Heck yeah!
Whose ready to collect their Nazi Scalps?
Other urls found in this thread:
>end of game
>BJ turns to screen to face player
I don't play WW2 games and I won't play for sure this shit. I can't handle to kill my ancestors and countrymen
My granddad bombed German railroads and he hated faggots and commies.
progressives are retarded.
Nah, I wouldn't either. One day you'll get to fight as Wehrmacht/SS troops.
Play Red Orchestra 2, you can be Wehrmacht and kill commie scum.
I sure do like killing some Germans :^)
My great uncle watched his friends get blown apart in the Hürtgen Forest, then came home and got a job as a railroad bull so he could get paid to beat niggers (his words not mine).
It's gonna be funny when they realize they lost way more sales with this tweet than they gained.
your great uncle sounds like a badass
Do you actually get to play as the SS in this game?
>Sup Forumsturds unironically think this is true
It's clearly a typo
It's meant to say 'Make American Nazis Free Again'
>Talking about (((gaymes)))
>Calling someone a turd
Pick one
Devs are lib cucks?
>society is apparently more advanced in the 1960s than we are in the Current Year
>degeneracy btfo
>New Orleans being purged
>only argument against it is muh Hitler muh minorities but according to their own universe we are objectively better off
Why am I supposed to want to fight them again?
Realistic flight sims were and will always be the patricians game.
lol desperate marketing for a mediocre series
Ja mein bruder, this is the most red pilled game I own.
Pic related.
Kek, has Sup Forums banned Wolfenstein threads or something?
>buying a western game in 2017
>supporting western game developers in two thousand fucking seventeen
Kill yourself.
Whoa, shit, that's actually a Bethesda Twitter account?
So now even they are calling Trumpsters as Nazis?
>those Kerbal updates look bretty gud
>Having to sell out to lefties because every game your company shits out, sucks dick
Orbiter. Its big-boy Kerbal.
Calm down son, it's just a video game.
My prediction is that this game will be shit. Developers usually only get political if they don't expect to make much money otherwise.
Why not sell out to lefties when "gamers" will buy your product no matter how much propaganda you pump into it? They have no reason not to.
Perhaps your ancestors shouldn't have started 2 world wars, killed countless civilians, bombed cities to the ground, and actively tried to bring destruction to Europe.
There is nothing wrong with killing nazis. It is the only right thing to do.
>(((they))) have no reason not to
Looking at it wrong, user. (((They))) have every reason TO put it in there.
neck yourselves, LARPers
Is there a cheat code to skip directly to the final boss fight?
Maybe your ancestors shouldn't have sucked COMMIE JEW DICK.
But isn't this normal for that series?
Can't wait to play it.
Dat Indigo Zap.
Wonder how many people will actually know where that character is from before thinking it's some weeb faggotry.
The eternal butthurt russian
These are your country men
One day we'll get to be the Wehrmacht and SS troops.
>I don't play WW2 games
I'm not allowed to play WW2 games
Now there are African female "German" soldiers in the new (((CoD))) game.
Don't even bother mate.
If you wanna play WW2. Go with grand strategy or just RTS games. Stay clear of FPS and TPS genres.
a fucking leaf
>Buying games
>In current year
I wish, only way to play SS is mods for ARMA as far as i can tell.
Red Orchestra is good if you want a realistic WW2 fps.
I am. Nazis are worse then nigger-muslim. Its hard for me to support western europe when they suck so hard on nazis small dicks.
you can play modern day wolfenstein, you load up gta 5, get a gun, and start shooting whoever you want and say "nazi" while you do it
>turning a nazi exploitation series into a political statement
gg faggots, you've ruined wolfenstein.
Then your grandpa is to blame for the current state of the world.
Better than you sucking on the Jew's dicks you Polish scum. Your whole nation was a Jewtopia. Don't worry. Big black dicks will liberate your women cuck boy.
This reboot series will not have another sequel. Screencap this.
Neither will Mafia, or any other shoehorned political game. People don't want it.
The Jew's small dicks I meant to add.
Nazis were the good guys,
Fuck off nazi larper and go back to mama.
Filthy kikes
in process of suing them already for instigating rl violence.
Wolfenstein used to be a WW2 fps with occult elements.
Now it's a game made by swedes where you help commies and black women to murder "american nazis"
for the "cool" progressive allies the main character has who incidentally look like staffers of the game in sweden
I will have no moral qualms about pirating this game at all.
More filthy Kikes
You shut up polish faggot. You should have been on the right side from the start and there would be no leftism.
>muh Nazi's hated Slavs
Why do Ukrainians love Nazis then?
Why would you even want to play this communist kill whitey simulator like some mentally retarded consumerist slave?
how much to finance a video game in real life. serious question start to finish.
Meh ,FPS games are repetitive and boring. It is fun when you are 12 years old. Only good ones imo are RO and the Arma series. I personally prefer grand strategy games like HoI 4 and WitW and WitE.
Its better to be on Soros side then with Nazi fuckers. Fuck off burger and eat gib one.
This. Americans never understand that we had no right to shove our nose in shit. False flag to jump in and cuck the entire world.
holy shit, source?
Tfw you’re a nationalist and a socialist but it’s anti social to admit due to fucking autistic Germans
>implying the nigger would stay so far into pregnancy
I can't wait till a month after release when,a role reversal mod is released and everyone,chimps out.
He said Wehrmacht, not SS. Red Orchestra is a fairly realistic class-based fps multiplayer game, with large groups of players, usually 32 vs 32, up against each other. The newest installment was RO:Rising Storm 2, which allows players to play as the US Army, US Marines, Vietcong, and NVA right now. RO2: Rising Storm was also US Army and US Marines vs IJA and IJN, and before that was RO2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Wehrmacht and the Red Army.
The game's fans lovingly refer to them as PTSD simulators, what with all the suppressing fire, shell-shock, and players crying for their mommy or choking on their blood if they were hit in a lung.
Enjoy your country becoming a nigger filled shit hole you Polish subhuman. You will soon learn that the Nazis were right all along.
more filthy Kikes
Replace the pic with this
This. Not gonna play pic related.
commies die in real life, you will find that out soon enough antifa pussie
tens of millions for something like wolf2
They literally said in New Order "The (((Nazi's))) are so advanced because they stole (((our))) technology"
Anyone that unironically uses that Jewish-American word is a crypto kike and not to be taken seriously. No true Nat-Soc will ever use that word.
>"everyone who supports trump is a nazi"
>"that's retarded"
Gay Poles
>In Poland
Stop larping, dude
>Red Orchestra
mm i could afford 5 million. but thats a bit much for me.
Is that your mom pictured?
man these wolfenstein games really trigger nazi's
i am counting the days to snipe antifas.
>jewtube deleted the video
wow, they're really kiking it up
watch the trailer, this is a snippet from it
Day of defeats a good one too
no its not the nazis, i love to shoot them too, its the fucking COMMIE angle that must die from fire thats so despicable we will shun this game and break it.
>Enjoy your country becoming a nigger filled shit hole
You describe your country kraut
the video was great. it was one guy against 8 antifas. he spit in their faces and slapped their shit, challenging them to a fight, and all of them just pussied out and kept drinking
literally a polish chad vs antifa virgins in real life meme, now removed for "Bullying" or such bullshit
Debilu, widać lubisz ssać naziolom, którzy by ci rozjebali twój głupi łeb przy 1 lepszej okazji. Takich jak ty trzeba usunąć z kraju.
LMAO I think you're already over the 12% niggers that we have. France is the biggest pussy cuck country in Europe. Fucking surrender monkey.
>nigger filled shit hole
Burgers are retarted. You want banana?
Antifa > Nazi
Nazis are fucking trash tier, the lowest life form on this planet.
You're just as bad as the faggots who think it's cool to kill Nazis, in video game.
>be jew
>invent communism
>start ww1 so u can implement it easily in russian empire
>le hitler started ww2 meme is made
>blame hitler on all problems
>meanwhile ignore the fact a jew slaughtered millions and millions of your countrymen simply because they were christian russians
>but hitler is still evil
please wake up russianbro