Cease your shilling, leaf
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see you next mass shooting
Is only a post
Why you have to be mad?
gross, that would be traumatic type sticky
this is the best shit ive seen today
This cant be real...
You can't temp me friendo.
we run pol bitch get used to it notice every flag here turned to meme flags other then ours and yours ?
Yeah bro, stupid burgers with their guns.
It's 2017 FFS!
>can't be real
Checkem fuccbois
This. The leafboys are back
I just got a qt3.14 syrain wife you mad burger ?
I shill only for freedom. We need our own trump.
liberation from leaf shitposting when?
muslim semen is red?
inquiring minds want to know
News at 11!
You know the neocon movement was completely started by a Trotskyite jew sooo...
This triggers me. We export 80% of Canada's male syrup and you fucks claim that as your national treasure. Get your own shit.
>male syrup
>male syrup
You import 80% of Canadian tax dollars so I guess it evens out you communist faggot
Only rural and suburban wh*tes voted for Drumpf
City people voted for Hillary
Quebec gets billed for services the federal government doesn't handle in Quebec, so we get the money back.
If your provincial government would do more, you'd get more back too.
Do you work in fucking Taco Bell? Walking with a rake to publix like a peasant, my mom doesn't like rakes but my brother he... *snort* used leaf blowers worth thousands, COMPED.
Not going to lie. That was golden typo and now wtf, I'm a fag.
>Not exporting female syrup
Your country is sexist beyond belief.
I would fuck that leaf tbqh with you
one of the best pics
>stars on one boob, stripes on the other
>greasy burger fingers
3/10 would not bang
Burgers never learn
Why do fascist and conservatives , and white males who aren't Canadian or swdish, live their lives like it's 1984? And yes, of course I would sleep with a black woman if she consented. I would also let this black ebony goddess use me as a foot pillow if she needed to rest her feet on my face while her ankle necklace dangles in my mouth while she attends business meeting with her other woman in the upcoming black female matriarchy
>Be me
>Canadian white male
>my doctor is Indian
>my nurse is Jamaican
>my boss is Spanish
>my car is German
>by favourite anime is Japanese
>my president is a typical dumb white American and republican male
>my shop clerk is Turkish
>my favourite food is Thai
>my favourite genre of music is Korean (kpop)
>my favourite coffee at Starbucks is Mexican
>my favourite beer is Cambodian
>my favourite politics is Russian (Marxism Leninism)
>my favourite tobacco is Cuban
>my favourite male pornhub star is Nigerian
>my favourite female pornhub star is Norwegian
>my avocado is Congolese
>my toast (bread) is French
>my favourite economic union is Belgian (EU)
>my wife is Colombian
>her son is half Muslim
>our adopted kids are Chinese
>my favourite language Danish
>my favourite clothing is Italian
>my favourite nation is Sweden
I have a diverse life with connections
And there's (You). You, being a backward and monoculture retard who faps over Mosley, Hitler, Mussolini, Drimpf, Cesar, Powell, and Farage, because you want these daddies to deport all non white people and opress your women. You're fucking sick, and you don't know what you're missing out on. You believe in backwards fascist conservatism, and you hate Muslims, women and LGBTQHTINS+ because they're happy, in the current year, and you live with backwards conservative and right wing ideals.
I'd hate to be a conservative fascist like you.
Our shit posting powers are layered in too much irony for the casual burger to understand. Our shit posting will eclipse the board. Canadians are kek's chosen shit posters. Aussie /bant/z suk.
Trump isn't the "president of Canada"...
feed me
dat list tho lmao
Are you talking to ME?
>Canadian flag
>Canadian president
>larping this hard
your brain is also (((African)))
I can't wait for your half mudslime to turn 16 and get his first truck of peace
Everything on this list may have been true, but I knew it was a Larp when he said his favorite beer was cambodian... Literally noones favorite beer is cambodian. Not even Cambodians.
thank duck we have Merkel, Macron, May, and Justin though. America is lost
>We export 80% of Canada's male syrup
Good thing you're importing all that subhuman male syrup, leaf.
I don't even like syrup that much. When i eat pancakes or waffles i just use butter.
WTF I love Canada now
>First thing he considers is how icky it'd be
>Starts out claiming he's a submissive bitch with no standards
>Thinks the rest of his post matters
Kek no. Delusional quebecucks always make me laugh. You have no idea what your province is