Our Natives are getting a further 800 million dollars in reparations.
Why is this allowed?
Our Natives are getting a further 800 million dollars in reparations
Because you keep treating them like shit and paying them and continuing to treat them like shit. I don't care how fucking drunk you say they are maybe they'd drink fresh water if they had access to it.
Only country in the world to treat its native worse than Australia!
And in a few years time you can arrange for another settlement. And in a few more years, another settlement. Rinse and repeat.
You faggots arent gona do shit about it. Thats why.
>60 scoops
>further 800 million dollars
what's the grand total then? Seems pretty cheap for, you know, the whole of Canada.
Its 50k for each Native who was in the Sixties Scoop.
Wasn't the scoop some crackpot idea cooked up by Daddy Pierre?
You have no idea what you're talking about you stupid fucking faggot. Our natives are treated a thousand times better than yours, they just learned from the American blacks how to complain more
If only you knew. The grand total that the natives suck out of taxes is in the multi billions annually
A stealth stimulus to the liquor and mouth wash industries
Let's be real here, the only people who deserve any sort of reparations are natives. It is a small price to pay for the land that you live on. you are basically just purchasing the title of the home at this point.
why does it seem like canada has infinite money? weedman has been spending like a maniac ever since he got into office. is canada the real world power?
Jesus fucking Christ, does Trudeau just hate money?
>Dump 800 Million in raw currency to a minority population.
That will really help your upcoming housing crisis
who cares,
Get as many government subsidies as you can.
Buy guns and stock up on ammo.
I aint payin' that debt and neither should you.
'Socialist' governments borrow money from (((central banks))), 'Conservative' government make sure it all gets paid back to (((central banks))), plus interest.
2 billion has been paid in reparations so far this is another 800 mil added
Where is the full fucking weed legalization? Why isn't there tobacco-sized industry by now? Jeez you don't want that tax money or something
Not really. Until now what Indian Affairs has been doing has been appalling. It's a corrupt organization that needs to be wiped out.
The conservative government spent the last 8 years paying off the country's debt and balancing the budget before Trudeau and the libcucks took that progress and decided to spend it on refugees and natives
He had not been previously mentioned in this thread.
>60 scoops
How can frumpdfhty even recover?
The government gave them what they want. The chiefs have control of the spending. If the chiefs don't want their people to have clean drinking water, or electricity, that's up to the natives to fix it. Harper tried to make the spending more transparent, to clean up the chief corruption, and the natives protested it. Dumb fuckers
jfc why do I even pay fucking income tax at all, trudeau will just give it to someone else for some dumb shit that happened before I was born
at least the money'll be back in the economy almost instantly
buy liquor stocks
> implying that natives even need to buy houses
> implying that $50k would get them a house even if they did
We were working under a system known as the Chretien Compromise to work at net zero or surplus budgets to eliminate our national debt. Every party was committed to It, even the socialist New Democrats. In order to get elected, Trudeau threw that idea and promised economic growth and infrastructure in exchange for deficit spending... Neither of those things have materialized. Trudeau has been a lame duck prime minister and has failed to follow through on the majority of his election promises.
Gun control being the fallback of desperate Liberal governments is now being used in the wake of the Vegas massacre to distract from their terrible policy and budget fiasco. I don't think the Boy Prince is keeping his job beyond 2019.
Yep. It'll be for them, their kids, grandkids, gibs gibs gibs.
It'll never fucking end.
What wil llthe natives do when white man is gone? Do they actually think Chang and Muhammad are going to pay reparations?? Maybe they should be advocating to keep whitey around instead of being such fucking dicks
I think so too. The virtue signalling beta SJW cucks will vote NDP, the other whites will vote conservative, and the Liberals will be left with only immigrants and federalist frenchies
They'll flood in to the US to get firewater from our natives.
I sure would love to see my kids get some of this mystery money. No one in my wife's band has seen a dime.
Because no one protests stupid public spending anymore, and every university in the country teaches that we're occupiers of other people's land.
was anyone even asking for this or did they just decide we have an extra 800 mill lying around
There was a lot of grief to get chiefs to be transparent, including natives on hunger strikes, but trudeau bent over for the AFN
it'll never fucking end... at least until Chang decides he's sick of paying and/or Muhammad figures that he should be collecting jizya instead of paying
I didn't mention this earlier, but Harper wasn't amazing with balancing the budgets either.
I feel like a fucking moron though. I voted for le dauphin last time. Guarantee you I'll never make that mistake again.
Look to your corrupt chief that isn't held accountable for literally anything yet wielding all the power you dumb cuck. Also they get their schooling paid for and a bonus when they reach 18. Your wife, and you have been played for idiots
they're the jews of the north, except they aren't lying
>Our Natives are getting a further 800 million dollars in reparations.
>Why is this allowed?
If I remember correctly you guys payed an Islamic terrorist who killed an American a couple of million dollars because you felt he was treated bad in Guantanamo.
you whole country is so full of c.u.c.k.s. you could be European.
Because you live in cucknada
Kek, how did this get no (you)s?
Your faggot countrymen voted for it, enjoy.
I don't know if Canada will ever reclaim it's its past glory
It's not as simple as you are making it out to be. The natives still have no right to do with their land as they please... Any improvements need to be authorized by Indian Affairs and that department also has to sign any contracts and oversee any projects in the reserves.
Indian Affairs is a shitty organization and it needs to be replaced. It is an impetus to proper development that has worked with next to no oversight for a very long time. One example of malfeasance on the part of Indian Affairs was the Invermere development plan in British Columbia. The Indian Agent, a non-status resident of the area appointed by the government, negotiated a 99 year lease with developers to build golf courses and luxury cabins for people from Calgary mostly. The band received no money from the deal and the agent resigned as soon as the deal was done, moved to Calgary and suddenly had enough money to get into real estate. Indian Affairs is a problem, man.
They do this to prop up our shit economy and to inflame race relations. Every drunk ass bogan has a brand new truck that they drive into the ground in a years time and blow the rest on pills. Every indian I know that gets this money blows it on black market pills. The government knows this. Its a sneaky enslavement scheme.
>couple of million
almost 11 million
>he natives still have no right to do with their land as they please
Neither do Canadians.
They're acutely aware of the threat multiculturalism poses... At the national level, most bands are sympathetic to diversity because it's the easiest way to get the government to play ball and work with them... On the individual level, aside from edgy faggots, they understand that dealing with white people is the only way to get ahead since immigrants don't even acknowledge their existence and feel no obligation to make up for the white man's mistakes.
The key to this entire dispute is based on a failed treaty established by John A. MacDonald at the beginning of confederation. The deal was that the natives would go to the reserves and make way for the railroad in exchange for farm equipment and training... Well, they never got that equipment and they never got the training. So now we are left to make up for that 150 years later and since the context and economy has drastically changed, we need to renegotiate that and a lot more treaties.
Unfortunately, our ancestors fucked up and we are left holding the bag.
Finnish Spam is Best Spam
>The band received no money from the deal
What world do we live in? This sounds like propaganda, false shit made up by natives. If it were true it'd be all over CBC for months. Natives are well taken care of financially, don't pretend they don't live in hard times anymore. Any negatives in their life currently are brought upon themselves by themselves. They get no sympathy for me, they already have my money
Realize that your average native is nothing but a useful idiot being used to continually line the pockets of the band chiefs and their cronies. Wonder how the chiefs wife has a choice of 6 brand new sports cars every morning? Wonder no more.
Corruption in band management is horrendous. Millions upon millions of dollars just get dumped into band coffers every year and typically only a tiny fraction ever makes it into the hands of the band members. Then some pinko bleeding-heart reporter does some special expose on the terrible conditions on the reserve, and our retarded government forks over millions more. People who don't live here have absolutely no idea how much free shit we give to natives, how much freedom and how many special privileges they get. They still manage to fuck themselves up with fentanyl and gasoline and blame da white man fo dey plight. We should have wiped then out when we had a chance.
The chief was thrown out two years ago after a lengthy battle with Indian Affairs to keep him in place. I understand that you are an ignorant little sperg like most leafs, but the least you can do is learn both sides of the story.
For a long time, Indian Agents would make a killing from their position and they'd do their level best to get chief's in place that would turn a blind eye in exchange for cut backs. It was a mutually beneficial system that's starting to fall apart.
Also, fuck you faggot.
>Our Natives are getting a further 800 million dollars in reparations.
Did not Canada already give the "natives" a HUGE part of the entire country, the entire northern part! How much more are you going to give them??? When does it end??
The band received no money because of the corruption that we are all well aware of, you little idiot. The chiefs and the Indian Agents work together to fleece the government and the band for as much as they can get away with.
Indian Affairs is a corrupt organization and needs to be replaced.
It's actually a bit tragic. If people would accept the realities of race then we could probably help these indigenous people out a lot better than we do. I mean we're not obligated to help them, but if we actually wanted to.
Enslavement? Don't slaves actually have to work from time to time?
Honestly, I do wonder what is in store for the natives in the future. Pajeet isn't going to care about paying Anglo denbts; the English fucked his people over, too. Chang's longstanding policy on natives has been annihilation through assimilation. Ahmed believes that the qu'ran and hadiths supersede the numbered treaties. Jamal couldn't pay gibs even if he wanted to, which he doesn't. Gomez got stuck in the USA, but if he didn't he thinks he's amerindian too and so wouldn't want to pay the gibs he never got. That leaves only Tommy and Pierre, and bad luck - we don't breed so we won't be there.
Seriously, what's their future? They need to stand up for themselves, kick their lousy chiefs out of office, and start looking to a future where they are full members of Canadian society.
>wahhh we didn't receive an extra billion that year, little jimmy didn't get to equip his gang with AKs and drugs, I-its the governments fault! The chiefs are only partly to blame, pay up..white boi...
Nah, you can both kill yourselves.
That's entirely true... But it's not just the chief like I said. People in Indian Affairs have just as much of a vested interest in the current arrangement. Did you know that band governments had absolutely zero guidance when they were first established? I assumed that Indian Affairs would have taught them how to run meetings, do bookkeeping and run a government... And they were supposed to... And they didn't. Each band is different of course, but the less visible a band is the less likely there will be any appreciable oversight.
Right now there's a movement inside the native community to crush this corrupt culture and it has worked in quite a few bands... But there's push back. The corrupt don't want to give up their $500k per year hereditary democratic titles.
But there's some glimmer of hope that it's going to change and I support it.
You're a fucking retard. Do you want to learn something or do you just want Sup Forums to jerk your little dick off about the damn injuns?
Don't be a fucking idiot. Sup Forums is a board of peace.
> Did you know that band governments had absolutely zero guidance when they were first established? I assumed that Indian Affairs would have taught them how to run meetings, do bookkeeping and run a government... And they were supposed to... And they didn't. Each band is different of course, but the less visible a band is the less likely there will be any appreciable oversight
You're so fucking stupid. The bands didn't WANT guidance. They hate government involvement. It's why their schools are absolute garbage on rez. You're your own worst fucking enemies
I meant enslaved to the black market vices they have such a hard time struggling with. This pushes them towards methadone and big pharma for help, if they dont just surrender to the bottle and roll into the river and die after a night of drinking. I do feel sorry for these people, but throwing money at them is just destroying them quicker.
I want you to learn something. Indian affairs doen't matter. You had a chance to make chiefs accountable for what they spend money on, and you decided to say 'fuck you whitey, we trust our chiefs!'. Tell me where all those millions are going to your tiny settlements. There's not a massive conspiracy within the government, they literally tried to put and end to all that unaccountable money with the conservatives
True, but for land that is a literal dark frozen hellscape for half the year, 800 million is not worth it. Alaska cost us 127 mil in todays money.
Because unlike whining Blacks, the people this was done to are still alive
We came and we conquered. No sense feeling ashamed about it at this point. The time for feeling guilty has long since past and it's time for everyone to move on.
The shit some random white dude did hundreds of years should have no bearing on how current generations act and it is time for modern people to accept this. White guilt is a stupid concept at best, and I refuse to subscribe to it.
Speaking as someone that knows people working in the government of a successful bad, I can tell you that you are wrong.
They pooled their money and hired professionals to teach them how to run a system like this... Functions almost exactly like a strata corporation now. From the get go, when they received sovereignty, they requested assistance in trying to get a government started. They were promised that assistance and it was never delivered... So they paid out of pocket.
Indian Affairs is a very large part of this problem... As a Canadian, you should recognize this as a problem largely facilitated by the Liberal Party of Canada. Every major failure has happened under their watch.
Why is it so hard for you to believe that Indian Affairs, a Liberal party stronghold and poster child, is corrupt? Why are you standing up for Trudeau?
It's because you're a bootlicking cuck.
Rather give this money to natives than to goat-fuckers terrorists. It might impact our finances for now but will stfu of those natives once and for all.
If you look from that perspective it's almost like paying for a prostitute to cut the crap of talking/dating and get down to the point.
Because you're all a bunch Attawapiskats. You're all crying for more money instead of stopping the leak, and everytime I see a native in the news it's either to fuck over our industry and protest any job growth or its to demand more money or demand more apologies. Your people are fucked, and it's going to keep pissing everyone off
Exactaly, what good will giving away money do. Set up some native education program that turns them into productive people in the canadian society, not in some reservation that opperates seperately.
We didn't conquer them. If we did, things would be simply. What we have is a series of nations inside of our nation... And we made a lot of treaties with them. Treaties need to be honored and only a dishonorable cunt would say otherwise.
Natives receive billions of dollars a year, every year, plus a good deal of special rights and treatment, in addition to the land. All of this is in perpetuity and tends to expand with time, due to extremely generous interpretation of the treaties. (E.g.: the Indian agent in treaty six will keep a medicine chest in his house somehow became all status Indians everywhere get full health insurance.)
That said, most of the land they got kind of sucks (and certainly they didn't get half the country) - I do feel sorry for the residents of some of the more northern reserves in particular, because they're in just plain hopeless positions and I have no idea how anyone is supposed to live a decent life on a parcel of permafrost north of the arctic circle in the middle of fucking nowhere.
The $800 million in question today is a payout to a group of indigenous people in the sixties who were taken by the government and given to non-native families. Despite the fact that this was probably the luckiest thing that could've happened to them, they are naturally annoyed with the fact that they were taken from their families, communities and cultures.
>oh my god, oh gooooood... I'm so fucking retarded...
>So fucking retarded...
But it won't end the payouts at all. The next generation will be just as fractured as the current one and will demand a payout as well with this payout as a precedent on how to handle "muh lost culture".
Well said, and I'm a leaf, in the USA this week.
No. It predates him.
Good response. Stop another pipleline and ask for more gibs. Remember to never take responsibility for anything
we were nice and pay through the nose
burgers slaughtered them to almost extinction and what...
you didn't conquer Canada, you fuckhead. European settlers came here half dead and we helped them numerous times (surviving winter, trading food for furs, etc etc) and then we signed treaties which YOU people refuse to talk about to this day. its all "stupid drunk natives, go drink mouthwash and fuck off back to your reservation" maybe we wouldn't feel as hopeless as we do today if there wasn't 150 years of ongoing land theft happening in Canada.
I really do try my best with white people, I really do. but if you're not a really pathetic cuck, you're a really ignorant asshole.
Ohh, I wasnt completely aware of the whole situation. Sounds complex. Usually come into these threads and just see a bunch of shitposting.
this is the future boomers chose
>taxed at extreme levels and still get crumbling infrastructure, failing social programs, and useless government
>all tax money goes to luxuriously subsidize non whites who hate us
>economy dying but shitskins and bureaucrats don't give a fuck, they are fine leeching off us
>the dwindling white population being actively displaced all over the world
>terrorized with guilt and racemixing propaganda constantly by jews
>when our numbers are small enough they will just start actually genociding us like in south africa
What is the source for this?
This as user said it's just respecting the treaties, unlike america, actually if you had even more considerations you could argue that immigration takes lands from the natives and pollutes the genetic pool.
As an addendum, governments weren't always the best at keeping to the treaties either and, for the first hundred years of this country, schemed various methods to essentially eliminate natives going forward. Had they treated them more fairly and used the carrot instead of the stick, I expect most would have joined mainstream society on their own rather than ending up with... whatever the fuck it is we've got now. I don't think our natives are bad people, by and large, but as other anons here said they're not being well served by the current system and the legacy of bullshit that they've inherited.
Because as a whole Canadians are allowing it. Those who oppose this need to be throwing a fit.
its our land, you ignoramus
Found the Torontonian. Here's a little example of the sort of thing we're dealing with
>“This government has spent some $90 million since coming to office just on Attawapiskat,” he told the House of Commons on Nov. 29, 2011. “That’s over $50,000 for every man, woman and child in the community.
That's the reserve you're agreeing can't get drinking water. You stupid liberal cunt
And billions is a tiny fraction of TRILLIONS
No it's not you stupid fuck, you immigrated from asia.
but somehow you people can dictate who gets what and get to fuck us over???
That's what happens when we create society. You were generously paid. If you want to join our society, you're free to come anytime
How about we give the natives something actually helpful like roads and schools instead of money which they will blow on Ram trucks and crack
>do feel sorry for the residents of some of the more northern reserves in particular, because they're in just plain hopeless positions and I have no idea how anyone is supposed to live a decent life on a parcel of permafrost north of the arctic circle in the middle of fucking nowhere.
Dude... this is where they lived BEFORE western man came. Why the fuck do you think they deserve an endless supply of money just because a few people lived barely above the stone age when White men arrived and actually made the land productive and built working cities and towns??
Uhh, you don't get to tell the natives what to spend their money on, fucking white male
Should have evolved faster.
You are certifiable stupid. Literally it says at the bottom... google the words... even a knuckle dragging, slope headed, slow speaking Canadian can figure this out.