Proof she is among us
Of course she's among us. Who do you think posts a thread with the picture of her gap (it's a lovely gap) like 3 times a day?
probably just got that screencap sent to her/
She got it from the dildo.
i thought the fact that she speaks in pol lingo in half her videos and parrot everything we say (except the views that would hurt her bottom line of course) was enough evidence for you
I fucking love the fact she comes here.
Hi Lauren
>I like your belly
Even if the fact that she gets all her talking points from Sup Forums wasn't a dead giveaway, this isn't even the first time she has posted screencaps from here. How dense are you?
>the manly grease ball promotes herself on Sup Forums
I never would have guessed that
Please remember to donate to her paypal and patreon today
this bitch is thick, god damn.
Trips of lies
Who is this Jew?
>literal diaper wearing roastie
lmao worst sister
she's cute and good at the yoiutube
who gives a shit? thirsty retards fuck off back to ribbit
I'd rather fuck the hedgehog, honestly.
>1 post by this ID
she's not gonna have sex with you for shilling for her you idiot. fuck off, dumb fuck. no bump. kys.
check the date.
>3 days after it was posted on Sup Forums
They are all among us. Where do you think they get their talking points and come to consensus on issues?
Molyneux on the left?
Theyre all here. I heard a 50 year old reporter on fox news say "comped hotel rooms" and nearly spat out my drink
This is ground zero niggas
and her sis?
damn you know that pussy stank
Her sister just looks strange, like some sort of plastic doll.
Post diaper gap pls
I can smell the roastie from here
What? Do you think that "comped" is a word invented here? Does your mom know you're on the internet?
who gives a fuck
she is a dumb attention whore who takes the opinions of others a repackages them and gives them right back
she should kill herself
and so should you op
Finnknight reporting for duty. tis is a bloody disgrace of a character assassination, i say.
Lauren has always seemed like one of the few Alt-Lite that was clearly NOT a plant from the start.
Did you think otherwise?
Sup Forums is the best place to throw a line and wait for it to hook some fat virgin that supports her patreon and her third grade level reflections about race, nationalism and culture same thing as milo
Funny they talk so much about it and cant even comply with not bringing so much fucking shit newblood to this board
>poltards constantly repost scrrencaps of smartfags opinions
>impotent rage when lauren does it
incel detected
What makes you think I'm that faggot?
Oh no shit? Not much gets past you does it?
Mmm, can someone get me Lauren's dirty fishy knickers?
why do people make this shit? it looks retarded 100% of the time
Terrible shoop
right where she belongs
>amongst us
And yet among us there are still those who would refuse to acknowledge the truth! Dissidents who strike from the shadows of the rot and ruin outside our walls. Who are determined to see all that we have achieved crumble!
>all that we have achieved crumble
you think lauren southern works at publix or tacobell like someone on welfare?
she get's THOUSANDS of DOLLARS of travel.
She doesn't eat at Tacobell like some poorfag.
when she goes out to eat she flys across the country and gets THOUSAND DOLLAR SUSHI
When she walks into a Hotel she hands the bagboy $100, that's NOTHING
and she gets a room for a week.
that's the kind of guy Lauren is.
Uhhhh did she just use digital blackface?
I dont think that we invented anything. I know it was a word never spoken before two days ago by any normal person, letalone a fucking reporter.
Just put some msm on in the background and watch Sup Forumss talking points come up. If you think they dont come here you are one ignorant son of a bitch
LMAO why would someone waste their time making this?
That must end. Which is why...even as I speak to you today, RWDS peacekeepers are advancing into the outlying territories to end this scourge once and for all. We will ensure your continued safety and well-being throughout this crisis.
dumbfuck have you ever received complimentary service for anything in your life? it's not a neologism
Fucking Jewess. T_D was bad enough but youtube eceleb circlejerkers are stepping up.
help me lads I'm so fucking weak when it comes to blondes with darker eyebrows.
Lauren is clearly not alt-lite, she has discussed white genocide and advocates for a return to traditionalism
even still, that pic has been flooting around as sceen cap on Sup Forums. I've seen it in a couple of threads
and then for 2 weeks straight she told everybody on twitter how it was all about culture
until she specifically says 'race matter' she is alt-light
she's not even full 14, much less 1488
>hangs out with identitarian movement like Defend Europe
>hangs out with alt right people like Pettibone and another chick I forgot the name of
>totally not alt right guys
she's clearly pro white you idiot
she's the 14, but not 88 and probably never will be
alt right doesn't mean natsoc
Fuck off lauren you ugly old looking cunt go wear diapers with the chapo trap cucks
that guy describes himself as a libertarian fascist
he's one of the most Sup Forums niggers out there
>blacked dot com threads get deleted
>lauren southern threads allowed to stay up
this whole diaper thing looks like a character assassination op
Call me when these "alt right" attention whores start walking the walk. They like telling other women what to do, but these sluts are 100% dependent on looking sexually available for their "careers."
pic related, never listen to a "traditionalist" woman who isn't a mother, pregnant, or trying to get pregnant
Of course she fucking posts here. Who else do you think is shilling for her?
>libertarian fascist
there is no such thing as libertarian fascist, i get where's he coming from though, that guy t is still too materialistically attached to the jew, he must transcend such social/intellectual barriers and work towards creating a cohesive collective identity among his brothas
wrong girl, I have never worn diapers.
if they were real tradcons they wouldn't even be involved in this fourth estate e celeb political rat race in the first place, fucking hate all these whores
i don't even care anymore
gas them all
Did you guys know that Lauren Southern lives a double life as porn actress under the alias of Peyton Coast?
>hangs out with identitarian movement like Defend Europe
after saying countless times theyre not about race at every occasions
if she's so pro-white, why do we even have to do speculation, theories, read between lines and analyze her surrounding to build up a conclusion ? because she never said it because its more profitable to make money from both sides. You just see what you want to see just like 2/3 of her fanbase see the opposite of what you see
You dont ask yourself is Tara, Lana or if most alt-right women are pro-white because its pretty fucking obvious.
but lauren is obviously alt right as well you stupid fuck
Of course she is.
She speaks like you vile FUCKING NIGGERs
Lick fart box
Waiting for them to hit the wall, no white children, then go full Coulter.
Exactly. They are completely reliant on men who have been left behind by society. These men are so fucking desperate to find a "red pilled gf" that they'll slavishly obsess over these e-celebs who bring absolutely nothing original to the discussion. All I've ever seen LS do is regurgitate other people's talking points, take "accidental" camel toe pictures, and act like she's brave for going to Europe protected by a huge coterie of strong men.
Larping leaf or real deal? Sup Forums might never know
nice argument kiddo
How rude.
LS has already attempted the full Coulter. Have you seen the cover of her "book" she's so proud of?
Dude it's always larp
Lauren if you’re here, I’d fuck your sisters brain out
this is breddy funny.. have some nightmare fuel
Get back to work Lauren
Faggots who use ; incorrectly trigger me so much
if she ever shits on anime im leaking all my sun news docs and how she get the jerb
Oh, look. Brittany Venti thinks she's different than the other social media whores. She's a nigger. She looks exactly like this nigger.
Jesus Christ you niggers. Leave lauren alone.
All arr jealous.