Civil War fucking when???
Civil War fucking when???
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thats what they want, burger
Are there really that many more liberals than conservatives now?
How much of a role does social media have with all of this?
The right wing has always been smaller. Compare the Axis forces to the Allies.
It'll happen eventually because of demographics. Be sure to get a gun before Congress decides to take them away.
Liberals have been in the majority for some time now, they're just harder to weaponize because they're lazy and/or often uneducated.
The right only won in 2016 because the left absolutely despised Clinton and even then she still got more votes.
It's a losing side to be a vocal conservative now. Best to just mind your own buisness and love your own life. In 10 years whites won't even be a majority.
Sucks, but it's out of our hands. Blame the so called "greatest generation" foe falling for the Jewish ploys and letting the disease spread.
What's funny is you can see that the democrats have a much more defined peak at the left whereas the Republicans are much broader. This "divide" is strictly the result of liberalism, not conservatism.
>trusting surveys
god you're retarded
The same research center that claimed Shillary would win in 2016?
Fucking subverted. Pew can fuck off
first thing you guys need to do is getting rid of that . what even is that? ana navarro or something?
>The right wing has always been smaller
Natural selection is changing this.
>Conservatives are remarkably more moderate
Fucking Nazis amirite?
The popular vote was very accurate towards the final result
>using memedians
What do the X and Y axis represent in those graphs? what the fuck did they measure?
Those are the BASED, TOTALLY CONSERVATIVE, BROWN PEOPLE we bring from Latin America! So Conservative!
That just means that there's more of them
Thats not what it's showing. It's showing distribution of views. Conservatives are much more distributed and """diverse""" from moderate to extreme than liberals, who are much more concentrated in a more extreme position.
How do I read those graphs?
I have a masters in philosophy, not stats.
Hᴀs mᴀRuteJ tsuRuɴeɴ ʙeeɴ meɴtJoɴed ᴀMReᴀdʏ?
>tsuRuɴeɴ wᴀs RepReseɴtJɴG tHe democRᴀts Jɴ tHe uppeR House oғ tHe jᴀpᴀɴese pᴀRMJᴀmeɴt duRJɴG tHeʏ ʏeᴀRs 2002-2013 ᴀs Jts ғJRst westeRɴ-ʙoRɴ memʙeR.
ᴀ ғuckJɴG mᴀjoR ᴀcHJevemeɴt coɴsJdeRJɴG How douʙtғuM tHe jᴀpᴀɴese ᴀRe ᴀGᴀJɴst ғoReJGɴeRs. oғ couRse ғJɴMᴀɴd Js ᴀɴ exceptJoɴ oғ some soRt, tHe oMdeR ғoMk kɴows ᴀɴd ᴀppRecJᴀtes mᴀɴɴeRHeJm ᴀɴd ғJɴɴs.
ᴀppᴀReɴtMʏ ᴀ veRʏ coɴseRvᴀtJve poMJtJcJᴀɴ ᴀɴd tHᴀt's exᴀctMʏ wHᴀt jᴀpskJes MJke.
Can somebody alter the third graph so that the colors are switched?
I want to troll someone
Opinion on size of government, immigration, the extent of free speech, health care being a right or not, the usual shit
Are you sure? Where does it say they didn't end up with more leftist people
Thank god I'm not the only one who doesn't understand this retarded graph system.
>Opinion on size of government, immigration, the extent of free speech, health care being a right or not, the usual shit
That still doesn't make sense. What does the X and Y axis represent?
>both camps
>Number of independents have skyrocketed but lean slightly to the right. many are turned off by social conservatives.
>Grand ole Party, Big tent
>vs Welfare and Degenerate party
The graphic doesn't really convey quantities, just distributions. The area of each data set is most likely identical, and the differences in height are where there are higher concentrations. The blue area is taller, but narrower. The red area is shorter, but wider. Just means that the data in the blue set has a clump near the median, where the data in the red set spans a wider range.
No, the chart is normalized
Conservative values are now more 'spread out' compared to liberal values, which are concentrated on the far-left.
this basically means that if you were a centrist eight years ago, you're an alt-right nazi now by the Left's definition. It's basically showing that the left has shifted so far left that all of their followers now hold majority-left views. While values that were once 'center' are now right-wing views.
We're watching radicalization take place, and the left rejecting anything not nearing hardcore communism.
Which rejects the center out into the 'right' side of the spectrum.
The chart is normalized, it is not a statement of quantity. It's a statement of interconnected views.
1 million LEGAL non-white immigrants a year since 1965
Poland speaks the truth.
As much as I'd love to throw commies from helicopters and hang nogs from skyscrapers, I know that this is exactly what they want and therefore is something we should resist.
A civil war will allow them to clamp down even harder. Just look at the results of the first civil war, which was a weakening of state power and the growth of federal power.
Ultimately, it may be moot, the civil war is in the smoldering phase already and could spark off any moment, but for now we should fight for the peaceful path until there is no road left.
That assumes children follow the beliefs of their parents.
Doesn't this destroy the whole narrative of "the American left is actually centralized, it's the right that has been pushing further from center"?
>The based black bump
>tinfoil hat blog ignoring that kids can depart from their parents' views
The left in the USA would be considered right wing or anti-communist by even moderate communists or socialists. They're social liberals.
Centercucks BTFO
le cuck cuck cuck XDDDDD!!!!!!
Black women are so classy.