Why do you all hate making money. Just bought some puts, on oil and bought 100 shares of DRIP. Will by 200 more come monday.
Why do you all hate making money. Just bought some puts, on oil and bought 100 shares of DRIP...
Why do people like obese women?
what are you a fag
Post real tits next time, beaner.
Because living on handouts is what Allah has decided.
Interesting.....DRIP sitting at $17.80
How sure are (((you))) on its strength?
Why? is oil going down?
Futures dropped hard. Got in at 16.70. Might scalp for a healthy profit by closing then buy again at dip in monday.
nice, %15 profit is pretty good. Don't have any (((Friends))) who are stock savvy. Wish there was a Sup Forums link for this /Money/
Theres always r_wsb lol.
no dude shes's fat. what, do you think any shit body with gigantic titis on it is automatically hot?
Doesn't matter. Key to drips are low fees and dollar cost averaging. Just stay the course, BeanAnon. Just don't touch it and keep buying slowly and consistently over time, and forget about it until you wanna buy a house or retire in 20 years. Then cash em out and remain debt free. Worked for me.
Sauce- have probably 25 drips.
>in b4 /biz/
Yup. Cryptofaggots and Poo scammers are all that dwell there. A finance chan would be smart.
What kind of stocks would you buy for drips? something to leave for 15-20 years?
just buy the fucking stock idiots its up 3 dollers this week
>caring about money
>Lmao about "caring about money"
why not user? you can buy lots of things with it? such as (((pic related)))
>caring about things
>t. homo faber
Look for companies that have been around forever with no fee DSPP and/or Drip options, looking at some of mine I see Johnson and Johnson, Coke, 3M, Exxon, DowDupont, Cummins, German American Banckcorp, Marathon Oil, WWE, so on an such. The extent of my research into them consists of their stock price since the beginning of time, and to see it generally trending upward in the last decade or so, and that they have consistently delivered any type of dividend in the last decade as well. Since you are not having to worry about making extra profit just to cover all of the fees, all you need is a 1 or 2% gain to be better off than most other "savvy" investors. Again, the key is steady dollar cost averaging and no fee dividend reinvestment.
t. someone who read the introductory part of nihilism
I only do it for sports
That cow is carrrying about 30 extra pounds. 1 baby and 5 years from now she'll be carrying 60 extra pounds and look disgusting.
>Youth hides fat. Age flaunts it.
nihilism is for retards
>15 Euros
I already sold most of it, I always keep a few to see the % stacking.
I always try to buy leveraged products cheap and risky. Not much to lose, much to gain.
The fund with actual stocks I run I much different.
Enjoy the coming market crash
>buying high and selling low
Buddy I put a shit load of money on oil when it was rock bottom. I'll be rich if oil goes back to 100$ a barrel.
They said this for years.
The next 'crash' will be more of a stalement, central banks will buffer and prep up the market to keep it stable.