chimpout to go along with the wetback chimpout
perhaps they will all converge nov 4?
Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?
>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.
A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.
Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.
Why the fuck should birth control be paid for by someone else but the one who need it?
This is bad because we aren't defunding money to single moms.
The kinda woman who used Obamacare birth control will only not abort for gibs.
So yea let's not celebrate more gutter sluts getting on the dole.
>killing your child before it is born
Kill yourself
Well this is fucking retarded. Like we need more brain damaged niglets running around.
My favourite thing is that he has done this to protect religious beliefs
>libs protest this
>literally going against catholic and muslim religious beliefs
>libs accept this
>they finally agree with Trump and there is fewer fatherless niglets
>it's not like I want her to become perpetually pregnant
How are you going to have twenty kids if she's not ?
You know eggs have an expiration date, aight ?
Or about menopause ?
White liberal girls won't pay for their own birth control now out of spite for Trump, they'll accidentally get pregnant, use condoms maybe, and some might be even stop having promiscuous sex. birth control has a lot of other negative effects besides that anyways in terms of women's hormones. pic related
Niggers don't use birth control. The only thing this will do is help whites reproduce, why the fuck is everyone so but hurt. This is a wonderful thing for the white race.
White girl holes is only for pleasure
didn't even know you guys give out free birth control
Obama was truly bread and games type of guy
How hard is it for women to just not have sex?
I'm able to do it just fine :^)
America has free birth control?
Free condoms?
>being this cucked by the pharma jew
In what universe birth control pills are a necessity and have to be paid with taxpayer money?
you're single, aren't you?
This, my gf hasn't had a period in over a year and half due to her birth control. Shit isn't natural
It's called family planning, dipshit.
You can have 2 or 3 kids and still enjoy sex.
Birth control is a globalist plot to make men effeminate.
The synthetic hormones in birth control are pee'd out by the sluts and cant be easily filtered out of the water.
The result is an ever increasing presence of synthetic female hormones in our drinking water.
Introduce a new bill.
Two children policy to black people.
I mean, you can still keep shitting out those children, but state will only support two.
Beautiful, fair, makes black people think again.
Trump may not be able to get things done with Congress but I am glad he is taking steps by rolling back Obama's failed policies.
In a world of niggers and spics
Literally this! Having sex with males is the ultimate redpill.
You take what you can get I suppose.
>not wanting 10+ white children
This degenerate behavior is why society is so shit, sex is meant for procreation, not to have FUN. Just pop out some babies (4-5) and work like a MAN to support them. Teach them a God fearing life and instil in them good morals.
If you notice after the advent of BC all of it went to shit, we upset the natrual balance of things.
>free birth control
Didn't know that was a thing in US.
>not getting your gf pregnant
Man up or kill yourself
condoms exist why cant they just use those?
If you can’t even afford 25$ a month pills or a box of condoms you have no business engaging in an activity that can result in human life
Get fucked, maybe a kid will force you to get a real job
>sex is meant for procreation, not to have FUN
Naturalistic fallacy.
>Teach them a God fearing life
I'll just teach them conservative morals, minus your redneck bullshit.
> you notice after the advent of BC all of it went to shit, we upset the natrual balance of things.
Lol, ok. Sounds like responsible sex is the world's greatest boyfriend, so sayeth some random internet memer.
Our country has sort of lost its mind since 1968
We are some times super euro style libtard and other times hardcore yehaw cowboy
This split personality is the root of all of our strife
So what you're saying is that I should knock up my gf as soon as we start having sex? or that we should NOT have sex until we're ready to have a baby?
Horrifying isn’t it
You are so strong for being able to control yourself. I can barely fight off my urge to rape.
but I would like to have some kids. not just every fucking time I fuck my gf when she's not pregnant
Then tell her to stop taking that shit
having kids with a woman who is absolute shit in bed?
having sex for the sole purpose of procreation?
>Sup Forums actually celebrating this
Free birth control keeps minority populations in check.
Apologize!!! She needs birth control for the miles of dick she gets.
This only affects women who get their birth control through an insurance policy offered by their employer...what it does is allow that employer to remove coverage for birth control if they have a "sincerely held religious belief" objecting to it.
This is about 200 companies total in the US btw, and there's nothing stopping a woman from simply getting her own insurance policy, getting a different job, or paying for the birth control herself.
Birth control costs about $30 / month by the way.
Well here comes more mongrel americans I guess. Cant wait to walk through Walmart and see even more genetic abominations that this country consists of.
Sup Forums is full of stupid, stupid people. Nigger populations are going to spike like crazy.
>going to Walmart
Stop being poor
>t. Roastie toastie
>>only affects women who get their birth control through an insurance policy offered by their employer
and that doesn't make the change any less BS. It's a medial issue between a woman and her doctor and I don't think who you work for should have any say in anything to do with medical.
Yeah ok fine just pay out of pocket but that's not really the point. Also it's proven that birth control cut down on unwanted pregnancy and all the cost associated with it. Plus if one is pro life they should REALLY be pro birth control to slow the rate or even need of getting an abortion in the first place.
This is another one of those strange changes that is just to pander to certain religious sub groups. What's next? Only allowed to have sex in the missionary position for the sake of procreation when doing so with your legal spouse?
>I don't think who you work for should have any say in anything to do with medical.
I agree
That's why I don't work for a company like that
Why do you?
Birth control destroyed women you cuck
>rule of law
>what is complying with SCOTUS decisions
>what is burwell v hobby lobby
I don't know what anyone expected to happen or how this is drormph's fault
Why Trumps wants blacks to reproduce?
Yeah, they couldn't possibly engage in hypergamous sexual activity before that
>certain religious subgroups
fucking kek
christianity founded this country
go fall in a hole, kike
mhmm that's right whitey, we be filling up this country n shiet. If you just paid for condoms this wouldn't be an issue huh.
>woman who is shit in bed
wtf are you implying here? You should know if she's good looking and has a decent body beforehand... what else could you possibly need? She doesn't do her kegles on your dick or doesn't ride your fat lardy ass like she's ridden a thousand dicks before?
For mouthbreathers who have no other accomplishments or goals yeah. The most they can do is pop out another tax slave for the Jews.
Watch the average weight of females drop dramatically because of this.
It's almost as if he wanted more black babies while white women continue to be able to afford birth control.
Oh shit nigga. The pill is fucking $10 a month.
>doesn't ride your fat lardy ass
An American projecting obesity. Fascinating.
I'm 6'4" 180 lbs in freedom units
wait why the fuck would companies provide birth control in the first place?
Is it, though? Sure, biologically, but aren't we past that point?
If I'm not really into it, then I'm doing my future kids a disservice, fuck that I want money
>birth control through employers
>implying blacks have jobs
because taking the hormonal Jew is the best way to sterilize yourself desu
Birth Control targets minorities, this is a good thing
We should be accelerating-destroying, trying to revert back to old ways does nothing.
>Birth Control targets minorities
no it doesn't you stupid fuck
they're still all fucked up from drinking 32oz iced "coffee" drinks from starbucks every day with 90g of sugar
FUN FACT the founder of Planned Parenthood supported racial eugenics and found it in the best interest of society to sterilize black women with birth control *moar u kno*
this isnt true stop spreading lies
>falling birth rates forcing more immigrants
>free birth control
Yeah, kind of obvious move really.
It is true though. Even NPR admits it.
>Did Margaret Sanger believe in eugenics?
>Yes, but not in the way Carson implied.
>Eugenics was a discipline, championed by prominent scientists but now widely debunked, that promoted "good" breeding and aimed to prevent "poor" breeding. The idea was that the human race could be bettered through encouraging people with traits like intelligence, hard work, cleanliness (thought to be genetic) to reproduce. Eugenics was taken to its horrifying extreme during the Holocaust, through forced sterilizations and breeding experiments.
>"The Negro race has reached a place in its history when every possible effort should be made to have every Negro child count as a valuable contribution to the future of America," she wrote. "Negro parents, like all parents, must create the next generation from strength, not from weakness; from health, not from despair."
This, abortion targets minorities. Birth control targets white women.
>even NPR
please go - this nothing more than a neocon propaganda arm
Roasties on suicide watch.
How will they ever recover?
>Trump rolls back access to free birth control
I like this. Women should face the consequences of their actions, maybe then they'd develop value beyond their pussies.
>allows employers and insurers to decline to provide birth control if doing so violates their "religious beliefs" or "moral convictions."
I don't like this. Corporations aren't humans, they don't have religious beliefs. How long before companies cite lunch breaks as violating their "religious beliefs?"
Not existing is the greatest gift I could ever give my child. I can never forgive my parents for forcing me into this hell.
>be burger
>be forced to fund the second greatest genocide, second only to the one perpetrated by jewish communism