
>great fighter
>bow hunter

Who are some other modern renaissance men?

Other urls found in this thread:


he's bald and has no ab definition.
>great fighter
i would wager that in a pro fight most fighters would destroy him.

street fight?
depends on the ability to grab weapons or not.
i'd just house him with bear hugs and crush his rib cage into his organs ,but if he was able to grab a sharp object then i'd have to choose a different tactic.

Too bad he's a closeted homosexual and a pedophile.

Haha, this is how virgins think "fighting" works.

to be honest this joe is
>dude weed tear
>is a PUD
> and an average joe in a bar could kick his ass
now maybe 10 years ago he may have been something but stil not much an average fighter could kick his ass.

Height: 5'8''


he's a manlet and smokes weed.

Being a black belt in jiu jitsu means you are in the top 99% best fighters on the planet.

Mr. Tsurunen is a pretty important guy.

We are



Are you fucking kidding? This guy was tolerable towards the beginning of his career, now he's just a pretentious douche.

>top 99%
>Finnish education

Aren't chinks supposed to be good at math?

How so fag?

Do not call Natalia a fag. That is rude.

You forgot that one, bud. Joe Rogan is probably one of the most influential and provocative thinkers of our time. He is a reflection of the times we live in, when a man is measured by his ability to produce rather than the degrees he holds. Joe reaches out to millions of people each day and holds conversations with some of the most powerful and controversial figures our generation will ever know. He does all this without batting an eye, sometimes he is even stoned. I have built my life around soundbytes created by this guy. If you follow Joe and his brilliant mind you really can't go wrong.
there is also pic related
astronaut/navy seal/doctor/i'm sure he plays some classical instrument too or something

if we lived in ancient greece we would all know his name and he would be killing people in duels before a battle

Lol, you're an idiot on the "average guy in the bar" point. He's 50, he's constantly working out with weights the average guy can't lift, he's a decorated kickboxer and jujitsu practitioner. He'd mop the floor with 99 percent of guys in bars.

Assumed pic unrelated Natalia

Joe today is none of these things.
looks pudgy on his podcast. Sub zero free floating water therapy brah!
>great fighter
Never had professional fight, Eddie Bravo would whoop him easily
Not funny at all. No timing, terrible delivery, awful stage preference
>bow hunter
Goes maybe once a year, only to show how he’s “one with nature man”
Cherrypicks ideas from extremely smart and researched people, adds stoner dialect to make it seem original
Complete opposite. His only one true conviction is weed should be legal. Other than that, he changes his ideas, philosophy, and political convictions to match which guest he has on that particular day.

Rogan is nothing more that a fedora wearing social chameleon. The ultimate poser.
Also LOVES Bernie Sanders, while claiming to be some history buff. Shouldn’t he know socialism and communism create apocalyptic hell holes?

You are forgiven :3

>He's 50, he's constantly working out with weights the average guy can't lift, he's a decorated kickboxer and jujitsu practitioner.

you don't go to bars very often do you? the only thing that seperates joe from those guys is that he not a muay thai expert too

Having ab definition isn't fitness you fucking retard.

so i am supposed to believe that this fucken retard who fell for the Y2k shit back in the day is some sort of renaissance man.

neck yourself faggot

>I have built my life around sound bites created by this guy
Not sure if bait?

He is a manlet. Whatever positive attributes he might have are rendered moot.

Stop being willfully ignorant to puff up your tough guy fantasies.

Any normal man can have his ability augmented through years of consistent shroom tec, alpha brain and SD tank submersion supplemented with a bit of krill oil and Emulsified MCT and farm fresh chicken eggs
He's basically a cheater


i am bacteria, think about it

nothing ignorant about it, and i even like joe rogan. i hit up bars every wed and fri night, sometimes saturday too. one of my buds is a bjj black belt and we regularly run into his buddies too, most of them hit up mma gyms on the regular. i'm the odd man out because i just hunt like a beast all the time.

You fall for the jewish "muh six pack is so sexeh" meme.


>i'd just house him with bear hugs and crush his rib cage into his organs ,but if he was able to grab a sharp object then i'd have to choose a different tactic.

just go you delusional sperg


ITT, people whose dicks would get kicked off by Rogan

Is Marutei Tsurunen mentioned?

> Tsurunen served as the representative of the Japan Representative House in 2002-2013 as the first Western member.

It's a hell of a thing when you think about how dubious Japanese are foreigners. Sure Finland is a kind of exception, the older population feels and appreciates Mannerheim and the Finns.

Apparently, she is a conservative politician and so you like it

>modern renaissance
The term is used especially for people who made lasting contributions in at least one of the fields in which they were actively involved, and when they took a universality of approach.

I dont know if leading the charge on taking ONNIT supplements will have a big effect on fitness, or if dabbling in the psychedelics and talking on a podcast will contribute to that scene. Or if his comedy is even comparable to the current top acts. It's harder now to be an all rounder, we don't have great mathematicians that are also leading doctors and also great politicians. My thought is its harder to do well in multiple fields when you stand on the shoulders of giants.

heh, yeah, up your game shill

gahdamm japanese pysops up in here, fyi that guy has nothing on joe rogan

Finnish Spam is Best Spam

I think that guy must be a chosen leader of the world by the Japanese. He is going to be their gatekeeper, good for him. Meanwhile I just want to know his favorite anime.

Jack-off of all trades, master of none

Your buddies arent the norm in any bar I go to. I live in metro detroit, so maybe I'm living in some kind of weird place where the bars are full of college students, flabby middle age guys, and the occasional jacked bouncer.

yeah maybe you are in the wrong time, time to ditch loserville man

Gotcha, bro.

population 1

Nassim Taleb
>at war with the intellectual class
>from aristocratic Lebanese family
>supports traditional values

There used to be masters of three or 4 trades, now its just one, or you are a team that win the award for science, so like you are like 1/3 of a master.
John von Neumann in physics statistical mathematics and computing
Isaac Newton in physics maths astronomy


>this is what lanklets actually believe

I thought it was a meme til I saw all the threads by lanklets on reddit ie “caught my girl fucking a guy, and he’s a manlet, how is this possible?!”

Feels good man.

I have the correct answer

Joe Rogan is only important for his podcasts.
His podcast is only important for their popularity
His podcasts popularity is only from the 1/10 guess which are experts in whatever field they come from.

It is these guests I want to listen to; people of greatness and influence. Of thought and action.

If Joe is without firm philosophical footing to dispute the guest, it at least allows the guest to present to you their thoughts fully.

That is why Joe Rogan is important: for his podcast

He truly has a great podcast

i'd just house him with bear hugs and crush his rib cage into his organs ,but if he was able to grab a sharp object then i'd have to choose a different tactic.
then you wake up

Dude litteraly sweats cholesterol
>great fighter
no, got kicked the fuck out of fighting...
... into comedy...
who...dude, dmt smoking chimps smoking elk meat
Shows up on time.

He's a manlet, he's bald, he can't have a son to succeed him (ultimate cuckholdery), he is stupid as fuck with his chimp brain philosophy, he repeats himself way too much and forgets stuff a lot despite his "Alpha pills".

but I can't stop listening to his show. Half the fun is laughing at how retarded he gets.

wrong on all counts you bitch


But you have to admit after 3000 hours of doing it he's not gonna be some regular jackass he would have been prior, he has received all that knowledge and knows exactly what a valuable conversation sounds like, and I think for the listener's benefit he's one of the best at what he does.

Brett McKay

>degenerate drugs promoter

Have you seen that video of the chimp jacking up that dude? Jamie pull that up. Chimps are so fucking strong, they'd rip your dick right off.


joe has not absorbed the information from all his guests.

He does know, from all his practice, how a conversation works and in this he is an expert

>grappling with a bjj black belt

is that because his podcast is good or because it's relentlessly shilled by youtube? i have a few shows that won't stop being pushed on me by youtube and his is one of them.

i think his show has gotten worse, he used to have more respect for his guests. now when he has a guest on he does that shitty talk out the side of his mouth shit if he doesn't like them, he low key mocks them for a full hour.

>Chad level fit
>World Champion MMA fighter, Kick Boxer
>Rich by Croatian standards
>Member of the Croatian anti terror unit
>Member of the Croatian gov't
>Famous actor in Japan and Croatia
>Looks based when doing the splits. Not like a retarded mong of some kind.
>Would kick Joe Rogans head clean off his shoulders


>so there's this karate contest, right?
>right, yeah
>they're all black belts and stuff, yeah?
>so right, they're all fighting each other and stuff and there's this little guy who's doing really well
>Let him speak Ricky!
>right, so everyone is thinking "who's this little fella, we've not seen him before."
>So he gets to the last round, right, and he manages to beat the last guy. He wins right?
>*sigh go on...
>right, so they give him his prize for winning, and the see his arms are, they're hairy
>Oh it wasn't a monkey was it?
>they pull back his hood, because he was wearing a hood
>little monkey fella

>i'd just house him with bear hugs and crush his rib cage into his organs ,but if he was able to grab a sharp object then i'd have to choose a different tactic.

I wrestled at the state level as a heavy weight in highschool, basically my entire strategy at this level is to either hang on the head till the other guy gasses if you're in neutral (on your feet) or to squeeze the fuck out of them if you have control until the other guy gasses. I spent 4 hours a day 6 days a week all year round on the mat with a 280 pound barn burner and I never so much as bruised a rib, you are not going to crush anyone's rib cage with a bear hug unless you are a 400 pound strong man fighting an 80 pound child.

Also by the look of this man he's not about to gas in the second round, and you sure as fuck don't want to tie up that tight to him. He looks like you can fit 4 cinder blocks in his chest/core, he has the power there to ruin your fucking day if he gets both hands on you, the only safe option is to keep your distance and hope he gasses first or gives you a free leg. Obviously it's not the same situation as a street fight, but it still stands that you don't want to be to close to him unless you have control or he is gassed. Let him go on the offensive and hope to catch a hold if/ when he fucks up.

>Teaching chimps karate

Its like giving a knife to a rottweiler. Chimps don't need karate, and would probably fuck you up less kicking you than mauling your face and genitals with their teeth.

Yeah, real pussy!

nice b8

>modern renaissance men?
>drugged up reddit tier pseudointellectual


>no ab definition
Oh boy, here we go
>i'd just house him with bear hugs and crush his rib cage into his organs

>*kicks you in the ribs*
pshh.. night night kiddo..

Thank you

>train by day joe rogan podcast by night all day.

Didn't he get btfo by some ape


Rogan is all about functional strength

kettle balls and battle ropes

>kettle balls

>Mr. Bring that up Jamie

still too soon

His fight record isn't impressive at all. Otherwise he's alright.

>He'd mop the floor with 99 percent of guys in bars.
If you literally tripled his size, perhaps. He's also a liberal fuckwit.


but he is 5'8" though


But is he wrong? A black belt juju could probably beat the bottom 1%.

>renaissance men
Bwhahahahah! he is so far from that

Joe is an entertainer. He turns his coat amd changes color depending on his guest. Hes also bluepilled af with sprinkles of fake red pill on top.
Also a closet fag.

fuck you talkin bout nig nog

i still like him, fuck he makes me chuckle sometimes but he is totally a sell out, fucked up and a total bitch boy

He never claimed to be an intellectual. In fact, he's referred to himself as dumb. He has had smart people on his podcast though.

Untermensches are by definition, not renaissance men.
Take a look at him and listen to him. He's not intelligent and he looks and has the mannerisms of a nigger. Same skull shape and everything. He's basically a white nigger.

I've always noticed that niggerish white people are usually chimpish and tend to get upset very easily over nothing and are trouble-causers in general.

Why are we all larping about fight Joe Rogan? this is pretty silly guys. . .