Is Sup Forums opposed to medicinal marijuana?
Personally I smoke a small bowl every hour and it does wonders for my anxiety and depression.
Is Sup Forums opposed to medicinal marijuana?
Personally I smoke a small bowl every hour and it does wonders for my anxiety and depression.
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>every hour
what the fuck kind of medication prevents you from being on a two-hour flight? jesus
>in b4 u can skip meds
>in b4 flying is suppose 2 b anks yuss
it's a safe medication
so you just get really really really hi-- I mean medicated before the flight
>what the fuck kind of medication prevents you from being on a two-hour flight? jesus
the kind of medication that has no side effects if you quit it for a while
what are edibles.
vaporize you primitive slut
smoking is for the weekends or maybe once a day not every hour. fuck give your lungs a break
I have early onset arthritis thanks to being double jointed and not only is it pleasant to be high on marijuana, it helps my miserable painful joints without any side effects
except the munchies and a tendency to watch cartoons and sit around in pajama pants all day
All drugs should be legalized. Degenerates should have easy access to krokodil so they die off faster.
smoking more than once a week, enjoy wasting your life dude.
if you find yourself being stoned more than not. it is time to stop!
Good stuff, some people can ruin their lives with it though.
should be recreational and taxed, revenue is insane already in legal states.
>if you find yourself being stoned more than not. it is time to stop!
I don't ever get stoned, just a very small medicinal dose over the course of the day.
Your depression and anxiety might go away if you didn't smoke up every fucking hour
>every hour
hows that short term memory loss?
Only in moderation and when necessary. Live your life responsibily and use once or twice a week but no more than that unless you have a debilitating condition.
not if he stopped smoking but if he actually put effort into making his life better instead of smokin' his troubles away.
What's next? Medicinal meth?
that already exists. they just call it adhd medication
drugs are bad and will make you violent. drugs are bad for families. drugs addicts will steal stuff to get money to use more drugs. they are also illegal and anybody do does drugs is a criminal.
>has anxiety and depression from constantly smoking weed
>treats anxiety and depression by constantly smoking weed
There are side effects if you quit mate.
You'll feel very irritable, unable to sleep, low appetite and libido for a few days. Then suddenly everything will start becoming much clearer - like a fog lifting. You will start to dream again too.
Fuck modern medicine, weed is the way around the pharma jew. People who don't do it are probably better for it but it definitely has great medicinal uses.
>I don't ever get stoned, just a very small medicinal dose over the course of the day.
if you really didn't get stoned from it why not just use cbd oil?
I don't smoke enough to be put in a fog.
I make cannabutter and eat it at night to deal with insomnia.
Pic related, cat checking out the flower that went into the last batch.
I like a bowl maybe once or twice a week, it beats the hell of out drinking but definitely not something to make a daily habit of.
Weed is medicinal, thus I'm always sick....
There are proven benefits to it's usage, not at all opposed to it being available. I live in a legal state and enjoy having the option to get any kind of cannabis product from a legitimate business instead of going through some sketchy drug dealer.
CBD is super comfy desu.
nice body feeling, eases my knee pain enough to be able to do physical stuff, and best of all, doesn't make you all fuzzy in the head so you can still work/do creative stuff
most of the people on medicinal marijuana, ESPECIALLY in California don't need it at all. Just a bunch of loser stoners claiming they have back pain or anxiety.
i used to be a heave smoker 2 years ago [i was 19 and dumb] and trust me you waste your life when u'r stoned alot.
only trouble i got when quitting was not being able to fall asleep eaasily
>most of the people on medicinal marijuana, ESPECIALLY in California don't need it at all.
Well, duh. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to acquire it legally.
For someone I'd assume doesn't smoke, you're quite fucking stupid.
Can't argue with that. But it does help a person's well being from my experience, drinking is degenerate too.
comfy with sushi memes
>Personally I smoke a small bowl every hour and it does wonders for my anxiety and depression.
That's what they all say.
>it's not addictive! I've been smoking hourly for years and can quit whenever I want.
Whatever bro
Ultimately this will be worsened or in fact caused by regular consumption. Stop.
Grow up. That is what's causing it. I smoke it VERY RARELY when I hurt myself at work. Even then, a fucking bowl? Try one hit. Getting stoned has no medical benefit. Just a baby hit to relieve pain from work(Unfortunately working as a machine operator). Maybe once a month. And that's because I won't touch alcohol or any big (((pharma))) bullshit. I bet you smoke cigarettes too because they are medical for your anxiety and depression. Fuck you. Rant over, OP is a faggot.
Could you elaborate? How much did you smoke?
I have been smoking almost every evening a few hours before bed for the last 3 years, after I have done all my duties of course like school work, going to the gym etc. The only times I don't smoke in the evning is when I visit my parents during Christmas break and during the summer break. So about 3 months a year.
Do you think doing this will have a big impact on performance in life, school, gym etc?
fun kind of
>smoke a small bowl every hour
god, i wish i were you
i can't afford to do that, I get extremely disoriented and confused. I loose track of my life.
>Personally I smoke a small bowl every hour
And your job doesn't mind?
Is Sup Forums opposed to medical booze
I take a shot every couple of hours and it basically cures my chronic knee and back pain, plus makes me feel stronger and better
What about medical heroine? Every time I wanna get fucked in the ass I just stick myself.
Shut the fuck up pussy before all the vapefag shit people smoked multiple joints per day and literally nothing happened kys
I'm not opposed to it but I can't smoke that shit anymore. It gives me panic attacks for some reason.
I smoke pot first thing in the morning before most meals and before bed every day and I still manage to work 20 hours a week go to lectures 25 hours a week and do all of my assignments with high marks.
I'm maybe a little impaired for 15 minutes but that goes away quickly but what does last is the calm peaceful feeling.
Gr8b8 faggot
>What is adderall, Alex?
Smoke hash or vape liquid, very little chance you'll get the paranoid heebie jeebies.
>every hour
do you spend $800 a month on fucking weed? you're a fag
Marijuana fags are almost as cancerous as smoking fags.
>falling for the herbal jew.
shiggy diggy
>do you spend $800 a month on fucking weed? you're a fag
Closer to 100
>And your job doesn't mind?
I'm unemployed and live with my parents
Medical pot makes liars out of us all. In California there are doctors offices that make a living finding reasons to get you pot. I prefer the Colorado way. No lies. I just want to cop a buzz,
You probably smoke too often. In my peak, I was smoking 2-3.5g/day, and would hardly feel high the whole time. It helped a lot with anxiety, but the problem is, you don't know how much of a useless cunt it makes you until you quit.
>I'm unemployed and live with my parents
LITERALLY the source of your depression. You need to get the hell out of the house, cut down on weed and learn a trade if you don't want to go to (((college))).
Go for early morning runs, lift weights, do something. user, I was you. I'm happily married with kids now.
>user, I was you. I'm happily married with kids now.
Fuck families and shit.
Do what makes YOU happy
Legalize it and Tax it. Its a waste of resources to combat it.
I think it's a wonderful alternative for anxiety/depressing with "better" negative effects.
However once you reach that point of smoking and it isn't that much fun. You should start reducing how much you use to the point of being free or using it for that end of the week.
Legalize the shit to hurt them.
Funny, I quit smoking and haven't had anxiety since.
>lift weights
I do 225x5 on the bench and squat 295x5
>and learn a trade if you don't want to go to (((college))).
I went to college for 3d animation, but the whole 9-5 world doesn't interest me.
Sup Forums is anti anything fun. Fun is "degenerate" after all.
This is what a lot of alt righters don't realize at first: republicans are the party of haters. Which is fun if you hate those things too, until you realize they hate the things you like as well.
Obviously, being depressed and needing to be dependent on weed every hour is a healthy, happy lifestyle. Obviously.
>smokes a small bowl every hour
you have a worse problem than anxiety
anxiety is perfectly normal
literally everyone has it
>man: my greatest accomplishment in life was making it through the war coming home and getting a degree and raising a family
>enormously worthless faggot: my greatest accomplishment was getting out of bed this morning #anxiety
this infuriates me
Who are you to judge faggot.
Lots of joints do freelance bro
Someone who's concerned with the well being of my fellow man, nigger.
How many grams do you smoke a week? Do you remember your dreams?
I know m8
I'm high literally all the time because I have the money for it and think it's fun. There's literally no reason why weed should be illegal, yes it has negative side effects but they are in no way dangerous to anyone else and the government should not be able to make that kind of decision for us.
>How many grams do you smoke a week?
I go through about 1/3 oz a month.
>unemployed and lives with parents
>can smoke a bowl of weed every hour
Personally I want all drugs to be legalized for recreational use. The issue we run into is that currently most people are too dumb to be using highly addictive substances and, society has this way of coercing people into using for all the wrong reasons. Just like any tool if misused it can be dangerous. This perpetual victim status that the west is in makes hard or impossible to correct bad behavior that gets blamed on said drugs. Often you hear.
>It wasn't completely my fault I was a X addict
Not to mention if people could purchase shit versions of said drug for cheap like 4loko or malt liquors crime I don't think would be that big of an issue. If all violent felonies came with additional sentencing if committed on or because of drugs that might slow down the rate of stretch might. We are long way from having citizens that are responsible enough for this "utopian" idea though.
>all these faggot leafs that just HAVE to give thier vast knowledge of dude weed
kill yourselves
its only a band-aid solution for your anxiety and depression, stupid junkie
As long, as you dont adapt the Liberal mindset, i couldnt care less.
Dont let the Drug, rule over your life, go to church, have a Familie abd provide for them, learn a real job, get out of the city and read the bible.
If you get caught and you look like a good hard working guy, you dont get any problems.
The Cannabis Degenerecy, is a problem and should be solved, the old fashoned way, with Riot gear.
Kroc is only bad because the people who make it are to lazy to take the extra step and filter out the contaminants.
Of herb?
Hmm well that really isn't very much at all. I don't understand how you can smoke every hour desu. Must be miniscule amounts you're consuming.
I still wouldn't underestimate the ability for it to actually have the opposite effect (anxiety, depression) on you. It's got to be better than pharma drugs, but maybe you should try going without and see how that works.
potheads are pathetic losers, get a fucking life faggots. eating junk food and jacking off till till the sun rises again. jesus fucking christ. How do you look yourself in the mirror without wanting to commit suicide.
>live with parents
I'm shocked
How much are you fucking smoking, buddy? First off, just based off what you are telling me, I think your weed is being grown with shit you don't want to smoke. I'd seriously have that checked out. You could be killing yourself.
>every hour
worst way to smoke bud. Once a day is best.
...did marijuana touch you? Where did it touch you?
I don't smoke at all really these days mate. Maybe like once or twice a month max.
When you're consuming several grams a day you do get dependant though. And no doubt it was/is, most herb in the UK is hydro. This isn't CA sadly.
Why don't we just prescribe thc pills?
>muh guns
>"Take all the plants!"
Super gay, my dude.
Different user here-
All the successful stoners I know, who actually participate in living, are stoners who have disciplined themselves. If you smoke, and you are already without will power, it might not be the best thing you can do for yourself if you have anxiety due to a lack of meeting the standard of one's ideal self. However, I live in a free enough country that I don't really fucking care if someone wants to be successful. Smoke your weed, live your life - but as a friend, if you are unhappy, you should cut out the shit that's making you unhappy.
>1 post by this ID
I know some people who smoke all day. It works for them. Shit just makes me extra exhausted. Adult life is hard enough without being tired. Night time is the best time, preferably after a hard day's work, taking care of shit, and a nice jog or general exercise. Use your reward system to improve yourself.
Speaking from experience weed is fucking great but when somebody's idea of a good time is literally non stop weed then they're usually a boring loser.
Jews aren't out to get you. Turns out, your using the Jews to limit yourself, which, in turn, allows the Jews to win without ever trying to get you. It's the external-to-me fallacy: I don't want to do this. I don't have a good reason. Therefore, reason invented = reason that can cover the bulk of limitations I set for myself. Therefore, I don't have to do anything, because Jews. Which sounds a lot like you've been Jewed. You Jewed yourself.
Yeah, nah...
>2 posts by this ID
Smokes weed
Bingo, this is my problem. It's addictive too